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Adama Science and Technology University

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Department of Electronics and Communication

Course Name: Signal and Systems Analysis

Course code: ECE 2204
Tewodros Endale
06/10/2024 Chapter 3 20231

Chapter Three
Fourier Series
1. The Response of LTI Systems to Complex
2. Defining Equations Of Fourier Series
3. Symmetry Condition
4. Properties Of Fourier Series
5. Exponential Fourier Spectrum And Concept Of
Negative Frequency
06/10/2024 Chapter 3 2
The Response of LTI Systems to Complex Exponentials

• the response of an LTI system to a complex exponential input

(signals of the form in continuous time and in discrete time, where s
and z are complex numbers) is the same complex exponential with
only a change in amplitude;

06/10/2024 Chapter 3 3
For an input x[n], we can
• For an input x(t), we can
determine the output
determine the output
through the use of the
through the use of the
convolution sum,
convolution integral,
If x[n] where z and is a complex
If where s is a complex number number


Chapter 3 4
Let x(t) correspond to a linear combination of three complex exponentials,

the response to each separately is

from the superposition property

if the input to a continuous-time LTI system is represented as a linear combination of complex

exponentials then the output will be

input to a discrete-time LTI system is represented as a linear combination of complex

exponentials then the output will be

06/10/2024 Chapter 3 5
Fourier Series Representation of Continuous-time Periodic

• a signal is periodic if, for some positive value of T,

for all t

the periodic complex exponential

the set of harmonically related complex exponentials

associated with the signal in above equation is

Each of these signals has a fundamental frequency of

06/10/2024 Chapter 3 6
• a linear combination of harmonically related complex exponentials of the
form is also periodic with period T
, Fourier series representation

• k = 0, is a constant.
• k = +1 and k = -1, fundamental frequency equal to and are collectively
referred to as the fundamental components or the first harmonic
• k = +2 and k = -2 are periodic with are referred to as the second harmonic
• k = +N and k = - N are are periodic with referred to as the Nth harmonic

06/10/2024 Chapter 3 7

Consider a periodic signal x(t), with fundamental frequency , that is

expressed in the form of

𝒙 ( 𝒕 )= ∑ 𝒂𝒌 𝒆 𝒋𝒌2 𝜋 𝒕

𝒌=− 𝟑

where ,

06/10/2024 Chapter 3 8

collecting each of the harmonic components


06/10/2024 Chapter 3 9
06/10/2024 Chapter 3 10

suppose that is real and can be represented in the


Replacing k by - k in the summation,

by comparison


06/10/2024 Chapter 3 11

• rearrange the summation


06/10/2024 Chapter 3 12

If is expressed in polar form as


If is expressed as

06/10/2024 Chapter 3 13

periodic signal x(t) with a period can be expressed

as a sum of a sinusoid of frequency and all its

06/10/2024 Chapter 3 14
Coefficients of a Fourier Series
Series Form Coefficient


Compact trigonometric

06/10/2024 Chapter 3 15


06/10/2024 Chapter 3 16
Convergence of The Fourier Series

The Dirichlet conditions are as follows:

1. Over any period, x(t) must be absolutely integrable; that

2. In any finite interval of time, x(t) is of bounded variation;

that is, there are no more than a finite number of maxima
and minima during any single period of the signal
3. The function x(t) must contain only a finite number of
maxima and minima in one period

06/10/2024 Chapter 3 17
i. Linearity
Let x(t) and y(t) denote two periodic signals with period T


ii. Time Shifting


when a periodic signal is shifted in time, the magnitudes of its

Fourier series coefficients remain unaltered
iii. Time Reversal
06/10/2024 Chapter 3 18
iv. Time Scaling
If x(t) is periodic with period T and fundamental frequencyx(t) is periodic with
period and fundamental frequency

the Fourier coefficients have not changed, the Fourier series representation has
changed because of the change in the fundamental frequency.
v. Parseval's Relation for Continuous-Time Periodic Signals

the total average power in a periodic signal equals the sum of the average powers
in all of its harmonic components.

06/10/2024 Chapter 3 19
The Effect of Symmetry
• Recall
... an even function, ... is an odd function
If x(t) is an even function, then
is also an even function and
is an odd function

if x(t) is an odd function

is also an odd function and
is an even function
06/10/2024 Chapter 3 20
• Find the compact trigonometric Fourier series for the periodic signal
x(t) shown. Sketch the amplitude and phase spectra for x(t)

06/10/2024 Chapter 3 21
Adama Science and Technology University
School of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Department of Electronics and Communication

Course Name: Signal and Systems Analysis

Course code: ECE 2204
Tewodros Endale
06/10/2024 Chapter 3 2023

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