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Thank you, M’am

Original publication date: 1958

Genre: Fiction

Author: Langston Hughes

illustrated by Carlo Molinari

Rafael Segovia
Shneider Fajardo
Sebastian Valery
Miguel Tovar

Thank You, Ma’am’ is a 1958 short story by the

African-American poet, novelist, and short-story
writer Langston Hughes (1901-67). In the story, a
teenage boy attempts to steal a woman’s purse, but she
catches him and takes him back to her home, showing him
some kindness and attempting to teach him right from
About the author

Langhston Hughes
(1902-1967) published his first work just a year after
his high school graduation.
Though he wrote in many genres, Hughes is best
known for his poetry. He was one of the main figures
in the Harlem Renaissance, a creative movement
among African Americans that took place during the
1920s in Harlem, an area in New York City.

Chance encounter has a powerful impact

Meanings about the history

Permit: Officially allow (someone) to do something

Contact: The state of physical touching

Realese: Allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free


In this story, published in 1958, Roger, the

protagonist, really wants a pair of blue suede shoes.
This particular fashion item became popular after
Carl Perkins released his hit song "Blue Suede
Shoes" in 1956 Elvis Presley also famously covered
the song in the same year.

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