Object Oriented Methodologies

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Object Oriented Methodologies

⚫ A system of methods used in a particular area of
study or activity
⚫ Numbers of methodology are based on modeling the
business problem and implementing the application
in an object oriented fashion.
⚫ The major differences between different
methodologies lie primarily in the documentation of
information, and modeling notations and language.
⚫ The three major methodologies and their modeling
notations developed by Rumbaugh et al., Booch and
Jacobson which are the origins of the Unified Modeling

⚫ Each method has its strengths.

⚫ Rambaugh method is well-suited for describing the object
model or the static structure of the system.
⚫ The Jacobson et al. method is good for producing user –
driven analysis models.
⚫ The Booch method produces detailed object–oriented
design models.
Rambaugh et al.’s Object Modeling
⚫ OMT presented by Jim Rambaugh and his co workers
describes a method for the analysis, design and
implementation of a system using an object-oriented

⚫ OMT is a fast, intuitive approach for identifying and

modeling all the objects making up a system.

⚫ Details such as class, attributes, method,

inheritance and association also can be expressed
⚫ OMT consists of four phases, which can be
⚫ Analysis: The results are objects and dynamic and functional
⚫ System The results are a structure of basic
Design: system along with high–
architecture level strategy
of decisions.
⚫ Object Design: This phase produces a design document,
consisting of detailed objects static, dynamic and functional
⚫ Implementation: This activity produces reusable, extensible
and robust code.
⚫ OMT separates modeling into three different parts.
⚫ An object model, presented by the object model and
the data dictionary.
⚫ A dynamic model presented by the
state diagrams and even flow diagrams.
⚫ A functional model presented by
data flow and constraints.
Object Model
⚫ It describes the structure of objects in a system:
⚫ Their identity, relationships to other objects,
attributes and operations.

⚫ It is represented graphically with an object diagram

which contained classes interconnected by
association lines.

⚫ Each class contains a set of individual objects and

association lines establish relationships among the
OMT Dynamic Model
⚫ It provides a detailed and comprehensive dynamic
model, in addition to letting us depict states,
transitions, events and actions.

⚫ The OMT state transition diagram is a network of

states and events.

⚫ Each state receives one or more events, at which time

it makes the transition to the next state whereas the
next state depends on current state as well as events.
OMT Functional Model
⚫ OMT data flow diagram (DFD) shows the flow of data
between difference processes in a business.
⚫ It also provides a simple and intuitive method for
describing business process without focusing on the
details of the computer system.
⚫ DFD uses 4 primary symbols
⚫ 1. The process is any function being performed.
⚫ 2. The data flow shows the direction of
data element movement.
⚫ 3. The data store is a location where data are stored
⚫ 4. An external entity is a source or destination of a data
Data Flow
⚫ Four primary symbols
Process- any function being performed
Data Flow- Direction of data element movement

Data Store – Location where data is stored

External Entity- Source or Destination of a data element

The OMT object model of a bank system. The boxes represent classes and the
filled triangle represents specialization. Association between Account and
Transaction is one to many; since one account can have many transactions,
the filled circle represents many (zero or more). The relationship between Client
and Account classes is one to one: A client can have only one account and
account can belong to only one person (in this model joint accounts are not
State transition diagram for the bank application user interface. The round
represent states and the arrows represent transitions.
Booch Methodology
⚫ It is a widely used object oriented method that helps us design
our system using the object paradigm.
⚫ It covers the analysis and design phases of an object oriented
⚫ We start with class & object diagrams in
analysis phase and
refine these diagrams in various steps.
⚫ The Booch method consists of the following diagrams :
⚫ Class diagrams,
⚫ Object diagrams,
⚫ State Transition diagrams,
⚫ Module diagrams
⚫ Process diagrams,
⚫ Interaction programs.
Diagrams of Booch
⚫ Class diagrams-
describe roles and responsibilities of objects
⚫ Object diagrams
describe the desired behavior of the system in terms of
⚫ State transition diagrams
state of a class based on a stimulus
⚫ Module diagrams
to map out where each class & object should be declared
⚫ Process diagrams
to determine to which processor to allocate a process
⚫ Interaction diagrams
describes behavior of the system in terms of scenarios
Diagrams of Booch
• Class diagrams

