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Self Introduction

Self Introduction it’s means

helps other people to know about
your identity, personality, and other essential things
related to you. A good self-introduction should cover
all aspects of the person as it creates a positive
impression on others to have better connections in
the future.
Expressions to Introduce Yourself

1. I am……. (Mr. / Miss. / Mrs + family name)

2. My name is …
3. I’m ….
4. Nice to meet you; I’m …
5. Pleased to meet you; I’m …
6. Let me introduce myself; I’m …
7. I’d like to introduce myself; I’m …
8. Let me introduce myself to you.
9. Allow me to introduce myself to you.
10.I want to introduce myself, I am ......
11.May I introduce myself?
Introducing People

1. May I introduce you to ….?

2. Let me introduce you to …?
3. I’d like you to meet ….
4. I don’t think you have met …, do you?
5. You haven’t met …, have you?
6. Have you met …?
7. Do you know …?
8. This is ….
Responding to Introductions

1. (It’s) nice to meet you.

2. Nice meeting you.
3. (I’m) pleased to meet you.
4. Happy to meet you.
5. Glad to know you.
6. How do you do?
7. It’s an honour to know you.
8. It’s my pleasure to have acquaintance with
Examples of Introducing :

1. Hello, my name is Yanti. I live in Ciputat but I was born in Cianjur on May 2nd , in
1998. I study (I’m from ) SMAN 2 Tangsel ( South Tangerang). I choose to study
here because …………………
2. Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Purwo. I’m sixteen years old. I was born on
October 17th, 1999 in Solo. I am from SMAN I Solo. I like to study here because
3. Good Morning, please allow me to introduce myself I am Resti. I was born in Yo-
gyakarta on July 26th, 1999. Now I live in this city, therefore I choose this SMA to
study …………………….
Thanks !

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