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DATE: 29TH MAY 2024
• What is your understanding of a political party?
• Discuss the various types of party system
• Mention the electoral bodies in Nigeria and State
their functions
• Discuss the functions of political parties
Question 1
A political party is an organized group of people who share similar political beliefs and
goals. They work together to influence government policy and elect candidates to public

**Key Characteristics of Political Parties:**

* **Shared ideology:** Members generally agree on a set of core principles and values
that guide their political positions.
* **Formal organization:** Parties have a defined structure, with leaders, members, and
rules governing their operations.
* **Electoral competition:** Parties aim to win elections and gain control of government
* **Policy advocacy:** Parties develop and promote specific policies that align with their
• * **Representation:** Parties represent the interests of their members and supporters,
articulating their concerns and advocating for their needs.
Question 2
**Types of Party Systems:**

**One-Party System:**

* A single party dominates the political landscape, with limited or no opposition.

* Examples: China, Cuba, North Korea

**Two-Party System:**

* Two major parties compete for power, with minor parties playing a marginal role.
* Examples: United States, United Kingdom

**Multi-Party System:**

* Several parties compete for power, often forming coalitions to govern.

* Examples: India, Germany, Italy

**Dominant-Party System:**

* One party consistently wins elections but faces some level of opposition from other parties.
* Examples: Japan, Mexico

**Fragmented Party System:**

* Numerous parties compete for power, making it difficult for any single party to gain a majority.
* Examples: Israel, Netherlands

**Polarized Pluralist System:**

* Two or more major parties represent distinct ideological blocs, with limited cooperation between them.
* Examples: United States (increasingly), France

**Catch-All Party System:**

* Parties adopt broad, moderate platforms to appeal to a wide range of voters, reducing ideological differences.
* Examples: Germany, Netherlands

**Cartel Party System:**

* A small number of parties dominate the political system, often cooperating to maintain their power and limit competition.
• * Examples: Austria, Switzerland
Question 3
**Electoral Bodies in Nigeria and Their Functions:**

**1. Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)**

* Conducts and supervises all elections in Nigeria, including presidential, legislative, and gubernatorial elections.
* Registers political parties and candidates.
* Verifies and announces election results.
* Ensures the integrity and credibility of the electoral process.

**2. State Independent Electoral Commissions (SIECs)**

* Conduct and supervise local government elections within their respective states.
* Register political parties and candidates for local government elections.
* Verify and announce local government election results.

**3. National Assembly Election Tribunal**

* Adjudicates on petitions challenging the results of National Assembly (Senate and House of Representatives) elections.

**4. Governorship and Legislative Houses Election Tribunal**

* Adjudicates on petitions challenging the results of governorship and state legislative assembly elections.

**5. Presidential Election Petition Tribunal**

• * Adjudicates on petitions challenging the results of presidential elections.

Question 4
**Functions of Political Parties:**

* **Representation:** Aggregating and articulating the interests and concerns of their members
and supporters.
* **Policy Development:** Formulating and promoting specific policies that align with their
ideology and platform.
* **Electoral Competition:** Nominating and supporting candidates for public office and
mobilizing voters to support them.
* **Governance:** Participating in the governing process, either directly through holding
government positions or indirectly through influencing policy and decision-making.
* **Political Education:** Informing and educating the public about political issues and processes.
* **Interest Aggregation:** Bringing together individuals and groups with shared interests and
* **Socialization:** Transmitting political values, beliefs, and norms to their members and the
wider public.
* **Recruitment:** Identifying and training potential political leaders and candidates.
• * **Accountability:** Holding elected officials accountable for their actions and policies.

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