describe roles and

responsibilities of


• Object diagrams

the desired behavior of the

system in terms of

State transition
state of a class based on a
Process diagrams

to determine to which processor to

allocate a process
Module diagrams

to map out where

each class & object

should be

Interaction diagrams

describes behavior of the

system in terms of scenarios

Booch method prescribes:
⚫ Macro Development

⚫ Micro Development Process

The Macro Development
micro process & its process
⚫ The macro process serves as a controlling framework for
main concern is technical
management of system.
⚫ It consists of following steps:
⚫ Conceptualization: Core requirements, goal of system &
Prototype to prove the concept.
⚫ Analysis & development of model: Class, object &
interaction diagrams for roles & responses
⚫ Design/create sys., architecture: Schedules for multiple
processes on each relevant processor
⚫ Evolution or implementation: Refine through iterations
and a stream of s/w implementations
⚫ Maintenance: Make localized changes to system to add
new requirements & eliminate bugs
Object modeling using Booch notation. The arrows represent
for example, class Taurus is subclass of the class Ford.
An alarm class state transition diagram with Booch notation. This diagram
can capture the state of a class based on a stimulus. For example, a stimulus
causes the class to perform some processing, followed by a transition to
another state. In this case, the alarm silenced state can be changed to alarm
sounding state and vice versa.
The Micro Development
⚫ It is a descriptionprocess
of the day–to–day activities by a
single or small group of s/w developers which could
look blurry to an outside viewer as analysis & design
phases are not clearly defined.
⚫ 1. Identify classes and objects
⚫ 2. Identify class and object semantics.
⚫ 3. Identify class & object relationships,
⚫ 4. Identify class & object interfaces & implementation.
Jacobson et al.
⚫ Use Cases.
⚫ Object Oriented Software
⚫ Object Oriented Business
Use Cases
⚫Understanding system requirements
⚫Interaction between Users and Systems
⚫ The use case description must contain
⚫ How and when the use case begins and ends.
⚫ The Interaction between the use case and its actors, including
when the interaction occurs and what is exchanged.
⚫ How and when the use case will need data stored in the
⚫ Exception to the flow of events
⚫ How and when concepts of the problem domain are handled.
Some uses of a library. As you can see, these are external views of the library
system from the actor such as a member. The simpler the use case, the more
effective it will be. It is unwise to capture all of the details right at the start;
you can do that later.
⚫ Object Oriented Software Engineering.
⚫ Objectory (Object Factory for S/w Development)
is built around several different models:
⚫ Use case model. The use-case model defines the outside (actors)
and inside (use case) of the systems behavior.
⚫ Domain object model. The objects of the “real” world are mapped
into the domain object model.
⚫ Analysis object model. The analysis object model presents how the
source code (implementation) should be carried out and written.
⚫ Implementation model. The implementation model represents the
implementation of the system.
⚫ Test model. The test model constitutes the test plans, specifications,
and reports.
The use-case model is considered in every model and phase.
⚫ Object Oriented Business Engineering
⚫ OOBE is object modeling at the enterprise
⚫ Analysis phase
⚫ Object Model
⚫ Requirement
⚫ Analysis
⚫ Design and Implementation phase
⚫ Distribution of Process

⚫ Testing phase
⚫ Unit testing,
⚫ integration and system testing.
⚫ The primary difference between OOBE and traditional business
modeling and redesign approaches is that OOBE facilitates
thinking about the business as though it were a series of
modular components that can be reconfigured at-will as the
business changes.
⚫ OOBE encourages convergence of diverse thinking (through
business patterns); while still very clearly capturing and
respecting those differences that create profitable
differentiation in the marketplace.
⚫ OOBE harmonies information systems thinking with
business thinking, driving systems from the business point of
view, but not treating business and systems as incompatible.
⚫ By providing a clean transition between business and systems
thinking, OOBE makes possible the realization of a new
breed of business operations where key processes, and even
entire businesses, are implemented electronically
⚫ It is S
an instructive information that captures the
essential structure and insight of a successful family of
proven solutions to a recurring problem that arises
within a certain context and system of forces.
Good Pattern will do the
⚫ It solves a problem.
⚫ It is a proven concept.
⚫ The Solution is not obvious.
⚫ It describes a relationship.
⚫ The pattern has a significant human

Generative Patterns Non Generative Patterns

(describe recurring phenomena (describe recurring phenomena
with saying how to reproduce without saying how to reproduce
them) them)
on Template
⚫ Essential Components should be clearly recognizable

reading a pattern:
⚫ Name
⚫ Problem
⚫ Context
⚫ Forces
⚫ Solution
⚫ Examples
⚫ Resulting context
⚫ Rationale
⚫ Related Patterns
⚫ Known uses
⚫ Way of s
delivering application development patterns
to support best practice sharing during application

⚫ Can be viewed as the implementation of a system of

design patterns.
Benefits of
⚫ Reusability
⚫ Modularity
⚫ Extensibility
⚫ Inversion of
Difference between Patterns and
⚫ Design patterns are more abstract than frameworks.
⚫ Design patterns are smaller architectural elements
than frameworks.
⚫ Design patterns are less specialized than
⚫ An abstract representation of a
⚫ Types of model
1. Use case model
2. Domain model
3. Analysis object model
4. Implementation model
5. Test model
⚫ Types of model
1. Use case model  defines the outside (actors)
& inside (use case) of the system’s behavior.
2. Domain model  maps real world object into the
domain object model.
3. Analysis object model  how source code should
be carried out & written.
4. Implementation model represents the
implementation of the system.
5. Test model  test plans, specifications & reports.
⚫ Model is an iterative process.
⚫ It can represent static or dynamic
⚫ Model

Static Dynamic

Provides a system’s Represents a system’s behaviors

parameters at rest or at a that, taken together, reflect its
specific point in time. behavior over time.
(e.g.) class diagram (e.g.) interaction & activity diagrams
⚫ Blue print
⚫ Clarity
⚫ Familiarity
⚫ Maintenance
⚫ Simplification
Advantages of
⚫ Easy to express complex ideas
⚫ Reduce complexity
⚫ Enhance & reinforce learning and
⚫ Low cost
⚫ Easy to change the model

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