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Introduction to health informatics

 It is a technology necessary for effective & innovative

application of information.

 Health care organizations, not only in Ethiopia but also in most

developing countries, are becoming increasingly reliant upon
information and communication technology to support the
daily clinical routine.

 With a widespread use of information technology in healthcare

organizations, there is a pressing need for professionals who
are both skilled in the use and management of information
systems and knowledgeable in the field of healthcare
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 Training knowledgeable, motivated and capable

healthcare information technology (HIT) staff is
essential for overcoming the bottlenecks to achieve
national and global goals in quality of health care
services and health data .

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 In the health information system strategic plan of
Ethiopia, enhancing health management information
systems through computer based information systems is
kept as a priority task in the health sector policy until
2020 .
 With this firm interest and ambitious plan, it is evident

that the country needs HIT professionals who are aware

of the complex health care processes and who can
manage, plan, develop and provide expert consultations to
the health care sector.

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Why health informatics course is important for
 Because it provides students a conceptual framework
for understanding health informatics and information
technology as applied in the health care environment.
 It highlight successes and failures in implementing

health information technology.

 It also introduces the knowledge, skills and attitudes

necessary for the use of information technology by

nurses in relation to client care, health care
administration, client teaching, nursing education and

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 It make students aware of professional, legal and
ethical issues associated with the use of informatics
within nursing.
 Students will explore the professional application of

information technology in nursing education,

professional practice and research.

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Chapter one

Introductory Concepts of ICT

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Information communication Technology
 ICT is the hardware and software that enables data to be
digitally processed, stored and communicated
 ICT can be used to access, process, manage and present
 ICT is an umbrella term that includes any
communication device or application, encompassing
(Radio, TV, cellular phones, computer and network
hardware and software, satellite systems )
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Definition of Information Technology
 IT is the use of computers and networks to store, process,
and receive data.
 IT is office automation, multimedia, and


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Meaning of Data, Information ,Knowledge and

 is a collection of raw facts
 It describe people, objects and events in organization and used in
an IS to produce information
 It alone has not significant, if it does not relate to another
 can be represented by numerals, text, video, or images
 obtained from experiments or surveys
 used as basis for making calculations or drawing
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Data processing
 Data is processed digitally or electronically
 After data is processed it is converted into information
 We process data in order to get a usable information

Data Process Information

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Definition of Information
 Is a processed form of data
 is data organized in a form that human can interpret.
 It relates to description, definition, or perspective

(what, who, when, where).

 Is a collection of meaningful and useful facts
 Enabling to make decision

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Valuable information can be characterized by

 Accurate - conveys the true situation

 Timely - is available in time to make decisions
 Useable - is portrayed in common, easily

understood formats and displays.

 Complete - provides all necessary data.
 Precise - has the required level of detail .

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Definition of Knowledge & Wisdom
 Is the application of information
 Comprises strategy, practice, method, or approach (how).
 The knowledge links all the information together to
produce a comprehensive policy, process or procedures.
 Embodies principle, insight, moral, or archetype (why)

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Application Areas of ICT

 In higher education
 Communication
 Telecommunications and Airline industries
 Research and experiments

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ICT and E-learning
 Electronic-learning is a type of learning
 Many terms have been used to define e-learning

web-based training
computer-based training
web-based learning
Online learning
 “just-in-time” instructional and learning approach
 online distance education is well matched with e-learning
 It is flexible learning in class and blended learning

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Definition of Computer
 Computer is a word derived from the Greek term
compute which means to calculate
 It is a programmable data processing machine
 It is an electronic computing device
 It is an electronic device that accept data process and
retrieve & output information

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Characteristics of Computers
 Automatic
 Speed
 Accuracy
 High storage capacity
 Diligence : computers are free from tediousness,

tiredness, and lack of concentration

 Versatility:-capable of performing almost any task
 Power of remembrance
 Not intelligence :( No IQ)
 No feelings:

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Classification of Computers
 Computers are classified according to:

 storage capacity and performance efficiency

The type of data they handle and process
The purpose they are designed

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A. Storage capacity and performance efficiency
1. Super computer: multi-user, multi presses or large amount of very high
efficiency and storing capacity.
 Largest of all computer in terms of:- physical size, storage capacity, processing
speed and their cost.
 It’s used for forecasting weather and collimating condition.
2. Mainframe computer: second multi- user computer
 Used in large business organization, industries and in defense to process data of
complex nature
3. Mini computer: large and more powerful than most micro computer but smaller
and less power full than mainframe computer.
 Costlier than micro computer and used for small to medium sized organization
such as university, collage
4. Micro computer( personal computer): popular and widely used type of
Example: desktop, laptop, tablet computer and smart phone

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B. The type of data they handle and process
1. Digital computer electronic device that process discrete data and calculation using
digits represented by number forms in high speed. And binary system is used to
represent the value of variable and quantities.
2. Analog computer:- it work on wave principle.
They are used in scientific to measure continuous flow of data which can expressed in
tangible quantities. And used scientific and engineering fields.
example: -atmospheric pressure
3. Hybrid computer: used in scientific fields processing necessary data for both kinds.
They are used characterized by the digital processing the ability to store data, high
accuracy and the ability to create arithmetic function.
Dis advantage:- high cost
-inevitable error
- overlapped programming

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C. The purpose they are designed

a) General Purpose computers :-
designed for multipurpose such as salary and wages .
b) Special Purpose computers
Designed for specific purpose such as early alarm device
and computers used in industrial operations which may be micro
computers and mini computers.

