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Anatomy 201 Lab

Laboratory 1: The Axial Skeletal System

Microscopic Anatomy of Osteon

(Haversian System)


A. Lamellae (rings)
B. Lacunae (lakes) C. Osteocyte (cell in lacuna) D. Canaliculi

E. Central (Haversian) canal

Pg 132

Microscopic Anatomy of Osteon

Pictures from Model

Skull: Sutures
A2. Coronal suture A4. Squamous suture A1. Sagittal suture

A3. Lambdoid suture

Pg 150 & 151

Skull: Cranial Cavity

B1. Anterior cranial fossa

B2. Middle cranial fossa

B3. Posterior cranial fossa

Superior view of the cranial fossae

Pg 149

Cranium: Frontal Bone

A. Frontal bone
A1. Frontal sinus

A2. Supraorbital margin

A3. Supraorbital foramen

Pg 152

A4. Zygomatic process of the frontal bone

B. Parietal bone
(Pg 150)

C. Occipital bone
(Pg 152)

C1. External occipital protuberance

(bump on back of the head)

B1. Temporal lines B2. Grooves for middle meningeal vessels (on inner surface of parietal bone)

C2. Foramen magnum C1. Internal occipital protuberance

Cranium: Occipital Bone

C3. Occipital condyle C4. Condylar canal

C5. Hypoglossal canal

C6. Groove (sulcus) for superior sagittal sinus

(vertical groove on the inner posterior surface)

C7. Groove (sulcus) for transverse sinus

Cranium: Temporal Bone

D. Temporal bone
(Pg 153)

D1. Squamous portion

D2. Zygomatic process

D12. External auditory meatus

D5. Mastoid process D4. Styloid process

Cranium: Temporal Bone

D11. Internal auditory meatus

D9. Groove (sulcus) for the sigmoid sinus D8. Carotid canal

D7. Jugular fossa

D6. Stylomastoid foramen D3. Mandibular fossa

D10. Petrous portion

Cranium: Ethmoid Bone

E2. Cribiform plate of
the ethmoid bone

E1. Crista galli

E. Ethmoid bone
(Pg 159) E5. Superior & middle nasal conchae

E3. Perpendicular plate of the E4. Lateral masses & ethmoidal sinuses
ethmoid bone

Cranium: Sphenoid Bone

F. Sphenoid bone (Pg 155)

F2. Lesser wings

F1. Greater wings

Cranium: Sphenoid Bone

F4. Anterior & posterior clinoid processes F3. Sella turcica

F5b. Lateral plate (lamina) F5. Pterygoid processes

F5c. Pterygoid fossa F5a. Medial plate (lamina)

Cranium: Sphenoid Bone

F6. Optic foramen

F9. Foramen ovale

F7. Superior orbital fissure F8. Foramen rotundum

F10. Foramen spinosum

G. Sutural (Wormian) bones

Other Skull Structures

B. Orbit

E. Nasal septum A. Zygomatic arch

D. Nasal cavity

C. Inferior orbital fissure

Other Skull Structures

J. Teeth

F. Choanae (posterior
nares or internal nostrils)

G. Hard palate

H. Foramen lacerum I. Jugular foramen

The Face: Maxilla A1. Maxillary sinus

A4. Frontal process

A2. Infraorbital foramen

A. Maxilla
(Pg 160)
A5. Alveolar process A3. Zygomatic process of the

A7. Incisive fossa (foramen) A6. Palatine process

The Face
C. Nasal bone (Pg 161) B. Palatine bone (Pg 161)

B1. Greater palatine foramen

The Face: The Mandible

D3. Condylar process D4. Mandibular notch

D2. Coronoid process D5. Mandibular foramen D1. Ramus D10. Alveolar process D6. Angle D9. Mental protuberance D8. Mental foramen D7. Body

Pg 160

The Face
E. Lacrimal bone (Pg 161)

H. Vomer

F. Zygomatic bone

G. Inferior nasal conchae

The Face: Hyoid bone

I2. Greater horns I3. Lesser horns

Pg 167

I1. Body

Vertebral Column
2 3 4 5 6 7

Cervical vertebrae 7 vertebrae, C1 C7

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Thoracic vertebrae 12 vertebrae, T1 T12

2 3 4 5

Lumbar vertebrae 5 vertebrae, L1 L5

Sacrum 5 fused vertebrae Anterior view Coccyx 4 fused vertebrae Right lateral view

Vertebral Column (Typical Vertebra)

A7. Spine (spinous process) A8. Transverse process A9. Superior articular process

A5. Intervertebral foramen

A2. Lamina

A2. Pedicle A4. Inferior notch

A3. Superior notch

A1. Body A6. Vertebral foramen A10. Inferior articular process

Pg 169

Vertebral Column
B. Cervical vertebra
Dens of axis C1 (atlas) C2 (axis) C3 B2. C1: Atlas
Note: No body / no spine

B1. Transverse foramen

B3. C2: Axis

B3a. Dens (odontoid process)

Pg 170

Vertebral Column
C. Thoracic vertebrae (Pg 172)

Note: Costal facets

Vertebral Column
C. Lumbar vertebrae (Pg 172)

Vertebral Column
E4. Sacral promontory

E. Sacrum
E5. Auricular surface

E1. Sacral canal

E3. Posterior sacral foramina E2. Sacral hiatus E3. Anterior sacral foramina

Pg 173

F. Coccyx

Bones of the Thorax (Ribs)

A1. Typical rib

A1a. Head A1b. Neck A1c. Tubercle

A1d. Angle

A1e. Shaft

Pg 176

A1f. Sternal end

Bones of the Thorax (Ribs)

B6. Costal notches B2. Jugular (sternal) notch B3. Clavicular notch

B1. Manubrium

A2. true ribs (1-7)

B5. Sternal angle B4. Body

B. Sternum

B7. Xiphoid process

A3. false ribs (8-10)

A4. floating ribs (11-12)

Pg 175

Study Room
Study Room (CP 259) is across the hall The practical exams and quizzes are based off of the models You NEED to spend time reviewing with the models The worksheets are to help you become familiar with the terms

END of LAB 1
Next Week: Quiz One Worksheet One Due

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