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Chapter 9

and Minerals
• Makes up 60-70% of total body

• Most necessary nutrient: the body

needs more water each day than any
other nutrient

* We can survive only a few days

without water
Functions of Water
1. Carries nutrients throughout the body (blood)

2. Waste removal (urine)

3. Universal solvent (minerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose,

and other small molecules…)

4. Medium for chemical reactions

5. Body temperature regulation (sweat)

True or False?
Coffee and Beer may be counted as fluid because they
contain water.

Beverages containing caffeine or alcohol generally
should not be counted as fluid because these substances
are diuretics (promote urination) and do not contribute
to the body's need for water.
Water needs
Body requirements:
≈ 2.5 liters / day
(of which 1 to 1.5 L from
Factors that increase water needs

Alcohol consumption
Physical activity
Hot weather
High intake of salt
During pregnancy and breastfeeding
If the person has diarrhea or fever or is vomiting
 22 minerals recognized to be essential for optimal health and
 Most of them are required for the activity of specific enzymes
 Represent around 4 to 5% of body weight:

- calcium ≈ 50% of total body minerals

- phosphorus ≈ 25%
- 20 other minerals ≈ 25%
Minerals Classification
According to the amount required (which in no way reflects their importance):

-Major / Macro minerals: 100 mg per day or more for adults

-Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, Sodium, Chloride, Magnesium

-Trace / Micro minerals: less than 1 mg per day

-Iron, Manganese, Cupper, Iodine
Major minerals
Most abundant mineral in the body
99% of body Ca is found in bones and teeth
Building and maintaining bones and teeth:
Bone abnormalities
Bone structure: Mg is part of the mineral crystals in
the bones
Muscle contraction
Muscle and heart problems
Trace minerals
Transport of O2 to the tissues as part of
Normal brain functioning at all ages
Anemia: most common nutritional deficiency
Can be due to poor intake, poor absorption (e.g.
vegetarian diets) or excessive bleeding
Iron: Heme vs Non-heme
Heme Fe
- Animal Origin (red meat, fish & chicken)
- Very well absorbed

Non-heme Fe:
- Plant origin (legumes, green leafy vegetables)
- Much less absorbed than heme iron
- Absorption is improved by vitamin C

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