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1. Fill in the blank.
Groupon is an easy way to get .…….…………..... while
discovering fun activities in your city.
2. How can they guarantee businesses lots of customers and
insure that their subscribers receive maximum discounts?
 By requiring a minimum number of buyers
3. When will you be charged?
4. How do people use Groupon in shopping online?
A. They need sign up on Website of Groupon. If enough people
sign up, the deal will activate.
B. They need only order items and they will be delivered
C. Paying the total amount purchase via banking online.
D. Searching for and buying a product from a website.
5. What social networking websites does the video mention?
6. How do you check news about Groupon every day?
1. Fill in the blank.
huge discounts while
Groupon is an easy way to get .…….………….....
discovering fun activities in your city.
2. How can they guarantee businesses lots of customers and
insure that their subscribers receive maximum discounts?
 By requiring a minimum number of buyers
3. When will you be charged?
 When enough people join for the deal to activate
4. How do people use Groupon in shopping online?
A. They need sign up on Website of Groupon. If enough people
sign up, the deal will activate.
B. They need only order items and they will be delivered
C. Paying the total amount purchase via banking online.
D. Searching for and buying a product from a website.
Answer: A

5. What social networking websites does the video mention?

 Facebook, Twitter, email or carrier pigeon

6. How do you check news about Groupon every day?

 email
WHIZ - KID (n) /wiz kid/ (title)
an exceptionally brilliant or accomplished young
thần đồng; tài năng trẻ
Ex: Mo Islam, the 17-year-old "whiz kid"
investor who suggested to make $72
million trading stocks on his high school
lunch breaks.
Q: Do you know a whiz-kid? Which field
is he/she in?
TRANSPLANT (n) /træns'plɑ:nt/
L.7: a ​medical ​operation in which a new ​organ
is put into someone's ​body
sự cấy ghép

Ex: He had a ​heart

transplant (= ​doctors gave
him a different, healthier
heart instead of his ​old one).
Q: Why do people need a
hair transplant?
social buying / collective buying / group buying L.25
/ˈsəʊ.ʃəl baɪɪŋ/
a way to get access to products and services at
significantly reduced prices on the condition that a
minimum number of buyers would make the purchase

mua chung; nhóm mua

Q: What are advantages
of social buying?
EXPLOSIVE (adj) /ɛkˈspləʊsɪv/ L.29
sudden and dramatic
bùng nổ
Ex: The explosive growth of personal computers was
in the 1980s.
Q: Do you think whether there will be an explosive
growth in the sales of smart phones? Why / Why not?
CONVINCE (v) /kənˈvɪns/ L.30
to make somebody/yourself believe that something is
làm cho tin, làm cho nghe
theo, thuyết phục
Ex: You'll need to convince
them of your enthusiasm for
the job.
Q: How do you convince
others to do what you want
them to do?
DIG INTO ONE’S POCKET /dɪɡ ˈɪn.tuː wʌnz ˈpɒk.ɪt/
(v) L.30 - 31
to use your own money to pay for sth
tự bỏ tiền túi ra để trả; tự trả tiền
Ex: Richer countries must dig deeper into their
pockets if global problems, such as pollution, are to
be solved.
Q: What items usually cause you to dig into your
BIDDING (n) /ˈbɪd.ɪŋ/ L.32
the offering of particular prices for something,
especially at an auction

