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Prof. Daniela Ravoiu


Project Manager: Daniela Ravoiu

Team Members: Adrian Velicu
Andrei Dumitrache
Adrian Sigovan
Mission Statement

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

• Our company's field of activity is transportation of persons and cargo between

remote locations in the Solar System. These locations include the planets, natural
satellites and space stations which are economically or scientifically important to
our clients and partners.

• On large planets there are clients scattered at large distances who may wish to
embark to travel on a certain interplanetary flight. They must be gathered together
to a central location through conventional planetary transportation methods. For
this, we subcontract transportation companies.
Internet Research
“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

Research on space shuttle launching procedures

- We learned what are the most important meteorological conditions that need to be satisfied in order to initiate a space
shuttle launch.

Research on “escape velocity”

-This is the speed that is required in order for a space ship to escape the gravitational pull of a large celestial body
(planet/natural satellite).

- We learned how to use information in our database to calculate the amount of fuel required to lift a space shuttle into orbit
and to make it reach the “escape velocity”.

NWS Spaceflight Meteorology Group

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

Interview with Prof. Ion Bararu, physics teacher at Colegiul National Mircea cel Batran and
manager of the Students Research Center of Constanta.

From this interview we learned more about space shuttle launch procedures including:

• Basic meteorological conditions that need to be satisfied before and during launch procedures
• Possible trajectories for reaching the orbit and deviation angles

We also learned about the costs required to:

• Send a loaded space ship into orbit

• Reach “escape velocity”

Newton’s Cannon
In this example, only body E has escape velocity
Business Scenario

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

In order to be able to perform a launch, certain meteorological conditions must be met before the moment
of launch. The most important ones are:

• The average temperature must not be below 5 degrees Celsius in the 24 hours before the tanking operation

• The operation must be cancelled if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees Celsius for more than 30 minutes

• The temperature must not drop below 2 degrees Celsius

• The wind speed must not exceed 21 m/s during tanking

• The maximum wind speed acceptable during launch depends on the angle of the wind direction and varies between 12
m/s and 15 m/s

• There must be no precipitation at launch time

• Tanking may not proceed if there is greater than a 20% chance of lightning during the first hour of tanking

• The launch operation must not proceed if lightning is detected in the proximity of the launch site 30 minutes prior to launch

• The electrical charge of the atmosphere must not exceed -1 or +1 kilovolt per meter 15 minutes before the launch.
Business Scenario

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

How are flights organized…

For each launching location we need to obtain meteorological predictions in order to determine the most suitable one for the
launch. After such a location has been chosen, the clients are transported and accommodated until the launch is scheduled
to take place.

We have two types of ships: interplanetary ships and atmospheric ships. The former will, normally, remain in orbit around
the celestial bodies from which transportations are made. The latter transports clients and cargo between ground locations
and the fore mentioned interplanetary ships which are stationed into orbit.

Each time an interplanetary ship docks at a spaceport around a celestial body, one atmospheric ship will perform
exactly one flight between its ground location and the spaceport:

• At launch, the atmospheric ship will be loaded with all the passengers and cargo which need to be transported to a
remote location

• When arriving in orbit, the passengers and cargo will be moved to the interplanetary ship while the passengers and cargo
which must reach a destination on the current celestial body will board the atmospheric ship

• The atmospheric ship descends and lands at a suitable location. From there, clients and goods are sent to their local
destinations through subcontractors.

An interplanetary flight may have one or more destinations comprising its route. Not all passengers disembark at the same
destination. We chose to run two types of ships (interplanetary and atmospheric) in order to cut down the high cost of
sending an object into orbit more times than it is necessary.
Business Scenario

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

Launching costs…

The major costs of transportation occur at the flights of the atmospheric ships. The quantity of fuel necessary to transport an
object into orbit depends on several variables:

• the weight of the object

• the mass, radius and gravitational acceleration of the planet

• the caloric power of the fuel used

• the efficiency of the engine.

The interplanetary ships may either have a direct route between two bodies or a route which passes through one or more
intermediate points. Clients may reserve tickets between any contiguous segment of the flight.
Business Needs

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

Regarding meteorological data, the company needs an integrated database

system which allows:
• Storing of meteorological predictions for a set of locations from which launches could be made in order to choose the most
suitable one

• Storing of immediate meteorological measurements in the timeframe close to the moment of launch and tanking in order to
be able to stop the operation in case there is any danger for it to fail

• Preservation of the immediate data in the form of statistics

• Gathering of meteorological data for a set of locations which are taken into consideration for building future launch sites in
order to establish whether they could prove profitable over time, also in the form of statistics (minimum, maximum and
average values).
Business Needs

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

Regarding flights, the company needs an integrated database system which

• Storing reservations for flights

• Storing the necessary variables in order to calculate the fuel costs associated with the transportation of each person, their
luggage, as well as cargo (this implies storing the actual weight of each client before embarking on the flight!)

