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Leading Positive


Presented by: Muhammad Aziz

Student of MBA
Student ID. 61246


 Change
 Change Management
 6 Keys To Leading Positive Change
 A Framework of Positive Change
 Resistance to Change
 Leading a Positive Change
 Leadership and Change
 The Personal Positive Change
 Leading Change is about the future. We focus on transition; tomorrow's
opportunities not today's problems.

 Has a great impact on all aspects.

 Can be positive as well as negative.

 Can help develop strong personalities.

Change Management
 Managing Change is as important as any other function.

 Relates survival to the dynamic environment present around you.

 More Psychological Parameter than technical.

 Leaves you defeated if adaptation is not there

to Change.
6 Keys To Leading positive Change
1. Show Up 2. Speak Up 3. Look Up

4 . Te a m U p 5 . N e v e r G i v e U p 6. Lift Others Up

Extracted from
“Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s”
A Framework of Positive Change
Resistance to Change
 Direct Costs

 Saving Face

 Forces for
 Fear of the Unknown
Change  Breaking Routines

 Incongruent System

 Incongruent Team Dynamics

Leading a Positive Change
 Communication
 Training
 Employee Involvement
 Stress Management
 Negotiations
 Coercion
Leadership and Change
 Initiate.
 Self belief before changing.
 Constant need to adapt to the dynamic

 Owning the responsibility for failures.
The Personal Positive Change
 Understand your needs and values.

 Understand your competencies.

 Set career goals.

 Maintain networks.

 Get a mentor.

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