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Linear Algebra: Matrices and

Vectors – Part 3

By Dr. Samer Awad

Assistant professor of biomedical engineering
The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan
June 9, 2024 :Last update
2 June 9, 2024

7.4 Linear Independence of

• For a set of m vectors a(1), …, a(m) (with the same
number of components), a linear combination of them

where c1, c2, …, cm are any scalars. Now consider the


• Clearly, this equation holds if we choose all c’s zero,

because then it becomes .
3 June 9, 2024

Linear Independence of Vectors

• If this equation also holds with scalars not all zero, we

call these vectors linearly dependent. Otherwise, they
are linearly independent.
• Linear dependence means that we can express at least
one of the vectors as a linear combination of the other
vectors. For example, if c1≠0:
4 June 9, 2024

Example1: Linear
Independence of Vectors

• Although this is easily checked by vector arithmetic, it is

not so easy to discover. However, a systematic method
for finding out about linear independence and
dependence will be explained below.
5 June 9, 2024

Rank of a Matrix
• Definition: The rank of a matrix A is the maximum
number of linearly independent row vectors of A. It is
denoted by rank A.

• Definition: We call a matrix A1 row-equivalent to a

matrix A2 if A1 can be obtained from A2 by finitely many
elementary row operations
 Matrices in Gauss elim. are row-equiv

• Theorem 1: Row-Equivalent Matrices: Row-

equivalent matrices have the same rank.
6 June 9, 2024

Example1: Rank of a Matrix

• The following three vectors (given previously):

can be represented by the matrix:

7 June 9, 2024

Example1: Rank of a Matrix

• The last matrix is in row-echelon form and has two

nonzero rows. Hence rank A=2
8 June 9, 2024

Previous Examples: Rank of a Matrix

Assume everything
here are raw vectors
Hence, rank = 2

Hence, rank = 3

Hence, rank = 2

Hence, rank = 3
9 June 9, 2024

Linear Independence of Vectors

• Theorem 2: Linear Independence and Dependence
of Vectors: p number of vectors are linearly
independent if the matrix formed with these vectors has
rank p. Otherwise linearly dependent.
Rank(A) = # of vectors  vectors are independent

• Theorem 3: Rank in Terms of Column Vectors: The

rank r of a matrix A equals the maximum number of
linearly independent column vectors of A.

• Hence A and its transpose AT have the same rank.

Proof: see textbook.
10 June 9, 2024

Example1: Rank in Terms of

Column Vectors
Recall the matrix from example1 above:

Performing the following column operations concludes -

as before - that rank = 2:
11 June 9, 2024

Linear Independence of Vectors

• Theorem 4: Linear Dependence of Vectors:
Consider p vectors each having n components. If n<p
then these vectors are linearly dependent.

• Eg:
12 June 9, 2024

Linear Independence of Vectors

rref : Reduced row echelon form
>> rref ( [ 1 -1 ; 0 10 ; 20 10 ] )
ans =
1 0
0 1
0 0

>> rref ( [ 5 -1 ; 0 10 ; 20 10 ] )
ans =
1 0
0 1
0 0

>> rref ( [ 5 -1 ; 0 10 ; 20 0 ] )
ans =
1 0
0 1
0 0
13 June 9, 2024

7.5 Solutions of Linear Systems:

Existence, Uniqueness
• Rank gives complete information about existence,
uniqueness, and general structure of the solution set of
linear systems as follows.
• A linear system of equations in n unknowns has:
– a unique solution if rank() = rank() = n.
– infinitely many solutions if if rank() = rank() < n.
– no solution if rank() ≠ rank().
• If solutions exist, they can all be obtained by the Gauss
elimination. (This method will automatically reveal
whether or not solutions exist
14 June 9, 2024

Previous Examples: Rank of a Matrix

rank() = rank() = n = 2  unique soln

rank() = rank() = n = 3  unique soln

rank() = rank() = 2 < (n=4)  infinite soln’s

rank() ≠ rank()  no soln

15 June 9, 2024

• Determinants were originally introduced for solving
linear systems. They have important engineering
applications in eigenvalue problems (Sec. 8.1),
differential equations, vector algebra (Sec. 9.3), and in
other areas.

• A determinant of order n is a scalar associated with an

n × n matrix:
16 June 9, 2024

Second-Order Determinants
• A determinant of second order can be defined by:
17 June 9, 2024

Third-Order Determinants
• A determinant of third order can be defined by:
18 June 9, 2024

Third-Order Determinants
• A determinant of third order can be defined by:

C11 : cofactor of a11

19 June 9, 2024

Third-Order Determinants
20 June 9, 2024

n-order Determinants
• A determinant is defined as follows:

“Column-wise” expansion

“Row-wise” expansion (shown in previous slide)

21 June 9, 2024

Minors and Cofactors

• Cjk is the cofactor of ajk in D

• Mjk is the minor of ajk in D (determinant of order n-1): the
determinant of the submatrix of obtained from by
omitting the row and column of the entry.

• Equation (3) above can be rewritten as :

23 June 9, 2024

Minors and Cofactors of Third-

Order Determinants

Checkerboard pattern for Cjk

24 June 9, 2024

Cofactor Matrix
25 June 9, 2024

Cofactor Matrix
26 June 9, 2024

Adjoint (or Adjugate) Matrix

• Using MATLAB:
- Cofactor: cof(A)
- Transpose: transpose(A) or A’
- Adjoint: transpose(cof(A)) or cof(A)’
27 June 9, 2024

Example: Determinant of a
Triangular Matrix

• Hence, the determinant of a diagonal matrix is just the

product of its diagonal entries.
28 June 9, 2024

General Properties of
Theorem 1:

• (a) can be realized just by looking at the checkerboard mentioned above.

A=[ -3 0 0 ; 6 4 0 ; -1 2 5]; det(A) = - 60
A=[-1 2 5 ; 6 4 0 ; -3 0 0 ]; det(A) = 60
A=[-1 2 5 ; -3 0 0 ; 6 4 0 ]; det(A) = - 60
• (b) points us to an attractive way of finding determinants: by reduction to
triangular form.
• from (c):
29 June 9, 2024

General Properties of
Theorem 2:

• (f) can be proven from Theorem 1 and (e).

• from (f) & (b): a matrix with rank < n has det = zero.
30 June 9, 2024

Example: Finding Determinants

by Reduction to Triangular Form
31 June 9, 2024

Example: Finding Determinants

by Reduction to Triangular Form
32 June 9, 2024

Example: Finding Determinants

by Reduction to Triangular Form
33 June 9, 2024

Example: Finding Determinants

by Reduction to Triangular Form
34 June 9, 2024

Example: Finding Determinants

by Reduction to Triangular Form

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