MBA Human Resource Management

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MBA 208

Presenter: Daniella Mariz Lamptey
Professor: Dr. Lorna Condes
Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Other 3. Explain the

functions of other functions
human of human
resource resource
management management

2. Define the
4. Summarize
the other
functions of functions of
human human resource
resource management
Learning Outcomes
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

1. After the 2. As a result of 3. Explain and cite

presentation, the presentation, some of the 4. Lastly, student
students will be students will be examples of basic will be able to
able to identify able to describe functions of apply their key
the other and discuss the human resource takeaways in their
functions of functions of management everyday
human resource human resource experience inside corporate life
management management workplace
My name is Lori Edwards, I’m the director of product at Niche, an Ed-tech company
specializing in school search, and have been in the product for over 7 years. The one
thing I love most about Product is watching an idea come to life and a person using it
for the first time. Outside of work, you will find me inspiring the next generation of
wealth through financial literacy and you may even see me bowling on CBS.

Today we are going to play a little game, called 2 truths and a lie. Many of you are
probably familiar with this little game but for those of you who aren’t. I am going to
give you 3 statements and you are going to pick which one you think is the Lie.

All right, get your chat ready–

1.When I started managing people, my day-to-day work became completely

2.Every week I’m presented with at least 1 difficult conversation
3.Once I became the manager of my team, I had control of our strategy and
Let's see how you did:

1.When I started managing people, my day-to-day work became completely different

2.This is True! You’ve moved from player to coach, and you now execute through
influence, ultimately equipping and trusting others rather than doing it yourself.

3.Every week I’m presented with at least 1 difficult conversation

4.This is also true! Some difficult conversations are in your control and others are not
but it's still up to you to effectively communicate these to your team.

5.Once I became the manager of my team, I had control over our strategy and roadmap
6.You guessed it! This is a lie. You will be spending your time influencing and making
tradeoffs with other leaders across the org so collectively you all can achieve the
company’s goals

Recall a true-to-life work experience, Have you ever

encountered a situation at your workplace where
you needed help in a certain situation (conflict,
payroll issue, contract issue, legal matters & etc.).
Who did you turn to?
Why did you turn to them?

Human Resource Management

can be defined as “a strategic
approach to acquiring,
developing, managing,
motivating and gaining the
commitment of the
organization’s key resource – the
people who work in and for it.”

-Michael Armstrong (1997)

There are four generally accepted functions of management.

These functions work together

in the creation, execution, and
realization of organizational

The four functions of management

can be considered a process where
each function builds on the previous

To be successful, management
needs to follow the four functions
of management in the proper

Managers first need to develop a plan, organize their

resources, and delegate responsibilities to employees
according to the plan, then lead others to efficiently
carry out the plan, and finally evaluate the plan’s
effectiveness as it is being executed and make any
necessary adjustments.
Designed to recruit
potential employees, Is a continuous, data- 1. Planning
hire and train them, and driven process to make
then support them in sure that the
improving their organization has the
performance so they right people in the right
can reach their full place at the right time to
potential and help the achieve its strategic
organization achieve its goals.

Managers usually evaluate

Management makes internal and external
strategic decisions to set factors that may affect the
execution of the plan, such
a direction for the as economic growth,
organization. Managers customers and competitors.
can brainstorm different They also establish a
alternatives to achieve realistic timeline for
the objective before achieving the goal or goals
choosing the best based on the organization’s
course of action. available finances,
personnel and resources.
This type of planning is often Tactical planning is the Operational planning is the
carried out by an shorter-term planning of an process of using tactical
organization’s top objective that will take a year planning to achieve strategic
management and usually or less to achieve. It is planning and goals.
creates goals for the entire
usually carried out by an Operational planning creates
organization. It analyzes
organization’s middle a timeframe for putting a
threats to the organization,
management. Tactical portion of the strategic goal
evaluates the organization’s
strengths and weaknesses, planning is usually aimed at into practice operationally.
and creates a plan of how the a specific area or department
organization can best compete of the organization such as
in its environment. Strategic its facilities, production,
planning usually has a long finance, marketing or
timeframe of three years or personnel.
2. Organizing
Responsibility for
assigning various
functions to
for delegation of
keeping in mind
the task
assigned Responsibility
for the
coordination of
activities of
3. Directing/Leading

Leading consists of motivating

employees and influencing
their behavior to achieve
organizational objectives.

Leading focuses on managing

people, such as individual
employees, teams and groups
rather than tasks.

Managers who are successful

leaders usually connect with their
employees by using interpersonal
skills to encourage, inspire and
motivate team members to perform
to the best of their abilities.
Managers usually incorporate different leadership styles and change
their management style to adapt to different situations.
Examples of situational leadership styles include:
Directing: The Coaching: The Supporting: The Delegating: The leader
manager leads by manager is more manager decides with provides a minimum of
deciding with little receptive to input team members but guidance to employees
input from the from employees. focuses more on and is more concerned
employee. This is an They may pitch their building relationships with the vision of the
effective leadership ideas to employees within the team. This project than day-to-day
style for new to work cooperatively style of leadership is operations. This style
employees who and build trust with effective for of leadership is
need a lot of initial team members. This employees who have effective with
direction and style of leadership is fully developed skills employees able to work
training. effective for but are sometimes and perform tasks on
individuals who need inconsistent in their their own with little
managerial support performance. guidance. The leader
to further develop can focus more on
their skills. high-level goals than
on tasks.
Controlling is the process of 4. Controlling
evaluating the execution of the
plan and adjusting ensure that the
organizational goal is achieved.

