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Uvod u Fosfor
Fosfor je hemijski element koji se nalazi u
periodnom sistemu elemenata sa simbolom P

i atomskim brojem 15.On je esencijalni
sastojak živih organizama, igrajući ključnu
ulogu u molekulima poput DNK, RNK i
ATP-a, što ga čini vitalnim za metabolizam i
rast biljaka i životinja.
Fosfor se može naći u različitim oblicima, uključujući beli fosfor, crveni
fosfor, crni fosfor i fosforne kiseline, i koristi se u mnogim industrijskim
procesima, kao i u poljoprivredi kao osnovno đubrivo.
Bitne hemijske formule

Beli fosfor: P4
Crveni fosfor: Pn (n je varijabilan broj)
Crni fosfor
Fosfin (fosfan): PH3
Fosforna kiselina:H3PO4
Mission Vision
The mission of Science and Engineering The vision for science and engineering
Practices for Middle School is to provide practices in middle school is centered on
students with the opportunity to develop three main components: using scientific
their scientific and engineering skills inquiry and engineering design to solve
through hands-on experiences. problems, developing scientific literacy,
By engaging in practices such as asking and promoting equity and inclusivity in
questions, developing models, and STEM education.
analyzing data, students can deepen their These practices encourage students to
understanding of core scientific concepts engage in hands-on, inquiry-based learning
and learn how to apply them in real- experiences that foster critical thinking,
world situations. problem-solving skills, and creativity.

Njegov molekul je P4
Beli fosfor je cvrstog agregatnog Veoma je zapaljiv I otrovan I zato se
stanja,bele boje, ne rastvara se u koristi kao oruzje u ratovima.
vodi I veoma je reaktivan

Crveni fosfo je cvrstog agregatnog Njegov molekul predstavlja lanac P4

stanja, crvene boje I ne rastvara
se u vodi. I zato se obelezava kao Pn
Semi konduktor je materijal koji
CRNI FOSFOR ima vrednost električne
provodljivosti koja pada između
konduktera, kao što je bakar, i
izolatora, kao što je staklo.

CRNI FOSFOR je cvrstog agregatnog stanja,crne boje.

Po svojim osobinama je veoma slican grafitu
I ne rastvara se u vodi
On se koristi kao semi konduktor

Fosforna kiselina se koristi kao Fosforna kiselina se koristi kao

jako redukciono sredstvo Vestacko djubrivo ili deterdzent
Our Projects
A Comprehensive Framework for Inquiry
and Design in Middle School Science and
Engineering. The Science and Engineering

Practices for Middle School comprises
eight practices that offer students a well-
defined method for scientific inquiry and
engineering design.

Improving Middle School Science and

Engineering: A Comprehensive
Framework for Inquiry and Design. The
Science and Engineering Practices
targeted at Middle School students offer a
well-planned approach to scientific
inquiry and engineering design.
What We Offer
Service One Service Two
Elaborate on what Elaborate on what
you want to discuss. you want to discuss.

Service Three Service Four

Elaborate on what Elaborate on what you
you want to discuss. want to discuss.

Petar djordjevic Dimitrije Stojilkovic

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