DM Romania2007 Bucuresti Mioara Gheorghe

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National College "Mihai Viteazul"


Teacher: Mioara Gheorghe


REgen Company

Project Manager
Mioara Gheorghe

Căpraru Andreea Ruxandra
Constantinescu Andra We are database designers working for REgen Company -
Sachelarescu Andrei Răzvan research genetics laboratories - with an expanding business able to
contract globally for improving production, decreasing the influence of
weather factors over plant growth and to cooperate with similar
companies from all over the world in order to find a solution to the fuel-
based pollution problem.
The company is confident in our great experience to
model, program, and implement data structure.
Ready to start, we understand that indirectly, our work is
for the human community worldwide, which would live in a less
polluted world due to the use of alternative fuels.
We hold the key, because we care!

On the topic of alternative fuel:

On the research projects concerning genetic

modification of plants: W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

Books and Articles
• Pãcureanu-Joita Maria, 2002, Progress report of the Working
Group: Experimentation of sunflower cultivars (1999-2001). The
FAO Technical Meeting of the Research Network on Sunflower –
Montpellier, France, Helia 38, Vol. 26.
• Baldini M., M. Vischi, M. Turi, N. Di Bernardo, Steluta Raranciuc, M.
Echeverria,F. Castano, G.P.Vannozzi, A.M. Olivieri 2004.
Evaluation of genetic variability for Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Lib. de
Bary resistance in a population from a cross between susceptible
and resistant sunflower, Helia, 27.159-170.
• Giura A., 2002. Winter wheat DH lines with improved intergeneric
crossability, In: Proc. Of the 12th EWAC Conference (1-6 July),
Norwich, UK: 109-111
W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

• Mrs. Elena Mateescu, Ph.D. in Agricultural Field
Head of the Agrometeorological laboratory
E-mail address:;;
Phone number: +40-21-318.32.40 ext.173;
Fax number: +40-21-316.77.62.

• Mr. Marian Verzea, Ph.D

General Director of the National Agricultural Research and
Development Institute (NARDI) Fundulea
E-mail address:; W e hold the Key
Phone number: 021 3154040.
...towards a better FUTURE
Previous to our research and interviews, we already knew about:
Agricultural research, Plant hybrids, Crops, Scientific Research,
Weather Factors such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind

On our interview with Mrs. Mateescu, we learned about:

- phenology, the influence of weather factors on plant development
- Biodiesel, which is one example of an alternative fuel extracted from
- how meteorological data is gathered and how it is used by
agricultural institutes in their activity

On our interview with Mr. Marian Verzea, we became familiarized with:

- forage crops technology (“in vitro” and “in vivo”)
- seed processing and multiplication
- what data a research institute requires and how that data is used
W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

Business Concept
Regen’s business is to trade genetically-improved plant seeds to
companies or countries who want to have different kinds of crops
in areas less suitable for agriculture. In controlled environments
the weather conditions from those areas are simulated and thus it
is established what needs to be genetically-improved.

Ever since agriculture was discovered, meteorological factors

have been the main proven elements to influence the growth and
development of the crop products. Therefore, meteorological data
such as humidity, temperatures, types of soils, wild weather
conditions are used in the research to develop better plants that
can resist to more harsh weather conditions.
Consequently, research has been necessary in order to create or
genetically alter plants for increasing their adaptability and W e hold the Key

resistance to these factors.

...towards a better FUTURE

Business Concept
In the past years, pollution due to the use of conventional fuels has
become a major global concern. Furthermore, economic development
has led to a fast and exaggerated consumption of these conventional
fuels such as charcoal, oil or gasoline.

As a result, research laboratories worldwide have strived to discover

new types of plants and use them to obtain less pollutant alternative
fuels. One such fuel is called “Biodiesel”, and it can be extracted from
rape, sunflower, corn, soya, sugar beet or even coconut.


alternative fuels in areas owned by the company being a source of
financing our main activity, research in agriculture. W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

Connecting the World-global activity-
Researchers need a database which would contain meteorological data
about every country where there are clients as well as about the needs
of different plants with which to conduct the researches for improving
production and decreasing the influence of weather factors over plant

Researchers also organize global projects for exchange of information

between nations, and they are involved in different research teams
along with other members from all over the world in order to find a
solution to the fuel-based pollution problem.

Besides collaborating with institutes and countries we contract globally

with companies that require our services in developing a better breed of
plant, or consultancy based on comparison between their desired
production of one crop, the needs of the plant(s) and data about the W e hold the Key

weather conditions from the area of their activity.

