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S3 Literature

Twelfth Night
Watch the video and complete the worksheet
Group work: Extended Discussion
1. What lines/ sections are repeated in the song? Highlight them.
2. Who has mistaken identity? Who cross-dresses?
3. What are the characters mentioned? What do we understand about their
relationships through the song?
4. What is the ‘funniest thing’ according to the song?
5. What does the line ‘If music be the food of love, play on (Don't stop!)’ mean?
Summarize it in your own words.
Suggested Key
1. Repeated sections in the song:
#Falseness and faking, the pranks that are made #
# Emotions, disguises that get in the way #
# If music be the food of love, play on (don't stop!) (Oooh yeah) #

# A criss-crossing of love and a-muddling up # And the whole mad show rolls on! #
2. Who has mistaken identity? Who cross-dresses?
- Viola- She pretends to be a man, and works for Duke Orsino
- Malvolio
3. What are the characters mentioned? What do we understand about their relationships
through the song?
- Viola- she suffers through a shipwreck, dresses up as a man called Cesario, falls in
love with Orsino, goes to Olivia to woo her for Orsino
- Sebastian- Viola’s twin brother, agrees to marry Olivia
- Orsino- a duke, Viola’s boss, falls in love with Olivia, later proposes to Viola
- Olivia- a lady, who falls in love with Viola/Cesario, whose brother died, proposes to
- Malvolio- Olivia’s steward
- Maria- fakes a love letter to Malvolio
- Sir Toby- loud drunk, plays prank on Malvolio
- Sir Andrew- loud drunk, plays prank on Malvolio, challenges Cesario to fight
4. What is the ‘funniest thing’ according to the song?
- A case of mistaken identity
- Lessons in cross-dressing and fighting a-plenty
5. What does the line ‘If music be the food of love, play on (Don't stop!)’ mean?
Summarize it in your own words.
- It refers to the idea that music can fill a person’s heart and make them stop
feeling heartbroken

1. Read Twelfth Night reading material

2. Do research online- find a piece of short writing (a paragraph/ a verse a song
chorus) that to you is the most romantic way to describe someone’s beauty
(Due in Lesson 11)

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