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Table of Contents
01 Introduction
04 types of backlinks
how backlinks
02 backlinks
What is
05 work
and help in se

03 backlinks
Importance of
06 5 tools to check DA
• Off-page SEO is a type of search
engine optimization that uses
off-site optimizations to improve
a website's or page's rankings in
relevant search results.
• It include link building or
What is
• backlinks:
A backlink is a link created when one website
links to another.
• If you link to another website, then they
have a backlink from you.
• If someone links to your site, then you
have a backlink from them.
Why are backlinks important?
Backlinks are important for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because of two main

Search engine rankings: Discoverability

The more backlinks your web Search engines revisit popular

pages have, the more likely they pages more often than unpopular
are to rank for relevant search ones. And they may discover your
queries. content faster if you get backlinks
from popular pages.
Types of
Do follow Backlinks: No follow Backlinks:
 Do follow backlinks are the most  No follow backlinks are less common.
common and valuable type of backlink  They’re also less valuable.
for SEO.
 Do follow is simply telling Google and
the other search engines that “the content
on the other end of this link is important
 They’re intentional tags, used to tell
search engines to ignore a particular
and should be noted.”
How backlinks work and help in SEO

• How backlink • Backlink in SEO

 Guest bloggers creating content  Backlinks in SEO improve
on your site
rankings because they view the
 Original research with insights quality and quantity of the links as
 Building relationships with authoritativeness and votes of
influencers confidence from other websites.
 Write quality blog posts for  Therefore, the more backlinks your
other sites in your industry website has, the higher it can rank
 Link reclamation for search terms.
5 tools to check DA
01 Domain
authority 04 Domain Authority
02 checker
Bulk DA checker
05 Backlink tool

03 checker
Website SEO
W W W. R E A L LY G R E AT S I T E . C O M


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