...towards a better FUTURE

Whom do we serve?

The beneficiaries of the database are:

- Researchers which access the database in order
to save time;
- Agriculture-based companies which would receive
the results of the research made;
- Indirectly, the human community worldwide, which
would live in a less polluted world due to the use of
alternative fuels.
W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

Database Goal

The database has to be flexible, it has to allow changes in aspects or

additions of data gathered from experiments

The database goal is to track company’s data

• General data about weather factors in different areas of the globe,
plant requirements and resistance for each weather factor and area
• Data obtained from experiments and research

W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

Business Needs
Our company receives information from weather institutes around the
world in order to gather meteorological data and specific plant
Meteorological data such as increased resistance to drought, to
extreme humidity or cold, is collected and stored from the research
done in our facilities
The company’s main employees are the researchers and the
The researchers
- analyze data, both general and research-resulted one
- are able to access and modify the database at any given time;
they query the data and use it for further research.
- communicate and collaborate with other researchers from
companies around the globe
The consultants W e hold the Key

- are able to access the database

- they extract the necessary data needed for creating
the consulting reports
...towards a better FUTURE
Business Needs
Researchers or consultants from our company register without paying a fee.
Employees from other companies pay a registration fee in order
to have access to our database. The users which do not belong
to our company need to access our database to find information
about the products we offer.

The registration fee is paid by credit card at the time of registration.

Each new user must enter his first and last name, username,
password, email address, the company for which he/she works for,
current job and contact information.

After entering the data, the registration process is complete. The new
user is now a member of our database and he is free to access it at any
given time. W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

Business Needs
Our company is able to offer data reports
created by our consultants.
All reports are contract-based with a required fee.
Reports structure:
1. Meteorological data for certain areas
2. Weather prognosis for either a seasonal or
an annual report
3. Recommendations for the cultivators
W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

5 reasons to ask for the database
1. Obtaining and storing data about weather-resistant varieties and
hybrids through genetic modification in grains, industrial crops
and forage crops
2. Creating reports for consultants with specific information required
by different companies
3. Comparing data about weather conditions from areas, countries
with the needs of the plants
4. Creating alternative fuels by processing plants such as corn,
rape, sunflower and sugar beet
5. Storing data resulted from the successful exchange of information
and collaboration with global agricultural institutes and companies
W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE


-information about -information about

at a weather factors
r sd resulted hybrids
and phenology
e nt e -testing techniques
-information about -climatic information
ecological-used hybrids -general information
-alternative fertilization about plants

f re
wit h
re g s
is t rat rs

da oc e
rat b o

lla use

ta ss
ion o
c er

in g
ot h


pro a
registration ss
r ati g iv
gi st es
re e f ee
h fe db -results and findings
EMPLOYEE wi ac gathered from research
FROM -statistics
COUNTRY made the the found LOCATION
#id up division ZONE place in PLANT_
of of of
#longitude PHENOLOGY influenced DEVELOPMENT
*name #id #altitude #id by #id

the *name #latitude influences
*description *description
*name *status
the workplace specific
noticed in #id undergoes
CLIMATE *measure scale PLANT used in
#id *minimum recording AGROMETEOROLOGICAL_
commu- #id
*name *maximum recording nicate INSTITUTE *species
with #id *average temperature needed contains
*name *average humidity needed PLANT _
setting *address *average wind speed needed RESEARCH_
for noticed *country ○average precipitation needed PROCESS
*measure scale contains
○average degree of sun shining needed TESTING_ LOCATION
*minimum recording can be TESTING_ FIELD
#id a
*maximum recording #id
noticed ○type of soil needed *longitude type
in *altitude of
for *latitude a
the ○country can be #id
#id of
setting TEMPERATURE collaborate uses
SEASON for #id with the testing
*department #id leads RESEARCH PROCESS place of
#id *measure scale
the noticed *name to #id
*start date setting in *minimum recording made of
*start date *start date
*end date for *maximum recording made tested in
made *topic through *description
*name HYBRID
by ○description ○end date
○average temperature the result of #id
○average humidity ○conclusions has
WIND SPEED as a result *name
○average precipitations *description
○average wind speed the noticed #id working
setting in *measure scale at EMPLOYEE tested through
*maximum recording #social security #id #id #id
the the setting method method of method of IN _VITRO_
*first name
setting for of TECHNIQUE
*last name
for DEGREE_ OF_ SUNSHINING made by made by applied to #id
noticed ○birth date
#id *start date
in ○home address made by can be
*measure scale part SHIPPING *description
*minimum recording of #id a ○end date
*maximum recording *date #id of
RESEARCHER established
*degree by
noticed in #id TECHNIQUE
can be
*type establishes released for signs
*quantity of water contained CONSULTANT of *start date
*qualification CLIENT_ COMPANY *description
enclosed CONTRACT #id ○end date
USER regis- by #number *name ○testing field
#username tered *type *address
as clo-
working *password sed ○phone number
*first name MANAGER needs
for *last name wor- *start date contains
○email address king
as releases by received by
W e hold the Key

