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Java Spring Training

Spring – Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection

and Bean definitions
Spring Framework
 Spring Setup
 Key features
 Spring Bean
 Dependency Injection
 Relation between DI and IoC
 Spring IoC Containers
 Spring DI

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Spring setup
 Download jars here…
 Unzip
 Jars are available within spring/libs

 Also download jars for Apache Commons Logging

 Or use Maven

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Hello World using Spring
 Demo

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Key features of Spring Framework
 Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control

 Aspect Oriented Programming

 Spring Modules

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Bean Definition
What is Bean in Java?

It is a reusable component or object that is primarily used in java’s

component based software development.

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The Life Cycle of a Message-
Driven Bean
Figure illustrates the stages in the life
cycle of a message-driven bean.
Figure 20-5 Life Cycle of a Message-
Driven Bean
The EJB container usually creates a
pool of message-driven bean
instances. For each instance, the
EJB container performs these tasks:
If the message-driven bean uses
dependency injection, the container
injects these references before
instantiating the instance.
The container calls the method
annotated @PostConstruct, if any.
Like a stateless session bean, a
message-driven bean is never
passivated, and it has only two
states: nonexistent and ready to
receive messages.
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An "Entity Bean" is a
type of Enterprise
JavaBean, a server-
side Java EE
component, that
represents persistent
data maintained in a
database. An entity
bean can manage its
own persistence or can
delegate this function to
its EJB Container. An
entity bean is identified
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Dependency Injection
 The technology that actually defines Spring (Heart of Spring).
 Dependency Injection helps us to keep our classes as indepedent as
 Increase reuse by applying low coupling
 Easy testing
 More understandable

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Dependency Injection
 Dependency injection is a pattern where the container passes objects by
name to other objects, via either constructors, properties, or factory

 An injection is the passing of a dependency (a service) to a

dependent object (a client). Passing the service to the client, rather than
allowing a client to build or find the service, is the fundamental
requirement of the pattern.

 Two types of Dependency Injection:

 Constructor based
 Setter based

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Relation between DI and IoC
 In software engineering, inversion of control (IoC) describes a design in
which custom-written portions of a computer program receive the flow of
control from a generic, reusable library.

 The Inversion of Control (IoC) is a general concept, and it can be expressed

in many different ways and dependency Injection is merely one concrete
example of Inversion of Control.

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Dependency Injection - IoC Container
 The Spring container (IoC Container) is at the core of the Spring Framework.
 The container will create the objects, wire them together, configure them,
and manage their complete lifecycle from creation till destruction.


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Dependency Injection - IoC Container

 The container gets its instructions on

what objects to instantiate, configure,
and assemble by reading configuration
metadata provided.
 The configuration metadata can be
represented either by;
 XML,
 Java annotations,
 Java code.

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Spring IoC Containers…
 Spring BeanFactory Container
 Spring ApplicationContext Container – Recommended for most purposes

Note: The ApplicationContext container includes all functionality of

the BeanFactory container, so it is generally recommended over
the BeanFactory. BeanFactory can still be used for light weight applications
like mobile devices or applet based applications where data volume and
speed is significant.

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Dependency Injection - Code Example

To instantiate the above classes, one way is to do the usual new operator like new
Foo() or new Bar() OR we can use the Spring dependency injection to instantiate these
classes and set the properties accordingly.


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Dependency Injection - Code Example

Foo f = new Foo("Cleopatra");

Bar b = new Bar("Arthur",26);



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Dependency Injection - Code Example

Spring's ClassPathXmlApplicationContext is the commonly used object that hold the

information of all the beans that it instantiates.


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Dependency Injection - Bean Scopes
Scope Description
Singleton (Default) Scopes a single bean definition to a single object instance per Spring
IoC container.
Prototype Scopes a single bean definition to any number of object instances.


