Top Corruptor in Indonesia During 2008-2010: Naomee Grace Monica (240210100027)

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Naomee Grace Monica (240210100027)

Erina Wuri Handayani (240210100029)

Paramitha Yana Santika (240210100031) Novita Wardani (240210100032) Lilis Sulastri (240210100033)

Nursifa Ratnasari (240210100034)


Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) corruption case reached a climactic point when Aulia Tantowi Pohan, in-law of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, was finally put under arrest at 27th November 2008.

He was first questioned as a suspect on 3rd November 2008 by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigating team. He was questioned along with the three other former BI Deputy Governors who were also arrested on the same day.
A total of four officials were arrested yesterday in relation to the BLBI corruption case. All were former Deputy Governors of Bank Indonesia: Aulia Pohan, Maman H. Somantri, Bun Bunan Hutapea, and Aslim Tadjudin.

The Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support case started when an audit report from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), revealed a flow of funds in the amount of Rp 31.5 billion (approx. US$2.6 million), to several members of the Finance and Banking Commission of the House of Representatives. The fund was used for dissemination purposes of the Indonesian Bank Law Revision discussion. The BPK suspects that the funds were a form of bribery towards the House of Representatives, in order to maintain certain interests of the central bank, and in response to the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance settlement.

Aulia Pohan himself is considered a suspect because he was the coordinator of the People's Social Committee. This was the committee that was formed for the improvement of Bank Indonesia's image and legal aid for some of its former officials. However only Rp 68.5 billion (approx. US$5.7 million) of the money were used for that purpose, while the rest Rp 31.5 billion were allegedly used for bribery.
According to the Indonesian Corruption Watch, there are 18 evidences in the form of documents that proves Aulia Pohan's involvement. He was in jail for 3 years and had to pay Rp 200 million.



Testimony on may 16, 2009 antasari told about his meeting withanggodo widjodjo

Anggoro told him about his bribing the head of KPK by Rp 6 billion

However, until now the accusation had not been proven. The one that was currently being disputed is Antasari's meeting with a KPK fugitive. The meeting violated KPK Head Code of Ethics.

In the first case, Antasari is accused of being the mastermind behind the murder of Nasrudin Zulkarnaen, the CEO of PT Putra Rajawali Banjaran. Nasrudin was shot to death at the Modern Land Residence, Tangerang on March 14, 2009. The case also involves a mid-level military officer and a newspaper owner. The second cases, involves Antasari's testimony. In the handwritten testimony made on May 16, 2009, Antasari tells about his meeting with Anggoro Widjojo, the CEO of PT Masaro Radiokom. Anggoro is the suspect in the alleged corruption case on the procurement of integrated radio communication system in the Department of Forestry. Anggoro is even a fugitive. Antasari met with him in Singapore in October, 2008. Here, Anggoro told him about his bribing the head of KPK by Rp 6 billion. However, until now the accusation has not been proven

Based on court decisions , Antasari was sentenced to death and 18 years imprisonment on 11 February 2010. but The Judicial Commission (KY) has found indications that judges in Antasari Azhars trial ignored important evidence and testimony that might have cleared him of murder charges. The conclusion was welcomed by Antasaris team of lawyers, who had planned to file a case review to the Supreme Court, the last resort available in Indonesias judicial system to appeal a court verdict. He has submitted an appeal.


legal process tax mafia cases Gayus Tambunan more mysterious.

President has issued a Presidential Instruction completion once.


Indications of powerlessness was evident from the age of Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2011 for completion of the case of Gayus who has entered the third month. However, since published January 17 last to this day, April 4th 2011,none of the 49 companies that taxpayer problems who become suspects.


case has been even a year old former employee of the Directorate General of Tax since it was captured in Meritus Mandarin Hotel in Orchad Road Singapore, March 30th 2010 ago.

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