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Chapter 2: Networking & the internet

What is Computer Network?

 It is devices connected to each other for

 Networks are often classified as Local Area Network

(LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Metropolitan

Area Network (MAN), Personal Area Network
(PAN), Virtual Private Network (VPN), Campus Area
Network (CAN), Storage Area Network (SAN), etc

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Work group computing
 The idea of a work group is that groups of people
working together
 People within the workgroup can share information

on their hard disks as well as sharing printers,

modems and scanners.
 The workgroup is connected via a computer network.
 Local via cable, or it may be a workgroup of

computers connected globally via the internet.

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Intranet, Extranet
 An Intranet is a smaller, closed version of the Internet
in an organization.
 Intranets are popular way to share information .
 An intranet uses internet technologies.
 Intranet many users need only one piece of software

on their PC, a web browser.

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Difference between an Intranet and an
 An intranet is normally only accessible by members
of the same company or organization.
 An extranet also allows outsiders who have been

issued with a password.

 Extranets are being used as a way for business

partners to share information

 The Internet: started by and for the US military
 Later adopted by the educational system, and now

exploited by the commercial world.

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How it is useful
 Share amount of information which you can access
whatever your interest, you can search for and find
information on the most obscure topics.
 For research the Internet is an incredibly valuable tool.
 If you publish material on the web, it can be accessed

by everyone .
 To sell products and services worldwide.
 Also, you have no idea how accurate or up to date a lot

of the information you access really is.

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The World Wide Web (WWW) and the
 The World Wide Web (WWW) is just a small part of
the internet as a whole.
 The internet relates to all the hardware and software

involved, including FTP (File Transfer Protocol),

e-mail and newsgroups.
 The WWW is basically the text and pictures which

you can view using your web browser, such as

Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Netscape Navigator
 NB: tools and how to access in-corporated in to unit


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Chapter 3: Health information terminologies
Hierarchy and health system
 The terms data, information, and knowledge are often

 Grasp of the precise meaning of these terms is essential
 Data is usually a little part as clinical or vital

registration while information may contain the

combination of these.
 The action levels, then, are an example of knowledge;

they prescribe the rules to be used in the application of


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Management of Information
 Health information is of immense value in the care
for patients
 Raw data is transformed into a usable form for

management decision making

 Value and importance of information increases when

it is shared

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There are some standards for common understanding of information
in healthcare

1. Exchange of information
2. Sharing of information
3. Communication within and across disciplines and
4. Integration of disparate data systems
5. Comparing information at regional, national and
international levels
6. Linking data in secured environment

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By exchanging, sharing, communicating, it is possible to
carry out the ff health-related tasks

1. Disease surveillance
2. Health and healthcare population monitoring
3. Outcome research
4. Decision making and policy development; the
ultimate goal of health information management
is to enhance comparability, quality, integrity and
unity of health information at every level

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Information Systems and information
 A system concerned with the generation,
accumulation, processing, distribution and
destruction of information.
 IS is made of data, people, and work processes with a

combination of hardware (machine and media),


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Information System Activities

 The IS accepts input, processes the input, produces a

meaningful output, considered as information to be
used in decision making.
 The system also stores the information in a media

such as hard disk or in a register (Data base & data


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Use of Information Technology in Health Information Systems

 IT enhances data processing and presentation of

information in a HIS
 In many developing countries, computers are used at the

national and regional levels while districts (woredas)

process their data manually.
 Even in many countries where districts process with

computers, because of the possibilities of failures manual

systems are always available
 For this reason, both computerized method of data

processing as well as manual should be taught to


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Procurement and distribution system of HIS
equipment and supplies
 Ministry of health are responsible for procuring and
distributing health information system equipments
and supplies and other supplies
 Since International tenders can save cost, provided

that large quantities are ordered

 Standardization of software package is required in

order to allow for effective staff training

 But Providing woredas and regions with budgetary

autonomy necessary

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Continuous Quality Assurance of Health
Information system operation and data

 Training of personnel at facility and all support levels

 Training must be complemented by regular support

and supervisory visit

 Visits should be well structured
 using a well-prepared checklist is vital

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Information technology (IT) in health
 IT is the tool used to capture, store, transfer, process
different data or information.
 There are skills and knowledge that experts regarded

as critical for public health

 Among these only two are related to IT

1) practitioners should be able to search the Web to

find public health information, and
2) practitioners should be able to use presentation and
communication applications
 Experts say basics, or literacy, in informatics,

computers, and information for practitioners.

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Domains of Health informatics
 Technology necessary for effective & innovative
application of information
HI area
1. Focus on applications of information science and
technology that promote the health
2. A focus on disease prevention,
3. A focus on preventive intervention at all vulnerable
 HI has health and technology domain

but the following are some of topics in the discipline

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 Information science
 Computer science
 Management
 Organizational theory
 Psychology
 Communication
 Political science
 Law and
 Public health fields are all the domains of health


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YOU !!!!
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