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Byzantine Empire

Done by:Shreya 7D
Justinian I
• Justinian was an Illyrian who spoke Latin and came from a poor background.
His uncle, the emperor Justin I, to whom he owed his advancement, gave
him the Roman name Justinianus. He traveled to Constantinople when he
was still a young man when his uncle was a high military officer there. From
527 until 565, Justinian I served as emperor of the Byzantine Empire. One of
the greatest emperors in late Roman and Byzantine history is considered to
be Justinian. By the standards of any leader in history, his accomplishments
in the fields of art, architecture, legal reform, and conquest are remarkable.
In order to improve accountability and decrease corruption, Justinian
reformed the Byzantine Empire's government and implemented a number of
changes. The Justinian Code was a set of laws. Under the guidance of the
Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, it was made up of the many collections of
laws and legal interpretations.
Basil II
• One of the giants of the early Church is Basil. He was primarily
responsible for the Nicene orthodoxy's victory over Arianism in the
Byzantine East, as well as for the Council of Constantinople's rejection
of Arianism in 381–382. Because he campaigned with his army for the
most of his reign rather than issuing orders from Constantinople as
most of his predecessors had done, Basil II was respected by his army.
Because of this, he was able to command a loyal army that frequently
rendered his opinions about politics and religion indisputable. His
reign of 49 years and 11 months was the longest of any Roman or
Byzantine emperor.
Golden Age
• The Byzantine Empire's Golden Age. The Byzantine Empire
was from around 641 to 1025, and is considered to have
existed at this period. The Byzantines were one of the most
powerful civilizations in the Middle Ages due to
advancements in their military might, ecclesiastical influence,
and artistic production.

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