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Welcome to Global

Mr. Higginbotham

On a half sheet of paper, answer the following questions. Please do not put your
name on the paper. I will collect and read some of the answers to the class.

1. Do you like Social Studies and/or History? Why or Why not?

2. What is your first impression of the teacher? (Be honest.)
3. What are your first impressions of the students in here?
4. What grade do you think you will receive? Why?
5. What are your expectations for this class?
6. What is your biggest pet peeve that teachers do.

A few things about me…

What do you know about Global Perspectives?

1. What is the difference between a developed and a developing country?

2. What is the main religion in the Middle East? Africa? Europe?
3. What religion has the largest number of people following it?
4. What is the United States form of government called?
5. The United States has what form of economy?
6. What is the country with the most people?
7. Name two major world events that happened in 2014/2015.
8. List the seven continents of the World.
9. Define Global Perspectives.
• Review syllabus and class expectations.
• Have students sign and parents sign.
• What we have in common group exercise?
• Go over fire drill and evacuation rules for the room.
• Web site
Journal 1
1. What is government? How does
it affect our lives?
2. Do you feel history is important
to study? Why or why not?
3. Write down as many forms of
government you can think of.
January 27, 2016

Unit 1: An introduction to general Global Perspectives vocabulary and terms. The

students will be able to identify and define different forms of governments in the world.

Journal 1
1. What is government? How does it affect our lives?
2. Do you feel history is important to study? Why or why not?
3. Write down as many forms of government you can think of.

• Why do we study history and government? Discussion

• Pre test to collect baseline data.
• Video over the forms of government.
• PowerPoint / Discussion regarding the nine different types of government.
A government is the organization through
which a political unit exercises its
authority, controls and administers public
policy, and directs and controls the actions
of its members or subjects.
Types of Government
Democracy: People directly vote and represent themselves. Examples: Town meetings,
Ancient Greece

Republic: A government in which people have the right to vote for leaders to represent
them. Example: The United States is a representative Government

Absolute Monarchy: Kings or Queens have complete authority over the government
and the people. Their authority is inherited. Examples: Medieval Europe in England
and France

Theocracy: Priests or religious leaders serve as rulers. Examples: Iran and Saudi
Types of Government Continued
Dictatorship (Totalitarianism): Single party dicatator controls every aspect of
daily life. Authority is not inherited. Examples: Hitler and Iraq

Oligarchy: A small group exercises control.

Constitutional Monarchy: Has a legislative body and ceremonial figureheads.

Example: England

Anarchy: A lack of a government system. Examples: Somalia, French Revolution,

and the English Civil War.

Communism (Socialism): Common ownership of property.

Examples: Cuba, China, and Vietnam.
Pictogram Assignment

Give examples of your own pictograms describing all 9 forms of


Draw a picture to represent 5 of the 9 forms of government.

The idea is to help you remember these terms. Use your notes.

When done, you should have 14 items on your paper

This assignment is worth 15 points

The students will show what they know about the nine government
terms they learned last week by meeting proficiency on a short
learning outcomes quiz.

Journal 2 – Write down 3 things you remember or learned from our

last class period.

• CNN Student News and discussion

• Government terms quiz
• Finish Pictogram assignment
• View of the World Paper
1. Name the type of
government in which the
people vote directly and
represent themselves.

- N and replace
with D
2. A government in which the
people have the right to vote for
leaders to represent them.
3. A government in
which priests and
religious leaders
serve as kings
and/or leaders.
4. A government in
which there is a
common ownership of
5. An _____________
_____________ is a
government in which
kings have complete
authority over the
government and the
6. What is the type -T
of government where
there is a lack of or
no government?
7. ___________ is a
government in which a
single-party dictator
controls every aspect of
daily life.
8. An _______ is a
government in
which a small
group exercises
9. A __________
____________ is a
government with
both a legislative
body and
10. A ___________ will most likely occur
after an economic depression and social
• Market Economy
• Command Economy
• Mixed Economy
• Traditional Economy
• Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
• Developed Country
• Developing Country
• Embargo
• Boom/Bust Cycle
View of the World Paper

You have developed personal perspectives of the world that have been
shaped by people and events in your life. This includes your family,
school, friends, religion, media, athletics, extra-curricular activities, jobs,

You view the world a certain way based on these things.

You are to write a one page paper discussing how your view of the world
has been shaped by the events and people in your life.

Your paper should be broken down into five paragraphs with an

introduction paragraph, three paragraph body, and a concluding
Journal/Bell Ringer #3: 2-2-16

1. How many different economic

systems in the world can you

2. How would you define

February 2

The students will be introduced to and begin to understand different economic systems
in the world.

• Economic PowerPoint and Discussion.

