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Presentation on E-

Commerce(online shopping)
 Ankur Babu
 Aman Kumar
 Himesh Chaudhary
Project objective

 The objective of the project is to make a website which

includes a web plugin from where the user will be able to
install it who have an Ecommerce store. We are going to
provide a complete as well as efficient website to users
from where they will be able to get our Extension easily

 The system will be for all WordPress users whether National or International level because
we are going to target as a whole.

 Currently there is not much website that is providing such an extension in Pakistan and the
demand is increasing day by day as each and every day thousands of people are converting
into an online system by replacing the old trend of marketing of their product physically
What is E-commerce
• Commonly known as Electronic Marketing

• “It consist of buying and selling goods and service over an electronic systems
Such as the internet and other computer networks.”
The process of E-commerce
 Menu
 Catalog Browsing
category List
Product List
 Catalog Management
 Product Browsing
Product Reviews
Related Products
 Shopping Cart
 Checkout
 Auto generated bill
 Payment gateway
Languages: Tools:
Data flow diagram
Login page
Home page
Insert product page
Single product page
 Many of the business are converted in to online system. So these business need website
that identify them. So the owner of the website need some extra functionality to
enhance their business and can engage customer to their website to generate more

 The main issue that the website owner face is that how to manage each sales of his
business product while there’s thousands of transactions are there.

 Similarly, they also need some more functionality as we have provided like website
owner can show sales that he want to put on specific product so that customer get the
same environment while shopping from e-commerce store as he feel in the market.
Thank you

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