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Conditional Sentences

What are Conditional Sentences?

• A conditional sentence is a type of sentence that states both

• 1) a condition and…
• 2) the outcome of that condition.

• Conditional sentences are made up of a dependent clause and an

independent clause joined together to express both the condition and the
outcome of that condition.

• There are four different types of conditional sentences.

Zero Conditional Sentences

• Present truths, fact or habits (real situations)

• (If + sub + present simple, ... sub + present simple)

• Example: If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.

• Example: When I feel sleepy, I sleep.
• Example: I sleep when I feel sleepy.
First Conditional Sentences

• Future Real situations (very likely to happen)

• (If + sub + present simple, ... sub + will + infinitive)

• Example: If it rains, we will stay home.

• Example: When I pass English 1, I will be happy.
• Example: I will be happy when I pass English 1,
Second Conditional Sentences

• Future Unreal Situations (unlikely to happen)

• (If + sub + past simple, ... sub + would + infinitive)

• Example: If I were wealthy, I would buy a mansion.

• Example: If I were married, I would be very happy.
• Example: I would be very happy if I were married.
Third Conditional Sentences

• Past Unreal Situations (past wishes)

• (If + sub + past perfect, ... sub + would + have + past participle)

• Example: If I had met him earlier, I would have married him earlier.
• Example: If we had woken up on time, we wouldn’t have missed the plane.
• Example: We wouldn’t have missed the plane if we had woken up on time.

• * Third conditionals often begin with…”In hindsight…

More Examples

• Zero: If you don’t brush your teeth, you get cavities.

• Zero: When people smoke cigarettes, their health suffers.
• X When people smoke cigarettes, their health will suffer.

• First: If you set your mind to a goal, you’ll eventually achieve it.
• First: If you rest , you will feel better.
• X If you will rest , you will feel better.
More Examples

• Second: If I owned a zoo, I might let people interact with the animals more.
• Second: If I inherited a billion dollars, I would travel to the moon.
• X If I inherit a billion dollars, I would travel to the moon.

• Third: If I had arrived on time, I would have seen BTS.

• Third: If you had called me first, I would have picked you up earlier.
• X If you would have called me first, I would have picked you up earlier.

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