• Return to Mocha video and study guide.
• On the back write down 3 characteristics from each of the 3 islands.
• What type of economic system did each have?
• Finish View of the World Paper
The social science that deals with the
production, distribution, and
consumption of goods and services.
 Market Economy: A system in which the
production is owned and operated for profit.
 Example – The people are running the

 Mixed Economy: A system in which the production

is a combination of both private and state run
businesses. Most economies in the world are
mixed economies.
 Example – The United States is considered to
have a mixed economy
Different Forms of Economies
Command Economy
 A command economy is an economic system in
which the production is controlled by the state.
 Examples – Cuba, North Korea, China, and Iran

Traditional Economy
 A traditional economy is a system in which the
production is the result of ritual, habit, and
custom (It is generational and occurs generation
and generation.
 Examples – Half of the African nations and
other tribal States tend to have traditional
Developed vs. Developing Countries
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
 The amount of goods and services produced by a state
in one year.
 A key indicator of the level of development of a state.

Per Capita GDP

 Total GDP number divided by the population to deliver
a per person share of GDP.

Social, demographic, and economic indicators distinguish

less developed countries from developed countries.
Characteristics of Developed
 Good natural resources
 Energy
 High literacy rates
 High GDP
 Stable government
 Strong economy
 Good medical care
 Long life expectancy
 Stable governments

Examples – United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan

Characteristics of
Developing Countries
 Low GDP
 High poverty rate
 Low literacy rate
 Low life expectancy
 Unstable economy
 Unstable government
 Weak industrial base

Examples – Haiti, Kenya, Rwanda, Vietnam

 Embargo: Suspension of trade with another country.

 Gross Domestic Product: GDP is the total economic production of a

State in a given year. GDP is also an indicator of the level of economic
development of a State.
 Per Capita GDP: The amount of production in a state in a given year divided
by its population

 Boom/Bust Cycle: Up and down cycle of a market economy

characterized by alternating periods of economic growth and
 Recession: Short term negative GDP growth in a State’s economy
 A decrease in GDP over 6 months.
 Depression: Long term, persistent negative GDP in a State’s economy
 An economic depression is a really long and persistent recession.
More Information…
 Africa’s economy depends on its abundant mineral

 The Middle East’s economy depends on oil/petroleum.

 Many nation’s economies depend on world demand for

their goods to succeed.

 Latin American countries have a hard time attracting

investments from world groups due to political instability.

 Literacy Rate is most often based on the percent of the

population over the age of 15 that can read and write.
February 4, 2016

• Journal 4 How do you feel about the future? What do

you feel life will be like 25 years from now? 50 years
from now? What do you think you will be doing?
February 4, 2016

The SWBAT better understand how the culture of the world is changing through
discussion, video clips and presentation from the teacher.

• Journal/Bell Ringer
• 100 Years Ago in America discussion and power point
• Did You Know? Discussion about how fast the world is progressing
• Make sure any other unfinished work is complete
• CNN Student News
February 8
• Bell Ringer #5: What do
you know about 9-11?
How has it affected
Global Perspectives?
February 8
• Bell Ringer #6 Learning
outcomes. Number 1-10
for practice.
1. A economic
system in which the
production is owned
and operated for
profit is a
2. A _____________
economy is an
economic system in
which the production
is controlled by the
3. The economic
system in which the
production is a
combination of both
private and state run
4. A ____________ economy is a
system in which production is the
result of ritual, habit, and custom.
5. One indicator needed to determine the level of
development of a country is its
6. __________, demographic, and
economic indicators distinguish less
developed countries from developed
7. The majority of
countries in the
world are
8. What is a country’s total
output in production in one
9. The suspension of trade with
another country is called...

10. Africa has an
economy that will
most likely depend
on its abundant
11. The high availability
of natural resources,
energy, high
_______________, and
a large GDP all
contribute to increased
levels of development
in countries.
12. Developing
nations have a
lower number of
adults who are
able to
13. Developing
countries have a
14. The Middle
East depends on
its abundant

15. Some nation’s economies
depend on _____________
demand for their goods to succeed.
16. The regions of
Africa, South Asia
and Latin America
are considered
17. Latin American
countries have a
hard time attracting
investments from
world groups
because of their
Major World Religions
Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Confucianism,
Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Animism
Two Types of Religion
Monotheism: One God
Mono = single, one, or alone

Polytheism: More than one god or gods

Poly = many or multiple
Other Viewpoints
Atheism: Disbelief or lack of belief in the
existence of God or gods. (Not a type of
religion, but an opposing concept.)