• Retrieving seat / cargo hold availability data when a client requests to embark on a flight
ERD Documentation

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”


The LOCATION entity refers to a physical location, which may appear in a route.

GROUND LOCATION refers to a location on a planet or a natural satellite. It is usually a place from which ships can
take off and land but it may also be just a landmark which is meteorologically monitored to decide the building of a
future station. The attribute landable determines if the location can be reached by space ship or not. If a GROUND
LOCATION exists, but it is not landable, the location is just a landmark. ORBITAL LOCATIONs refer to the low orbit
around planets. Each planet has exactly one ORBITAL LOCATION associated with it; as such, this entity contains
attributes which refer to a planet's characteristics (mass, radius, gravitational acceleration). An ORBITAL LOCATION
may also refer to a space station’s dock; in this case, the mass, radius and gravitational acceleration attributes will
contain 0, because they must not be taken into consideration when calculating fuel costs (as there is no gravity).


The ROUTE entity contains an entry for each unique route that a ship may follow.


The ROUTE STATION entity is an intersection between ROUTE and LOCATION. A ROUTE is defined through the
ROUTE STATIONs through which a ship must pass, in chronological order. When an operator creates a new
ROUTE, he must also create ROUTE STATIONs for every location on the ROUTE. The order in which the stations
are reached is determined by the "ordinal" mandatory attribute. It must take consecutive values. For example, if the
route Earth - Moon - Mars - Jupiter existed, there would be four instances of the ROUTE STATION entity, with the
ordinals 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the UIDs of Earth, Moon, Mars and Jupiter, respectively.
ERD Documentation

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”


The FLIGHT entity represents the actual flight that takes place at a certain moment. It must be flown by a SHIP and
must have a corresponding ROUTE.


This entity is an intersection between ROUTE STATION and FLIGHT.


The SHIP entity refers to a physical ship, which may be either an interplanetary ship or an atmospheric one (stored in
the type attribute). Since, at a certain moment in time, a SHIP operates with the same type of engine and fuel, the
engine efficiency and fuel caloric power are stored as attributes here. A SHIP must fly one or more FLIGHTS. The
storage capacity attribute refers to the maximum weight that a ship can support at any time.


A SEAT represents a location on a ship that can be reserved for exactly one client. Seats have a "comfort level"
attribute and they can be priced differently according to it.


The cargo hold of a ship is comprised of several BLOCKS of fixed, known dimensions. When cargo is to be
transported, regardless of its shape, it will be fit into the lowest number of BLOCKS possible, and the client will be
charged both according to the mass of the object and the volume it occupies. The weight of the object will be
considered divided equally between the elementary blocks.
ERD Documentation

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”


The CLIENT entity represents an individual; it can be a paying customer, or it can be just a passenger.


A paying customer (CLIENT) may make several RESERVATIONs which must be billed to him. Only one instance of
INVOICE is created every time a CLIENT makes several reservations.


This entity represents the occupation status of a certain seat / cargo hold block from a SHIP for a certain segment of
a ROUTE. The RESERVATION entity has a double relationship with FLIGHT STATION: the point of origin and the
point of destination. The seat / cargo hold block is reserved for all FLIGHT STATIONs between the two.


The SEAT RESERVATION entity is an intersection between SEAT, RESERVATION and CLIENT. It signifies the fact
that a certain seat is occupied. The passenger weight attribute is completed just before the passenger embarks, in
order to store the exact value.


This signifies that a certain block (space) has been reserved to store cargo in the cargo hold. The weight of the cargo
stored in the weight attribute of a CARGOHOLD BLOCK RESERVATION corresponds to the nth part of the total
weight, where n is the number of cargohold blocks that a certain piece of cargo occupies.
ERD Documentation

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”


The EMPLOYEE represents a person who is working for the company.


An instance of the entity MEDICAL RECORD represents a medical examination. Each MEDICAL RECORD must
either belong to one CLIENT (passenger) or to one EMPLOYEE. In this type of transportation the medical
examination is vital to every person participating in a flight: EMPLOYEE with a FLIGHT ASSIGNMENT (pilot,
steward, technician) and CLIENT (passenger).


