Simon Rawson

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Simon Rawson Director and Senior Consultant Microz / PowerMark / Synergy / Workflow.


Real-world Challenges What is Governance? The Value and Principles of Governance Risk and Compliance
Accessibility Records Management

Case Study: Main Road Western Australia

Software distributors / resellers Key focus

Compliance (accessibility, RM, info security) Marketing (web/print, CRM, DAM) Information Management (taxonomies, automation)

Know the market and players Know the vendors Experts in ECM, process & info management

Services firm $10 million annual revenue 4 business units No IT / KM / intranet strategy No governance mechanisms No standardised procedures Leadership failure triggered 95% drop in business over 3 months Company folded 9 months later

Medical laboratory IT Support:

200 desktops 20 servers Windows, Unix, and AS 400 Remote site in Europe

Resources: 4 IT staff and 1 IT Director Virtually zero downtime Strong business collaboration and ownership Well articulated set of governance policies

Government Agency Development of intranet web portal Applied strict governance methodology Project finished on time and within budget Achieved all stated objectives Project failed! No engagement of business unit needs Never more than 10% utilization of capacity

Firms with strong Governance:

Average 20% higher profit margins

Generate 40% greater ROI on IT investment

Weill and Jeanne W. Ross. IT Governance: How Top Performers Manage IT Decision


Rights for Superior Results. Harvard Business School Press, 2004


Balanced Scorecard


PMBOK Zachman



The decision rights and accountability framework to encourage desirable behavior ...
Weill and Ross, 2004

Mechanisms to solve specific problems Resource and time intensive Should not be adopted in isolation Need to be tied to governance policies But will fail without
Vision Strong executive ownership Communication Training Participation

The effective management of organisational processes and associated knowledge

Digital assets
Video / YouTube etc Print InDesign

CAD GIS Disconnected content

Forms Reference / presentation materials

Dynamic reporting / data presentation Portal (ERP, CRM, etc)

EDM Records Management Web CMS (including social computing) Digital Asset Management Information Rights Management Workflow Forms Search Reporting / BI

ECM is a great platform to build LOB applications Document management Web content management / wikis Forms Workflow REPORTING Examples OHS incident management, requests, innovation management, customer feedback

Initial Repeatable Managed (Mapped) Measured Optimised

The use of tools changes the toolmaker (user) A good tool will be used in ways unanticpated by the toolmaker Prepare for the tipping point - an explosion in the application of your ECM and volume of content
so consider end of life


Strategic Oversight

Intranet Working Group

Sponsor / owner Producer / publisher Communications marketing Organisational change and culture - HR Authors / editors departmental Analyst process / business requirements Records manager Department representatives


High Level Definition


Policy & Process Definition




Information Management Collaboration Taxonomy and Business Classification

Risk Management Strategy Change Management Strategy

Education & Training Strategy

Information & Process Architecture

Process Maps

Communications Strategy

Benefits Realization Strategy

Governance Framework (Roles, Responsibilities, Principals)

Strategy and Governance Plan

Maintenance & Review Strategy




Legislation, Standards & Best Practice

Content Management Roles & Responsibilities

Content Summary

Content Types Definition Summary

Content Types Definition Detailed

Column Templates

Web Parts

Content Management Policies

Storage Definitions

Library Specifications

Lists Specifications

Blogs Specifications

Discussion Boards Specifications

Wiki Specifications

Business Intelligence Integration

Information Management Policies Summaries

Information Rights Management Policies Summaries



Legislation, Standards & Best Practice

Roles & Responsibilities

Sites & Portals Summary

Site Collections

Site Collection Variation Policies

Site Security

Search Scope/Retrieval Policy

New Site Creation Policy

Site Security

Site Quotas

Site/Portal Detailed Information Sheets




Legislation, Standards & Best Practice

Roles & Responsibilities

Document Usage

Document Organisation

Document Naming Conventions

Document Libraries




Legislation, Standards & Best Practice

Policy Implementation Methodology

Roles & Responsibilities

Records Management Definitions

Records Creation & Capture Policies

Records Storage Policies

Records Modification & Review Policies

Records Retention, Archival, Disposal & Destruction Policies

Vital Records Definition Policies

Records Metadata

Auditing Records Policies Rules

Record Holding Policies

Records Management Monitoring and Reporting

Records Management Audit History

DIRKS Records Management Methodology Modeling




Legislation, Standards & Best Practice

Roles & Responsibilities

Customisation Tools Policy

Source Code

Development Standards & Rules

Customizations Supported

Self Service Policy

SharePoint internet / intranet Executive sponsorship Corporate strategy exec led subcommittee owns intranet strategy Intranet Working Group
Responsible for day to day matters IT is one of many participants

Process and lifecycle oriented information architecture Operating and active support framework but departmental responsibility

Lack of a comprehensive taxonomy Manual tagging / metadata people dont do it Poor information security


Records management
Security Physical records management Email management

Implications if SharePoint is to be the dominant platform

Full compliance but these holes can be filled Integration and search across KM infrastructure

HiSoftware Compliance / Security Sheriff

WCAG 2.0 compliance for SharePoint Other governance tools (security, privacy monitoring social media) Automates application security based on content

Rich taxonomies Automated tagging

Physical records mgt & RFID tracking for SharePoint

Titus Labs Metadata Security

Simon Rawson 0430 986 682

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