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Bean scope - Demo
 Demo of bean scope – Prototype and Singleton

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Other Bean Scopes
Scope Description
singleton This scopes the bean definition to a single instance per Spring
IoC container (default).

prototype This scopes a single bean definition to have any number of

object instances.
request This scopes a bean definition to an HTTP request. Only valid
in the context of a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext.

session This scopes a bean definition to an HTTP session. Only valid

in the context of a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext.

global- This scopes a bean definition to a global HTTP session. Only

session valid in the context of a web-aware Spring

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Bean definition – Configuration metadata
Properties Description
class This attribute is mandatory and specify the bean class to be used to create
the bean.
Name /id This attribute specifies the bean identifier uniquely. In XML-based
configuration metadata, you use the id and/or name attributes to specify
the bean identifier(s).
scope This attribute specifies the scope of the objects created from a particular
bean definition and it will be discussed in bean scopes chapter.

constructor- This is used to inject the dependencies and will be discussed later
properties This is used to inject the dependencies and will be discussed later

autowiring This is used to inject the dependencies and will be discussed later
lazy- A lazy-initialized bean tells the IoC container to create a bean instance
initialization when it is first requested, rather than at startup. Default is false.
initialization A callback to be called just after all necessary properties on the bean have
method been set by the container. It will be discussed in bean life cycle chapter.

destruction A callback to be used when the container containing the bean is

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28 bean life cycle chapter.
Spring configuration metadata
 XML based configuration file.
 Annotation-based configuration
 Java-based configuration

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Spring Bean Life-Cycle methods – init and destroy
<bean id="exampleBean"
destroy-method=“destroy” />

public class ExampleBean {

public void init() {
// do some initialization work

public void destroy() {

// do some destruction work

Note: you need to register a shutdown hook registerShutdownHook() method

that is declared on the AbstractApplicationContext class. This will ensures a
graceful shutdown and calls the relevant destroy methods.
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Spring Bean Life-Cycle methods – init and destroy

 Default init and destroy methods for multiple classes can be declared as below, if
the init and destroy method names of all these classes is the same.

<beans xmlns=""

<bean id="..." class="...">

<!-- collaborators and configuration for this bean go here -->


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Bean Definition Inheritance – From another bean
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<beans xmlns=""

<bean id="helloWorld" class=“demo.HelloWorld">

<property name="message1" value="Hello World!"/>
<property name="message2" value="Hello Second World!"/>

<bean id="helloIndia" class=“demo.HelloUS" parent="helloWorld">

<property name="message1" value="Hello US!"/>
<property name="message3" value="Namaste India!"/>


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Bean Definition Inheritance – Defining Bean Template
<beans xmlns=""

<bean id="beanTemplate" abstract="true">

<property name="message1" value="Hello World!"/>
<property name="message2" value="Hello Second World!"/>
<property name="message3" value="Namaste India!"/>

<bean id="helloIndia" class=“demo.HelloIndia" parent="beanTemplate">

<property name="message1" value="Hello India!"/>
<property name="message3" value="Namaste India!"/>


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Constructor based DI
<beans xmlns=""

<!-- Definition for textEditor bean -->

<bean id="textEditor" class=“demo.TextEditor">
<constructor-arg ref="spellChecker"/>

<!-- Definition for spellChecker bean -->

<bean id="spellChecker" class=“demo.SpellChecker">


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Setter based DI
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<!-- Definition for textEditor bean using inner bean -->
<bean id="textEditor" class=“demo.TextEditor">
<property name="spellChecker">
<bean id="spellChecker" class=“demo.SpellChecker"/>

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 Create a Quiz Application
 A Quiz has a list of Questions and associated Answers
 Every Answer associated with a question is a set of answers submitted by
multiple persons
 Inject the list of questions and associated answer set for each question
using DI using beans.xml
 E.g. Question 1: Is Java an OOP language?
Answer 1a: Yes (by Bill)
Answer 1b: Yes, it is (by John)
Answer 1c: No, it is not (by Jack) … no limit on number of answers
Note: Every set of answers is actually a list of answer objects. Each answer
object has an id, answerString, submittedBy. So we need to understand how
this collection can be injected in Beans.xml

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Topics to be covered in next session
 Auto-wiring
 Annotations based configuration
 Java based configuration

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Thank you!

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