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Presented BY: Abhishek Dattu Bhande

Roll no: 2022115
Submitted To: The Indira Institute of Business Management
• To Study the Banking sector in stock market in India.

• To Study performance of Banking Sector in stock market of India.

• To Study the Equity Research Analysis

• To Study the Equity Research using Fundamental Analysis and Ratio Analysis. • To Study of

comparative analysis of Selected Banks.

Scope of the Study
The banking sector is having broader scope in India.
The important issue is the financial health of the Indian banking sector.
The investigation, however, will only focus on a some top 4 banks of India which includes public
and private banks. Foreign banks are not included in the study.
Since their laws and regulations are different from those of other commercial banks.
The period from September 2023 to November 2023 has been chosen because it will adequately
capture the evolution of the banks financial and equity performance.
• Period of financials is limited to 5 years only.
• The results of the study is restricted to selected banks only.
• Economic conditions in India can be subject to volatility and change. Unforeseen economic events or
crises can affect the financial stability and performance of banks, making it challenging to predict long-
term trends accurately.
• The Indian banking sector faces unique challenges, including political and regulatory risks. These can be
difficult to quantify and incorporate into the analysis.
• Investor sentiment and market perceptions can have a significant impact on stock prices and market
dynamics. These factors may not always align with fundamental analysis and can lead to market
Research Methodology
Primary Data:
Direct collection of data from the source of information, technology including personal interviewing,
survey etc. Note: Mostly use the secondary data only
Secondary Data
Indirect collection of data from sources containing past or recent past information like Bank’s
Brochures, Annual publications, Books, Newspaper & Magazines etc.
Sample Size : HDFC bank, ICICI Bank, SBI bank, KOTAK bank data
Statistical tools :- Fundamental Analysis Tools o Technical Analysis Tools Chart analysis and patterns
• Equity Research Overview
• Buy-side and Sell-side Analysts
• Economic Development


Presented By: Abhishek Dattu Bhande

Roll no: 2022115
Submitted To The Indira Institute of Business Management
The objective of conducting a study on the strategies followed by Amul :
Is to gain insights into the organization's success story, extract valuable lessons for various
stakeholders, and contribute to knowledge creation, dissemination, and application in the field of
cooperative development, dairy industry management, and rural entrepreneurship.
Scope of the Study
A study on the strategies followed by Amul can offer valuable insights into the organization's
business model, operational practices, and market strategies, contributing to a deeper
understanding of its success story and providing actionable recommendations for stakeholders in
the dairy industry and beyond.
Limited Access to Data: Researchers may face challenges in accessing proprietary data and
internal documents from Amul, such as detailed financial reports, strategic plans, and marketing
strategies. This limitation can restrict the depth of analysis and hinder a comprehensive
understanding of Amul's strategies.
Data Reliability and Bias: The data available from public sources may be subject to biases or
inaccuracies, affecting the reliability of the study findings.
Time Constraints: Conducting a comprehensive study on Amul's strategies requires adequate
time for data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
Research Methodology
By employing a multi-method approach that combines quantitative and qualitative techniques,
supplemented by case studies and ethical considerations, the research methodology can provide a
comprehensive analysis of Amul's strategies and their effectiveness in achieving organizational
•Cooperative Business Model Effectiveness
•Market Penetration Strategies
•Brand Building and Marketing Success
•Product Innovation and Diversification

Presented By: Abhishek Dattu Bhande

Roll no: 2022115
Submitted To: The Indira Institute of Business Mangement
To study the need for corporate social responsibility ,CSR mechanism and key developments
which has been brought about by Corporate Social Responsibility.
To exhaustively study the contributions made by the Indian Companies towards the society as a
part of Corporate Social Responsibility activities.
Scope of the Study
A study on CSR for economic growth would provide valuable insights into the potential benefits
of responsible business practices for both companies and society as a whole, and inform policy
decisions aimed at fostering sustainable and inclusive development.
Due to shortage of time primary data could not be collected.
Transparency and monitoring of stringent rules of Corporate Social Responsibility will prevent
companies from polluting the society in the upcoming years.
Business sometimes prevent the auditor of the company to detect a fraud, which actually creates
a bad image in the name of accountants.
Proper data regarding how much companies are polluting and as to what percentage of their
profit they are spending for the society is not revealed.
Research Methodology
This project is done adopting the qualitative analysis method.
It is based on secondary data as it is not possible to collect primary data within short period of
I have accessed various websites, journals, books and magazines to collect different types of data.
Positive Impact on Economic Growth
Innovation and Efficiency
Community Development
Government Policies and Regulations
Thank You

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