author #id
*job released
of *date of acknowledgement


...towards a better FUTURE
ERD explanations
 Temperature It consists of average values for all seasons specific to each
country, zone and location from where the company has
gathered information via the institutes from those
countries. It is also related to the needs of the plants, their
limitations in terms of successful cultivation ( from what
temperature to what temperature they can grow normally). The
data is later on used according to the requirements and
simulated in the laboratory. The new needs of the plants are then
recorded and stored in the required report.
 Precipitations This data is also collected from the same institutes of
meteorology and represents average values depending on
the season. It is related to plant needs as well, limitations.
The stored date is related to the other meteorological
and used where needed such as research or reports. The
results of the research are stored in the required report.
W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

ERD explanations
 Soil It is of different types and it has importance in the
development of the plant, water reserves, fertility and is
specific to zones being used for research. It may change different
properties over type such as water reserves that depend on
the season.
 Humidity It is an indicator to which kind of plant is best suited for a
region different values corresponding to different varieties of
the same species. All data is collected from research or
meteorological institutes and is used for the reports.
 Wind _Speed It contains average values collected from the
meteorological institutes with which we collaborate about the
zones and countries. Research results are included in the
report about
the limits of the plants.
W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

ERD explanations
 Plant _Development It describes the limitations of the plant in terms of
weather conditions and resources. It depends on the variety of plant even
within the same species. It relates plants to weather conditions.
 Plant It is classified according to species, variety and usage
and can be for agriculture, for fuel or for other
purposes such as food for animals.
 Phenology It describes the effects of weather over plant growth
and development depending on season and region.
 Employee It has a starting date and an end date that is left blank
if he/she still works for the company. It has the sub-
entities Researcher, Consultant, Manager, Other and there is
a hierarchy between the employees of the company .
 Research _Process It includes all the stages of the research procedure
beginning with genetic altering and ending with field
W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

ERD explanations

 Testing _Place The facility in which the testing takes place it

connects reports to the testing
process and the testing technique.

 Contract It is made between REgen and the client

company , it is closed by our company's
manager and signed by the client company.

 Country Is a sub-division of the continent, institutes with

which the company works are located in
W e hold the Key

different countries.

...towards a better FUTURE

ERD explanations
 Testing _Technique It can be in-vitro or in-vivo and on it depends the whole
testing process.
 Zone Is a sub-division of the country and is connects weather data
to plants and client companies, its properties being the reason
why research is done in order to genetically improve the plant(s).
 Location It describes the places where divisions of our company are
located in order to help companies work better with one that is closer
to them.
 Climate A general description of the weather conditions from a zone
depending on latitude and longitude.
 Season A part of the year with specific temperatures, humidity, rainfalls
depending on the climate so it may be recorded more than
with the same name but its features are different because the
climates are different.
 User Someone who has an account at our database and can receive
W e hold the Key

information after an order is done for it.

...towards a better FUTURE

ERD explanations
 Registration A fee is paid in order to have access to the database if the
user is not an employee of our company and contact
infor- mation as well as address and name are recorded.
 Receipt A document received when the order arrives at the
 Shipping It is related to Air Transport, Maritime Transport and
Land Transport and connects order and client.
 Other _Institute The meteorological institutes with which our com-
pany collaborates. Contact information is kept about
 Research_Team It is classified by name and specific purpose. It is
the result of the collaboration between the com-
pany’s researchers and foreign researchers.
 Global_ Project It has a starting date and an end date as well as
specific purpose resulting in exchange of information
between institutions. It connects Research Team to
W e hold the Key

Other Institute.