sự bỏ thầu; sự đấu giá

Ex: Most of the bidding
was done at an auction
(buổi đấu giá).
Q: Why is there usually
bidding at an auction?
STEADILY (adv) /ˈstedəli/ L.33
gradually and in an even and
regular way
dần dần; từ từ; đều đặn
Ex: The company's exports
have been increasing
Q: If you want to lose weight,
do you want to do it steadily
or do you prefer a crash diet
(nhịn tuyệt đối)?
TO APPEAR /əˈpɪər/ L.35
to seem
dường như; có vẻ
Ex: You appear to be
knowledgeable about social
Q: Why does someone
usually appear nervous in
front of the crowd?
TURN DOWN (v) L.37 /tɜːn daʊn/
to reject something; to deny someone's request
từ chối
Ex: The bank turned her down for a loan.
Q: What usually causes someone to turn down
a job offer?
1. whiz kid /wiz kid/ (n): thần đồng
2. transplant /træns'plɑ:nt/ (n): sự cấy ghép
3. social buying /ˈsəʊ.ʃəl baɪɪŋ/ (n): mua chung; nhóm
4. explosive /ɛkˈspləʊsɪv/ (adj): bùng nổ
5. to convince /kənˈvɪns/: thuyết phục
6. to dig into one’s pocket /dɪɡ ˈɪn.tuː wʌnz ˈpɒk.ɪt/: tự
bỏ tiền túi ra trả
7. bidding /ˈbɪd.ɪŋ/ (n): việc bỏ thầu; sự đấu giá
8. steadily /ˈstedəli/ (adv): dần dần; từ từ; đều đặn
9. to appear /əˈpɪər/: dường như
10. to turn down /tɜːn daʊn/: từ chối
SCATTERED /ˈskætəd/ L.1
spread far apart over a wide area
rải rác
Ex: There are many watermills scattered
throughout the marshlands.
Q: How many peoples (dân tộc) are there
scattered around Vietnam?
CRAFT /krɑːft/ (n) L.3
an activity involving skill in making things by
thủ công
Ex: The show featured traditional country
Q: List some craft items that you know.
RETAIL OUTLET /ˈriː.teɪl ˈaʊt.let/ L.8
a place of business for retailing goods
cửa hàng bán lẻ
Ex: A business that operates as a retail outlet will
typically buy goods directly from manufacturers.

Q: What’s the difference

between a retail outlet and an
exclusive agency (đại lý độc
EAGER (adj) /ˈiːɡə(r)/ L.9
very interested and excited by something that
is going to happen or about something that you
want to do
háo hức, hăm hở, thiết tha
Ex: They ​crowded around the ​spokesperson,
eager for any ​news.
Q: What makes you eager to do something?
to get possession of; acquire or obtain
có được, chạm tới
Ex: I can never lay / get my hands on a trophy
in any competitions.
Q: What are you eager to get your hands on?
CUSTOMS FORMALITIES /fɔːˈmælətiz/ L.32
actions performed by persons and customs authority
with the purpose of observing the customs rules
thủ tục hải quan
Ex: Businesses think some customs formalities annoy
them a lot.
Q: Why do companies often complain about customs
PROPORTION (n) /prəˈpɔːʃn/ L.34
a part or share of a whole
phần; tỉ lệ
Ex: The proportion of regular smokers
increases with age.
Q: What is the proposition of student girls in
the class?
FOUNDATION (n) /faʊnˈdeɪʃnz/ L.36

a layer of bricks, concrete,

etc. that forms the solid
underground base of a
nền móng; nền tảng, cơ sở
Ex: The builders are now
beginning to lay the
foundations of the new
Q: What foundation is a
good job based on?
SIZEABLE (adj) (also sizable) /ˈsaɪzəbl/ L.49
lớn; nhiều; đáng kể
Ex: Income from tourism
accounts for a sizeable
proportion of the area’s
total income.
Q: Do you want to have a
sizeable house?
Synonym: considerable
1. scattered /ˈskætəd/ (adj): rải rác
2. craft /krɑːft/: thủ công; làm bằng tay; làm bằng tay
3. retail outlet /ˈriː.teɪl ˈaʊt.let/ (n): cửa hàng bán lẻ
4. eager /ˈiːɡə(r)/ (adj): háo hức; hăm hở
5. to get / lay one’s hands on: có được; chạm tới
6. customs formalities /ˈkʌs·təmz fɔːˈmælətiz/ (n): thủ
tục hải quan
7. proportion /prəˈpɔːʃn/ (n): phần; tỷ lệ
8. foundation /faʊnˈdeɪʃnz/ (n): nền móng; cơ sở
9. sizable /ˈsaɪzəbl/ (adj): lớn; nhiều; đáng kể
Internet whiz-kid’s discount idea makes billions in two years
by Jonathan Birchall
Andrew Mason studies at music university, where he dreamt
about making his riches as a rock star. Instead, the 29-year-old
decided to set up an Internet business that offers discount on
everything from restaurant meals to hair transplants and yoga
classes. The big idea is about to turn him into the latest web

