Lecture-22 Basic Paragraphing

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Basic Paragraphing

Atta Ur Rehman Jadoon

Office: G-5
Barbers Building,
School of Management Sciences
The rapid advancement of technology has
Paragraph is a… significantly altered communication. Social
media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram have seamlessly integrated into
• Self-contained unit of modern communication, enabling instant
sharing globally. This transformative impact
written or spoken language extends beyond information sharing, playing a
that typically consists of one pivotal role in forging once inconceivable
or more sentences and connections. The ability to connect globally has
focuses on a single main idea reshaped personal communication and
contributed to a more interconnected society. As
or topic. we navigate the evolving technological
• Way of organizing and landscape, it's evident that communication will
continue to evolve, promising a more globally
presenting information in a engaged society.
logical and coherent manner.
The rapid advancement of technology has
Purpose of a paragraph significantly altered communication. Social
media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram have seamlessly integrated into
• Express and develop a modern communication, enabling instant
sharing globally. This transformative impact
specific point or idea, extends beyond information sharing, playing a
• Paragraphs collectively pivotal role in forging once inconceivable
connections. The ability to connect globally has
contribute to the reshaped personal communication and
overall structure and contributed to a more interconnected society. As
flow of a piece of we navigate the evolving technological
writing. landscape, it's evident that communication will
continue to evolve, promising a more globally
engaged society.
• In written form, paragraphs The rapid advancement of technology has
are often indicated by significantly altered communication. Social
starting a new line and media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram have seamlessly integrated into
indenting the first line, or modern communication, enabling instant
by leaving a blank line sharing globally. This transformative impact
between paragraphs. extends beyond information sharing, playing a
pivotal role in forging once inconceivable
connections. The ability to connect globally has
reshaped personal communication and
contributed to a more interconnected society. As
we navigate the evolving technological
landscape, it's evident that communication will
continue to evolve, promising a more globally
engaged society.

The rapid advancement of technology has
Parts of a Paragraph significantly altered communication.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and

• Topic Sentence Instagram have seamlessly integrated into modern
• Supporting Details communication, enabling instant sharing globally. This
transformative impact extends beyond information
• Concluding Sentence sharing, playing a pivotal role in forging once
inconceivable connections. The ability to connect
globally has reshaped personal communication and
contributed to a more interconnected society.

As we navigate the evolving technological landscape, it's

evident that communication will continue to evolve,
promising a more globally engaged society.
The rapid advancement of technology has significantly
Topic Sentence altered communication.

• Usually the first sentence

of a paragraph.
• Introduces the main idea
or point of the paragraph.
• Provides a clear focus and
sets the tone for the rest of
the paragraph.

The topic sentence is like the captain of the ship. It sets the
direction for the entire paragraph. It tells the reader what the
paragraph is going to be about.
Supporting Sentences
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and
• Come after the topic Instagram have seamlessly integrated into modern
sentence and provide more communication, enabling instant sharing globally. This
information, details, transformative impact extends beyond information
examples, or evidence to sharing, playing a pivotal role in forging once
inconceivable connections. The ability to connect
support the main idea. globally has reshaped personal communication and
• Expand on the topic contributed to a more interconnected society.
sentence and help develop
the paragraph's central
concept. Supporting details are the crew members that give
strength to our ship. They provide evidence,
examples, and explanations that support and reinforce
our topic sentence.
Concluding Sentence
• Summarizes the main
point of the paragraph or
transitions to the next
paragraph. Just as a ship needs a safe harbor to dock, our
• Provides closure and paragraph needs a concluding sentence. It wraps
up the ideas and leaves a lasting impression on
reinforces the overall
the reader.
As we navigate the evolving technological landscape, it's
evident that communication will continue to evolve,
promising a more globally engaged society.
Essentials of a Good Paragraph
The rapid advancement of technology has
Unity of ideas significantly altered communication. Social
media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram have seamlessly integrated into
A good topic sentence modern communication, enabling instant
sharing globally. This transformative impact
extends beyond information sharing, playing a
Logical sequence of thoughts
pivotal role in forging once inconceivable
connections. The ability to connect globally has
Variety of sentence structure reshaped personal communication and
contributed to a more interconnected society. As
we navigate the evolving technological
A comprehensive final sentence landscape, it's evident that communication will
continue to evolve, promising a more globally
engaged society.
• Paragraph writing is a fundamental skill in effective communication,
serving as the building block of larger pieces of writing such as essays,
reports, and articles.
• Effective paragraph writing involves clarity, coherence, and unity.
• Writers should ensure that each paragraph addresses a single main idea
and that supporting details logically connect to the central theme.
• Additionally, maintaining a consistent tone and using appropriate
transitions contribute to the overall readability and coherence of the
written piece.
• Write a paragraph on the reading topic that you have read from chapter
9 during reading classes.
• Mention the topic sentence
• Mention the supporting details
• Mention the concluding sentence
• Submit the picture of that paragraph at MS teams before the next class
of the week

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