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Practices in Our
Luca and João

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

• This project aims to raise
awareness about recycling
and encourage sustainable
recycling practices within
our community. By
educating residents about
the importance of recycling
and providing practical
solutions, we can reduce
waste, conserve resources,
and contribute to a
healthier environment.
Project Goals:
1. Raise awareness about the benefits of
2. Promote practices.
3. Increase recycling rates within the
community. responsible recycling
4. Reduce contamination in recycling bins.
Reasons why we
should recycle more.
1. Conservation of Natural Resources:
• Recycling helps conserve valuable natural
resources such as metals, paper, plastics,
and glass. By reusing these materials, we
reduce the need for extracting and
processing raw materials from the Earth.
2. Minimization of Landfill Waste:
• Recycling helps divert materials from
landfills, reducing the amount of waste
that needs to be disposed of in these often
limited and environmentally harmful
All those reasons of why we should
recycle are very important. But to
me this one is the most important of
all of them.
•Reduction of Energy Consumption:
•Recycling generally requires less energy
than manufacturing new products from
raw materials. For example, recycling
aluminium saves up to 95% of the energy
required to produce aluminium from
bauxite ore.

Here is why. -»
That´s pretty much it.
Thank you for watching.
João, Luca

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