Google is preparing to buy Groupon, his two-year-old company,

for $5.3 billion, according to reports. The proposed deal will put
Mr. Mason in a group of young Internet billionaires including
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and the Google founders, Larry
Page and Sergey Brin.
The site offers vouchers named “Groupons” that can be spent at
participating retailers. Every user gets a discount offer based on
his or her location and profile, but these huge discounts expire
unless enough people sign up. The trend, described as “social
buying”, has spread rapidly across the Web, and Groupon was
described by Forbes as “the world’s fastest growing company”.

Its explosive growth and healthy profits have convinced Google

to dig into its deep pocket. It is believed to have started its
bidding at $3 billion, a price that has been steadily rising over
the past few weeks.
Mr. Mason appears to be a man who knows his worth. In April, it
was reported that he turned down a $2 billion offer from Yahoo,
because the valuation was too low.
Groupon employs about 1,000 people, mostly based in Mr.
Mason’s home town of Chicago. It is active in more than 80
countries and is growing at the rate of 10 percent a week by
adding new users through Facebook and Twitter.
Help with exports by Peter Marsh
Scattered around the world are many thousands of “micro-
manufacturers” of craft items such as jewelry and hand-bags,
often offering high standards of design and quality. Most,
however, have little idea of how to sell their products in
international market.
At the same time, retail outlets are eager to get their hands on
products that look new and different – but find it difficult to
discover them.
Just over a year ago, Sandra Felsenstein, a 27-year-old former
industrial engineer, decided to start a business that would try to
link these two groups. Her approach was to find a series of high-
quality manufacturers in her native Argentina – a country with a
good reputation for design, yet poor connections to the rest of
the craft trade worldwide – and link them with shops and
distribution companies elsewhere.
Dinka, the four-person company she founded in Buenos Aires, is
now showing signs of success. Ms Felsenstein has organized
links with 30 Argentina companies that have agreed to let Dinka
promote their goods in export markets. Under these deals, Dinka
will find buyers for their products and handle shipments and
customs formalities in exchange for a proportion of sales
She has laid the foundations, too, for establishing a network of
retail outlets in other countries, arranging connections with
retailers in Chile, Peru and Ecuador as a first step, while signing
up a distributor in Austin, Texas, that she hopes will help them
enter the potentially large US market.
Ms. Felsenstein says she is also “exploring several
opportunities” for finding retailers in Europe – particularly in
Spain, Italy, Germany and Switzerland – where she thinks
sizeable sales could be established for Argentina – made goods.
Article A Article B
1. name of new Groupon
business Dinka
2. name of Andrew Mason Sandra Felsenstein
3. age of 29
founder 27
4. age of 2 years
business just over 1 year
5. location of Chicago, USA Buenos Aires,
6. number of
about 1,000 four
7. what the new Offers discounts on
business is? everything from restaurant links “micro-manufacturers”
meals to hair transplants and of craft items to retail
yoga classes outlets and distributors
Exercise B (p.68)
Article A Article B
1. name of new business Groupon Dinka
2. name of founder Andrew Mason Sandra Felsenstein
3. age of founder 29 27
4. age of business 2 years just over 1 year
5. location of Chicago, USA Buenos Aires,
business Argentina
6. number of about 1,000
employees four

7. what the new Offers discounts on links series of high-

business is? everything from
restaurant meals to
quality manufacturers
hair transplants of craft items to retail
and yoga classes outlets and distributors
1. Andrew Mason was a rock star.
L.1-2: … he dreamt about making his riches as a rock star.
2. Andrew Mason set up his business because he wants to:
A: be famous
B: make a lot of money
C: follow his dream
D: help customers to buy valuable things
Answer: B
L.8-9: The big idea is about to turn him into the latest web
3. If Mr. Mason sold Groupon to Google, how much could he get:
A: $1.3 billion B: $3.3 billion C: $2.3 billion D: $5.3 billion
Answer: D
L.11: Google is preparing to buy Groupon, his two-year-old
company, for $5.3 billion, according to reports.
4. … based on his or her location and profile … (L.21-22)

5. In “social buying”, your voucher is NOT valid (có giá trị) if

A: you don’t use it within a week.
B: enough people sign up for it.
C: there isn’t adequate number of participants.
D: it is a huge discount.
Answer: C
L.23: …. but these huge discounts expire unless enough people
sign up.