...towards a better FUTURE

ERD explanations
 Research _team---employee: The employee is part of the research
team and the research team is made from employees. It is a 1-M to
relationship from the research team to employee. Any research
team must be made up of researchers who are employees but there
are employees who are not researchers.
 User--- employee: It is a 1-1 relationship and non-transferable as a
user must be attended by an employee of the company because he
has contact with a property of the company. Although someone else
may use his account he will still have the responsibility for his
 Hybrid---testing _technique: In order to obtain one ore more hybrids
a testing technique is required but there is not a mandatory type of
technique as some may be better depending on the plant.
 Phenology---plant_ development: It is a 1-M relationship as although
plants may have different limitations the phenology is the same and
it is mandatory as plant development data is used always together
with phenology.
We assumed that:
• A user can have only one account in our database.
• A project can have only one topic.
• The original needs of the plant do not change unless we modify it
• Average weather conditions remain the same in a certain zone and
there is just one climate in a zone.
• Only one position is recorded for a location.
• We only keep data about companies and institutions with which we
have collaborated.
• Measurements units are as follow:
 temperature: degree Celsius;
 location altitude: meters; W e hold the Key

 precipitations: millimeters;
 Money: $ USD.

...towards a better FUTURE

• Time constraints:
 For the Global Project, Employee and User start date must be before end
 For the Plant the original needs must be before the new needs.
 For a Contract the order date must be before receipt date.

• Space constraints:
 Latitude and longitude are memorized in degrees, minutes, seconds and
direction (east or west for longitude, north or south for latitude) and must be
comprised within the maximum values: 180E to 180W degrees for longitude
and 90N to 90N degrees for latitude.

W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

Does It Really Work?
First Case
A certain company located in any area of the globe
contacts us and states its desired plant species or
hybrid. A contract with that company is then made.
The contract states that we provide seeds resulted
from genetic altering which will be cultivated in the
area the client company wishes.

Researchers access the database and extract the

necessary information such as weather conditions
from the desired area and specific data concerning
the required species of plant which is to be altered W e hold the Key

such as its needs and limits.

...towards a better FUTURE

• By applying the “in vitro” technique, a new species is obtained. The
plant resulted should be resistant to the extreme weather factors in
the desired area of the globe. The information about the new
properties of the plants and the corresponding weather conditions
are stored in the database to later be used where needed such as
reports or consultancy.
• By applying the “in vivo” technique, the species created are first
tested on our fields. These fields are used to simulate different
meteorological conditions in order to verify the resistance of the
hybrids we created. The results are stored in the database just as
they are in the case of the “in-vitro” technique.
• After the testing process is over, we notify our clients about our
findings and we ship the product to them. W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

Second Case
2. A company asks for consultancy concerning their
agricultural activities. Through the consulting
reports, our employees advise the clients what
types of plants to grow. To do that, our
consultants access the database, analyze the
certain plant requirements, meteorological data or
weather forecasts and then create the
personalized reports which are then presented to
the clients.

W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

Third Case

3. One of our research teams tests various plants to

see if by different processes alternative fuel can be
obtained. The results of the research are then
STORED in the database. When a new type of plant
is be used to make “Biodiesel”, the findings of the
research team are shared with other institutes
around the world .

W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

Sample 1: Plant Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg. Soil
name Temp humidity wind sun precipi-
This data about plants can be . speed shining tation
accessed by using the data- Rice 25 85 20 55 600 brown
base and is an essential part
of any report or simply for re- Corn 20 75 45 70 450 black
search. The entity plant can
contains this data. wheat 22 55-60 45 65 350 black

Sample 2:
This graphics presents the
60 Plant
difference between the na-
40 Request
tural plant development, the
20 Result
request and the hybrid deve- W e hold the Key

lopment. 0
Temp. Humidity

...towards a better FUTURE

Our database is the best solution for the company’s needs

Provide a thorough source of information for any further research

related to plant genetic modification

Come in the aid of world-wide research institutes working together to

solve the global problem fuel-based pollution has become

Help reinforce communication and collaboration among researchers

all over the world

Our database offers reliable, accessible and easy to work with data
tools from which reports, graphics, bulletins or statistics can be

W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE


Besides the fact that we gained important experience and

theoretical knowledge in the modeling domain, the project
helped us test and even improve the understanding of the way a
database works.

The most important thing that we achieved are the skills we got
during this project development. We achieved a more structured
way of thinking, we learned to better organize our ideas, and
most of all, we became more aware of the importance of the
constructive communication between the team members.

Another thing was the interaction with a real- world situation, and
much more, the quest of finding a real solution for it.

W e hold the Key

...towards a better FUTURE

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