During the controlling stage,

managers perform tasks such as Managers monitor employees and
training employees as necessary evaluate the quality of their work.
and managing deadlines.

They can conduct performance appraisals and

give employees feedback, providing positive
remarks on what they are doing well and
suggestions for improvement. They may also
offer pay raise incentives to high-performing
Managers may need to make challenging decisions such as whether to reassign an
employee who produces low-quality work to a different task or dismiss them from a
project. They may also need to add additional team members to meet an
organizational goal if they conclude that the team is understaffed. If this is the case,
they may also need to consult with organization executives to secure more funding.

Managers may need to adjust such as:

Managers monitor the budget and resources to
ensure that they are using the resources
available and not going over budget.
Advising Top


Human Resource
HRM team can advise
Management is an expert in The HRM experts The HRM experts guide and
departmental heads on
managing human resources guide and advise the advise the top management and
various matters such as
and so can advise on top management and departmental heads. The HRM
workforce planning, job
matters related to human departmental heads. team can recommend the top
analysis, job design,
resources of the management in formulating and
recruitment, selection,
organization. evaluating personnel programs,
placement, training, and
policies, and procedures. This
performance appraisal. This
helps to align the HR strategies
guidance helps
with the overall organizational
departmental heads make
goals and objectives.
informed decisions about
their workforce, ensuring Advisory Functions
that they have the right Of Human Resource
people in the right positions Management The advisory function of Human
and that employees are Resource Management is essential for
adequately trained and organizations to manage their human
evaluated. resources effectively. The HRM team’s
expertise can be utilized to guide and
support decision-making at all levels of
the organization, resulting in a more
efficient and productive workforce.
The personnel manager advises the top
management in the formulation and
evaluation of personnel programs, policies,
and procedures.
The personnel manager advises the heads of
various departments on matters such as
manpower planning, job analysis, job design,
recruitment, selection, placement, training,
performance appraisal, etc.
•The personnel manager advises the middle management in developing
and implementing day-to-day routines for a specific office, branch or
•Monitoring employee performance
•Assigning and supervising specific work tasks
•Making sure that processes and procedures comply with the overall
organization’s guidelines
•Inspiring and encouraging employees to perform their best
•Producing ideas to improve productivity at a specific business
location or in a specific department
•Recruiting and retaining hourly or salaried employees
•Interpreting the strategy of top-level management and translating it
into everyday policies
•Allocating resources within a branch, office or division
•Reporting issues and performance up the chain to top-level
Advising on workforce planning strategies to ensure the organization has the
right talent in the right roles at the right time. This includes analyzing workforce
demographics, skills inventories, and talent pipelines to anticipate future
workforce needs and address potential talent shortages.
The operative functions are those tasks or
duties or functions that a company entrusts
to the human resource or personnel
department. These include employment,
development, compensation, integration,
and maintenance of personnel of the
1. Employment
•This step involves finding candidates who
can turn into employees and is a perfect fit
for the organization. It also involves
recruiting someone with a proper skill set
and understanding the number of persons
needed to fulfill the organization's goal.
Some of the steps involved in this sub-sect
of operative functions are recruitment,
selection, and personnel placement.
2. Compensation
•As the name suggests, this is a step
involved with determining the
remuneration amount for an employee
in exchange for their contribution to
the organizational goals. As an aspiring
HR manager, it is essential to
remember that the remuneration can
be monetary or non-monetary rewards.
Certain factors influence the
remuneration of an employee. They

