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I’m loving bagels.

Ask 3 partners:
-Do you eat breakfast?
(if no, why not?)
-What do you eat for breakfast?
flour ______,
A bagel is made from ______, salt ______,
water ______, yeast and
a ___________.
ring ______,
It is shaped into a ______, baked
boiled and then _______.
Are bagels healthy?
Bagels are low in fat and high in carbohydrates.

They are a good source of energy. You can add healthy

toppings for more nutrition.

fat 脂肪 n. topping 配料 n.

carbohydrates 碳水化合物 n. nutrition 營養 n.

a good source of energy 好的能量來源

New York Bagel Montreal Bagel

This makes meal

planning easier to
predict too.

different types of bagel

New York Bagel Montreal Bagel

*small hole *conventional oven *wood-fired oven

*large size

This makes meal

planning easier to
predict too.

*crusty outside *sweet taste

*small size
*soft inside *soft&chewy
*large hole
Ask 3 partners
-Have you eaten bagels?
-How did bagels taste?
-What’s the difference between
New York bagels and Montreal bagels?
What can you add to
egg bacon smoked
Savory bagel
topping ideas meat
cheese lettuce
jam hone sliced fruits
Sweet bagel
crea chocolate/peanut butter
A: What kind of bagels do you prefer?
B: I prefer sweet bagels with strawberries.
A: I would say savory bagels with cheese
tastes better!
B: (V)So do I!
(X) I see. Everyone has different tastes.
Find 3 partners and practice the conversation.
Then share it to the whole class.
A: What kind of bagels do you prefer?
B: I prefer _________ with _____________.
A: I would say ________________________
tastes better!
B: (V)So do I!
(X) I see. Everyone has different tastes.
Order bagels in a café
A: Hi, can I get a bagel with _________________?

B: Sure thing! Do you want it toasted a little?

A: ___________________________________________.

B: Got it, do you need any drinks?

A: ___________________________________________.

B: Alright, it's $_______. Please wait over there,

and we'll bring it to you when it's ready.

A: Okay, thank you!

How does the bagel taste?
It tastes + (adj.)
chewy crutsy moist

soft creamy flavorful

spongy succulent rich

Time to make bagels and present!

In groups, make your

bagels to your liking
Time to make bagels and present!

Introduce your bagels, you should mention:

-What is the bagel made from?
-Are bagels healthy?
-What ingredients did you put in your bagels?
-How does the bagel taste?
Let’s take a group

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