6. Andrew Mason is going to co-operate with Mark Zuckerberg in
a new project.
7. Andrew Mason refused a $2 billion offer from Yahoo.
L.37-38: … he turned down a $2 billion offer from Yahoo,
because the valuation was too low.

8. Mr. Mason’s two-year-old company employs about 1,000

people from more than 80 countries.
L.40-44: Groupon employs about 1,000 people, mostly based
in Mr. Mason’s home town of Chicago.
10. “Its explosive growth and healthy profits have convinced
Google to dig into its deep pockets”, (L. 29). Its refers to ….
A: Groupon’s
B: Google’s
C: Either Google’s or Groupon’s
D: Neither Groupon’s nor Google’s
Answer: A
11. “Mr. Mason appears to be a man who knows his worth” (line
35,36). Which sentence has the same meaning?
A: He knows exactly how much money he has.
B: He is so proud of himself.
C: He is very intelligent.
D: He is aware of his values.
Answer: D
1. Craft manufacturers find it difficult to sell their products
A: retail outlets don’t want to buy them.
B: they charge top dollars.
C: their connection to international markets is so poor.
D: they are scatteredly located
Answer: C
L.6-7: Most, however, have little idea of how to sell their
products in international market.
2. Argentina is famous for
A: well designed craft products.
B: good connections to the rest of the craft trade worldwide.
C: designed clothes.
D: shops and distribution companies
Answer: A
L19-20: …. her native Argentina – a country with a good
reputation for design …. of the craft trade world.
3. Which of the followings is Dinka NOT supposed to do?
A: finding buyers B: handling customs formalities
C: negotiating prices D: doing delivery
Answer: C
Under these deals, Dinka will find buyers for their products (A)
and handle shipments (D) and customs formalities (B)
4. ….. retail outlets are eager to get their hands on products that
look new and different but find it difficult to discover them. (L.11).
The word ‘them’ refers to:
A: retail outlets B: new products
C: micro-manufacturers D: international markets
Answer: B
5. DINKA is a young and dynamic company which was initially
born in 2005.
6. The main approach of Sandra was to diversify: đa dạng hóa
the design of products in Argentina.
L.21-23: Her approach was to link high-quality manufacturers in
Argentina with shops and distribution companies elsewhere.
7. Dinka is a trading company. It buys merchandise from
manufacturers in Argentina and exports to international markets.
Line 27-35: Dinka promotes goods in export market so that
manufacturers can increase their revenues.
8. When having a stable business, Ms. Felsenstein focuses more
on clothes products instead of jewellery and handbags.

1. Argentina 1. E A: The preparation for a larger

2. Buenos Aires 2. C B: A potentially large market
3. Chile, Peru, Ecuador 3. F C: Location of DINKA
4. Austin, Texas 4. A D: Places to establish
considerable sales
5. The US 5. B E: Good reputation for design
6. EU (Spain, Italy, 6. D F: Ms. Felsenstein connects
Germany, Switzerland) them as a 1st step
Which article: A? B? or Neither? Both
1. mentions a young person? 1. Both
2. is about a business that many big companies 2. A
really want to take possession of?
3. mentions a fast-growing business with the help of 3. A
social network?
4. mentions a business which helps to connect the 4. B
manufacturers and the distributors?
5. writes about a person who has changed their 5. Both
6. is about a business associated with direct 6. A
7. talks about a business of manufacturing things? 7. Neither
8. mentions a person who doesn’t want to sell 8. A
his/her own business?
9. describes a very successful business? 9. Both

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