Each EMPLOYEE must have at least one ore more QUALIFICATIONs. This means each employee must be
qualified to do a certain job. An employee’s QUALIFICATION has a type and a level. For example:

John Doe is a level three technician. He is also a level one database administrator

From the above paragraph, we can derive two instances of the entity QUALIFICATION. The first instance will have
the values “technician” for type and “3” for level. The second instance will have “database administrator” for type and
“1” for level.

A higher qualification level means more experience. A level 3 technician can also perform the work of a level 1 and 2
technician (in case there were no available jobs for level 3 technicians at the moment of receiving the JOB

Examples of qualification types: pilot, flight attendant, technician, electrician, etc.

ERD Documentation

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”


One employee may have one or more job assignments. A job assignment has a start date and an end date which
together define the timeframe in which one employee performs one job. Sometimes, the exact time required to
complete a job is not known. This is why the end date is an optional attribute.

The information in this entity is edited only by authorized personal. Before assigning a job to an employee, the
manager must consult the table which contains information about an EMPLOYEE’s qualifications.

Different job assignments are paid differently. For example, an employee working as a pilot will earn more than an
employee working as flight attendant. Payment is done per work hour. The manager responsible for a assigning jobs
will consider an employee’s previous working experience before setting a value for the payment per workhour

The timeframe of a job does not necessarily tell how many hours an EMPLOYEE has worked. An EMPLOYEE may
be assigned as a pilot on one FLIGHT in the timeframe defined by 20:30 – January 10, 2008 and 20:10 –
January 20, 2008. This doesn’t mean that the pilot works continuously. A shift supervisor has the responsibility of
updating the value stored in the attribute executed workhours for a supervised employee.

Due to the high level of expenses that are made in the field of space transportation, an employee that has not been
given a job assignment will not receive payment.

There are two types of job assignments:

ERD Documentation

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”


A ground assignment refers to a job that is performed on ground and is at the same time related to a flight. Ground
operations are performed in FLIGHT STATIONS.

Examples of ground assignments: control tower supervisor, supervisor of tanking operations, etc.

A ground assignment refers to a single flight. More ground assignments may refer to a flight


A flight assignment refers to a job that is performed on a space ship during a flight. FLIGHT ASSIGNMENTs are
performed on FLIGHTs.
ERD Documentation

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”


A ground operation refers to the possible operations that may be performed on a particular ship once it landed.
These are supervised and done by EMPLOYEE’s who have been given GROUND ASSIGNMENTS for this particular
flight in the current timeframe.

Ground operations may include fuel tank refilling operations, passenger boarding, and the lift off procedure.


The OPERATION PLAN entity holds one or more dates at which a GROUND OPERATION has been scheduled.
This entity allows us to track the delays of a ground operation. The effective date at which an operation has been
executed is the one stored in the OPERATION PLAN with the executed logical attribute set to true.
ERD Documentation
Meteorological Data
“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”
Meteorological data is collected for three main purposes:

• Enabling FLIGHTs and GROUND OPERATIONs to take place securely, with no risks of failure which may cause
material and human loss.

• Gathering statistics such as the minimum/mean/maximum temperature for a GROUND LOCATION which is taken
into consideration for building a future landing station (spaceport)

• Gathering statistics about the conditions in which previous flights took place. In case there is an accident or a
malfunction caused to a ship that took off from a particular location, the company will have access to the
meteorological data (in statistical form) that affected that particular ship.

Meteorological data is stored in the METEO DATA entity and its subclasses, LONG TERM DATA and SHORT TERM
DATA. The significance of the “immediate value” attribute depends on the “type” attribute.
For temperature, the value is expressed in degrees Celsius.
For electrical charge, the value is expressed in volts per meter.
For wind, the value represents the wind speed in meters per second, and wind direction is also set.
For lightning, the value represents the distance to the closest lightning bolt.
ERD Documentation
Meteorological Data
“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

Space ship is launched.

SHORT TERM DATA Data collected for this
is collected at very flight is no longer
Weather station small time intervals (1- needed so it is
providing data 2 minutes) for a compacted in the form of
particular space flight statistical data and
launch. moved to LONG TERM

The above diagram describes the flow of meteorological data when a space ship is being launched.

Before a take off, meteorological parameters must be checked every one or two minutes. This way,
the volume of information in SHORT TERM DATA becomes huge (thousands of records for every
launching flight in the Solar System). After a ship is launched, there is no need to keep all the data
that refers to it.
If weather information in SHORT TERM DATA is no longer relevant to space ships taking off from
that area, It is transformed into statistical data (minimum, maximum and mean values), added to
ERD Documentation
Meteorological Data
“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

Before a flight is scheduled for take off, weather stations may also provide weather forecasts (also LONG TERM DATA)
for two or three days. This information is considered when selecting a take off ground location for a flight. For each of the
possible launch locations, a chance of a successful launch is calculated and the location with the highest value is chosen
for that particular flight. All passengers are then directed towards this central location.