•Requirement of the job

•Basic needs
•Legal provision
•Organization’s capacity to pay
3. Development
•This function can be described as a
follow-up of the employment
function. Under this, the HR manager
is responsible for training the new
employees properly. They must teach
each employee properly to ensure
their skill sets are utilized
appropriately. It is also a process that
lays the foundation for developing an
employee in a way that can help them
climb the ladder within the
4. Working Conditions and Welfare
•The function of the HR department doesn't
end with just hiring someone and training
them. There is much more to that situation;
it involves creating a workspace where
employees feel comfortable and motivated
to work. An HR manager's job is to
ensure appropriate workplace conditions.
They need to ensure that the workspace is
safe and healthy for employees. As an HR
manager, one has to provide all the services
related to the employees' physical, mental,
and social welfare. Some of the aspects are:
•Group insurance
•Education for children of employees
•Recreational activities
5. Motivation
•Keeping employees motivated is
among the key functions of the
human resource department. It
has been seen that employees
often hold back from relating to
the overall organizational goal
because they don't feel
motivated enough. The HRM
department's responsibility is to
create such an environment
where the employees feel
adequately motivated to give
their best.
6. Personal Record
•An employee's journey is
documented right from the day they
joined. It is the HRM department's
responsibility to maintain the
personnel records. The records contain
information on their appointment,
training, appraisal, promotion,
transfer, achievement, and
other things related to the organization.
Other than these, the department
also maintains records to ensure that
employees follow the
organization's policies properly.
7. Separation
•When an employee decides
to leave a company or retire,
it is the job of the HRM
department to handle the
separation of that person
from the organization. Also,
the personnel manager is
the one who handles the
retirement benefits for
employees who are retiring
from the office.
8. Industrial Relations
•No one can work alone. It is also
true for an organization that has to
stay in touch with several other
bodies to ensure its smooth
working. A human resource
manager is responsible for
maintaining relationships with other
industries. As an HR manager, one
can help in several things, like
collective bargaining, settlement of
disputes, and joint consultation.
Furthermore, their job is to maintain
an efficient relationship with the
labor union or other concerned
Human Resource is a very dynamic and
power-packed role. An HR professional
acts as the liaison between the employee
and the company and has the power to
change lives and make employees’
experiences better in an organization. It is
a vital arm of an organization and is not
restricted to only hiring, which is a
common misconception amongst the
public. These functions encompass the
role of an HR professional in an
organization and can help you decide if
you want to take this life-changing role.
Personally, my reflection on studying
the functions of human resource is that
I discovered that HR does not only
handles things like recruiting and firing.
Their jobs are way broader than most
common misconceptions employees
have. The HR department is one of the
most important parts of any company. It
is not about hiring and firing only; it is
responsible for employee and labor
relations, salary and benefits, workplace
safety and health, and talent
development. Furthermore, human
resource management is one of the
most crucial aspects of any business.
Human resources functions cover many parts, namely
strategy and planning, equal employment opportunity,
talent acquisition, talent management, total rewards,
risk management and worker protection, and employee
and labor relations. I firmly believe that every company
should not ignore or only focus on certain parts, because
every part of the human resources functions is very
Feedback important, all of which will seriously affect the
company's existing or potential employees and even the
company's reputation. In my opinion, I would like to
suggest that more and more companies should practice
human resources functions as early as possible because
all of these are the basic needs of the company to
survive and grow in today's competitive market. Please
bear in mind that talent acquisition is important, but
retaining your current talent is equally important.
Bio-note of Speaker
Daniella Mariz Lamptey is currently a Recruitment Specialist II at PSG Global Solution. A proud graduate of Taguig City University
with a Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism Management and currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Business Administration. She was
inspired by traveling, adventures, and an interest in the business which led her to take up these courses.

She was awarded as one of the Q4 2022 Elite Awardees at PSG Global Solutions and was also recognized as an employee with an
unwavering commitment to integrity, ethics, and honesty.

Ms. Lamptey received notable awards in her college years including Breakthrough Research Awardee in Thesis Writing, and
Leadership Awardee, She was also awarded as the Champion for the De La Salle University Dasmarinas, Turismo Skills
Competition 2018 Flight Safety and Demonstration. She also served as the Vice President for External Affairs for the Tourism
Society for 2 consecutive years as well as the Business Manager of the Tourism Society year 2017 and 1 st year representative of
the Tourism Society year 2016.

In her prime years, she was also a talent, a model, and a beauty queen with 12 prestigious titles namely
•*Luminous Artist and Model
•* Ramp Walk Philippines 2014 -2nd Runner Up
•*Runway Campus Top Model Grand Winner 2015
•*Ms. Binalayan 2016 - Title Holder
•*Ms. Rizal Tourism 2016- 1st Runner Up
•*TCU-CHTM Ms. Ecotourism 2017- Title Holder
•*Ms. Taguig City University 2017- Title Holder
•*Ms. Tourism Student Philippines 2017 @ De La Salle University Dasma
•*Ms. ALCU-AA 2017
•*Ms. Mandaluyong 2017 - Title Holder
•*Ms. Millennial Mandaluyong 2017 for the noon time show Eat Bulaga - GMA
•*Ms. Hannah’s World Tourism Philippines 2018 Official Candidate
Bio-note of Speaker
In addition, she was also an inspirational speaker at Andres Bonifacio Integrated School
Mandaluyong to fight Cyberbullying during the ABIS Digital Citizenship with Digital
Thumbprint Event. A volunteer for the HIV Save Sexy Campaign, also she does several
community extensions around communities in Taguig City as well as an event organizer and

Her professional experience includes:

• Receptionist and F&B staff at Artina Zobel Residences
• Onboard Stewardess at Starlite Ferries Incorporated
• Research Specialist and Sensory Evaluator at Century Pacific Foods Inc
• Directory Assistance Representative at E-Teleconncet Incorporated
• Receptionist at Fitness District Philippines
• Toll Associate at Metro Pacific Tollways Corporation- Cavitex
• Concierge at Azure Urban Resort And Residences


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