Secularism: The belief that life’s questions

can be answered apart from religion.
Dominant in Europe, Latin America, North America
Members usually worship in a church
Bible is considered the sacred text
Multiple forms of the faith
Jerusalem is the sacred city
Jesus is the Son of God
Jesus is the prophet
Abrahamic Faith
5 Pillars: faith, daily prayers, giving, fasting, pilgrimage
Jerusalem is a city considered holy by Islam
Members (Muslims) worship in a Mosque
Muhammad was the prophet and founder
Mainly practiced in the Middle East
Koran (Quran) is the sacred text
Allah (God) is the deity
Mecca is the holy city
Abrahamic Faith
God is the deity: Tetragrammaton, YHVH, Yahweh
The Torah is the sacred text (5 books of Moses)
Jerusalem is a city considered holy by Judiasm
Worship in a synagogue or temple
Jesus is not the messiah
Abrahamic Faith
Yom Kippur
Eight fold path to reach Nirvana – An Enlightened State
Take refuge in 3 jewels: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha
Meditation is used to transcend worldly desires
4 Noble Truths: Suffering, Cause, Path, End
Sacred text is the Tripitaka (Three Baskets)
Practiced mainly in south and east Asia
Born with name Siddhartha Gautama
Buddha means the Enlightened One
Sacred city is Bodh Gaya, India
Bodhi Tree
Thought to be the oldest of the world’s major religions
Believe in karma and dharma under the caste system
Holi is an annual festival signifying good over evil
Sacred Site: Ganges River (Cleanse from sins)
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are the deities
Believe in reincarnation (Soul is reborn)
No single founder or date of origin
The Veda is the sacred text
Complex philosophies
Grounded in ethical behavior and good governance
Sacred symbol is Yin-Yang – harmony and balance
3 Areas of Philosophy: Social, Political, Educational
Referred to as a religion but is truly a philosophy
Influenced social order and social hierarchy
Sacred Site: The temple of Qufu in China
Based on the teachings of Confucius
Followers view it as a way of life
Sacred Text is the Analects
Sacred Site is Harimandir Sahib (Golden Temple)
Communicate with God through meditation
Influenced by Islam and Hinduism
Forbids discrimination of any kind
Sacred city is Amritsar, India
Adi Granth is the sacred text
Khanda is the sacred symbol
Guru Nanak is the founder
Mainly found in India
Animism: Indigenous Religions
Inanimate objects and natural events have spirits
Close relationship with the environment
Celebrate with music and dance
Shinto in Japan is the largest
Traditions are generational
Practiced mainly in Africa
Native Americans
Oral traditions
The students will identify major world religions, know the main characteristics of
each, and discover who the major contributors have been.

• Two bell ringers

• CNN Student News
• Finish religions Power Point/Notes
• Religion Table
February 10, 2016
Journal/Bell Ringer #7

1. Do you believe religion has

played a significant role in world
The SWBAT better understand how religion has
played a big part in world culture.
• Bell Ringer #7
• Finish Religion notes
• Return to Mocha and
video guide
• First World Problems
February 12, 2016

The students will identify major world religions, know the main characteristics of
each, and discover who the major contributors have been.

Journal 8 – Write down one thing you now know about each of the following
religions: Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam.
Make a comment (your take about the Miniature Earth video)
• Miniature Earth and first world problems video clip and discussion
• CNN Student News
• Review economics and religion material with class
• Economics/ religions quiz. Notes can be used
• Work on religions table.
• Coming Attractions – Test next Friday?
Who is known as and considered the
common link to the world’s three major
_______________ is the belief in
one god.
Animism is a belief that inanimate objects
and natural events have _____________.
Where is Animism mainly practiced in
the world?
__________________ is the belief in
more than one god.
In the Christian faith, the ________
is the sacred text.
Judaism is a
religion in which
the members
worship in a
In Judaism the _______________ is
known as the sacred text.
In Islam the ______________ is
considered to be the sacred text.

The prophet of Islam is ________________.
The deity of Islam
is known as
Islam is primarily practiced in which
region of the world?
Muslims aspire to follow the five
_______ ___ ______.
What is now
considered the
holy city for
Islam is a religion in which the
members worship in a _________.
What city is considered holy by Jews,
Muslims and Christians?
What is the sacred text of the Hindu

- R
Hindus established the
_________ __________,
which is a set of rules for each
individual in society.
Buddha means the __________
Buddhists believe in _________
which is becoming one with the
The main center for
Judaism is ____________.
What are the 3 Jewels of Buddhism?

1. 2.

3. +
Which religion is
practiced in
Europe and
Latin America?
Buddhism is
mainly practiced
in which region?
Buddha was born with what name?
is an ancient
philosophy that
had the greatest
influence on the
development of
social order in
February 17,2016
The students will participate in a test review game to help them prepare for the
upcoming exam on Wednesday and Thursday.

Journal 9
Write down two thing you know about each of the following: government,
economics, and religion. Go around the room an have each student say one
thing they know. Good for review.
• CNN Student News and discussion
• Quiz over economics and religion. Notes and religion table can be used on
this quiz. No books or phones.
• Turn in religion table in the baskets after the quiz.
• Start Middle East Map. Use green atlas.
The SWBAT review what they have learned this unit through
games and hands on activities.

• Bell Ringer #10. Number

your papers from 1-10 for
• Who wants to be a
• Phone game
• CNN Student News.
• Test next class. Bell
Ringers due next class. 10
of them.
• Turn in all work for the
February 22, 2016

The students will demonstrate what they have learned about diverse governments,
religions, and economies of the world by meeting proficiency on a test covering unit 1.
• CNN Student News
• Bell Ringer 10: Give me your perspective over something you just watched on the
• Ten Journals are due
• Review
• Unit 1 Test
• Middle East Map

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