Because forecasts are not always 100% accurate, for security means, meteorological data is also collected immediately
before launch at very small time intervals (SHORT TERM DATA). In case there is a parameter that exceeds normal
the flight can still be delayed.
Weather station
providing Minimum, maximum
forecast and mean value

LONG TERM DATA stores both weather forecasts and statistical data collected in the past. The logical attribute
forecast identifies an entry as being a weather forecast or not.

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

•While our database system stores data that allows calculation of fuel costs for
flights, the actual cost of each flight cannot be directly derived.

•We assume that subcontracting management, costs and maintenance will

be modeled at a future date.
Additional Documentation

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

Performing a reservation:

One transaction involving our company and a customer (CLIENT) is an instantiation of the INVOICE entity. A customer
may make several reservations at once; they will be billed on the same INVOICE but will appear as multiple
instantiations of the RESERVATION entity. Each RESERVATION must be either a SEAT RESERVATION or a

SEAT RESERVATIONs are in a relationship with CLIENTs because a SEAT RESERVATION reserves a seat for
exactly one person but it is not mandatory that it be the same person who pays for the reservation.

Most interplanetary trips will require at least three RESERVATIONs: one from a ground station on the origin planet to
its orbit (which is flown by an atmospheric ship), one from the orbit of the origin planet to the destination planet (with an
interplanetary ship), and another one from the orbit of the destination planet to a ground location on it (flown by
another atmospheric ship).

For example, if a husband wanted to go on a trip to the Moon with his wife and pay for the trip:
•Two entries would be written to the CLIENTS table, if they are new customers
•One INVOICE would be created, with the husband's CLIENT ID as a foreign key
•Six RESERVATIONs and six corresponding SEAT RESERVATIONs would be created, two for each segment on
which a reservation is made:
The seat numbers would be completed with any available seats on each of the three ships involved;
The SEAT RESERVATIONs' CLIENT foreign keys would be completed with the ID's of the husband and his wife,
Each RESERVATION's starting and ending point (FLIGHT STATION) would be completed with the IDs of the FLIGHT
STATIONs at the ends of each of the three routes.
Sample Data

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”


ID Name ID Route_ID Ordinal Location_ID
1 From Bucharest to Earth's Orbit 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2
2 From Earth to the Moon
3 2 1 2
3 From Moon's Orbit to Lunar Colony Zero
4 2 2 3
SHIPS 3 1 3
ID Codename Type 3 2 4
1 ABC Shrek 0
2 Moon Space Zero 1 FLIGHT STATIONS
3 Beagle 0 Flight_ID Route_ID Route_Ordinal
1 1 1
ID Ship_ID Start_Date End_Date 2 2 1
1 1 31/01/2014 19:00 01/02/2014 04:41 2 2 2
2 2 01/02/2014 05:13 01/02/2014 16:40 3 3 1
3 3 01/02/2014 17:12 01/02/2014 18:30 3 3 2
Sample Data

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

Ship_ID Number Comfort Class ID Full Name
1 1 1 1 John Doe
1 2 1 2 Jane Doe
2 2 1
ID Client_ID
3 1 1
3 2 1 1 1


ID Invoice_ID Price Reservation_IDShip_ID Seat_Number Client_ID
1 1 $70,00 1 1 1 1
2 1 $70,00 2 1 2 2
3 1 $30,00 3 2 1 1
4 1 $30,00 4 2 2 2
5 1 $50,00 5 3 1 1
6 1 $50,00 6 3 2 2
Sample Report

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

All seats on all flights reserved through a particular invoice:




John Doe 1 1
John Doe 2 1
John Doe 3 1
Jane Doe 1 2
Jane Doe 2 2
Jane Doe 3 2
Sample Graphs

“Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”

Meteorological data graphs: Temperature (degrees Celsius)

The short term meteorological data can be represented 12
in a graph. The times shown are relative to the moment 10
of planned launch. 8
-24:00 -21:00 -18:00 -15:00 -12:00 -9:00 -6:00 -3:00 0:00

Electrical charge (v/m)

Wind speed (m/s)
-00:15 -00:13 -00:11 -00:09 -00:07 -00:05 -00:03 -00:01
-24:00 -21:00 -18:00 -15:00 -12:00 -9:00 -6:00 -3:00 0:00 -850

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