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There should be neither harming

nor reciprocating harm

Unit 5 Lesson 3

Learning Intention
-To Infer the instructions of Noble Hadith
-To explain the effect of applying the Hadith in society

Success Criteria:
- I can define the general meaning of the Hadith
- I can describe the scholar’s view of the Hadith
- I can apply the Hadith with real life scenarios
This Hadith of our Prophet ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسّلم‬tells us we should not be the cause of any harm and nor should it be reciprocated. It
is not just physically harming people but includes every form of harm.

•Wasiyyah (will) – if a person has some money and he wants to give it to someone who is no related to him. He is
allowed but he must not exceed the limits (one third). If he exceeds the limits, he will cause harm to the immediate
•Marriage and relationship between husband and wife. As stated in Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 231 – someone
divorces his wife and then he reconciles with her, but his intention in reconciliation is so that he can cause her harm. ·
•Traveling or being away from the family for a long time and without a good reason – this can cause harm to the
wife and family.
•Selling and trading – when someone is in great need of something, the seller (who knows this) sells him at a very
high price – this is not allowed.
•Someone who wants to buy is not good at bargaining, and because of this the seller sells at a very high price, more
than it is worth.
•Burning rubbish on your property on a windy day. This will cause harm to your neighbors. It may cause harm to
the environment and the people in the neighboring countries. This kind of harm should be brought to an end.
•Digging a well that will cause damage to the well of one’s neighbor. If one needs to dig a well, he should position it
a little further away from his neighbor's.
•Behaving on one’s property in a way that will harm his neighbors.
•Causing bad smell to spread from one’s property to his neighbors.
Dealing among people would result in harm, mostly
Steps unintentional. There would be a party that caused the harm
and party that sustained it. It cannot be fixed through
causing others damage as a way of taking revenge, The
feeling of revenge should not prevail. Therefore the law
should assess and remove damage.

“Shariah is Mercy for the “The Muslim is polite and “Laws prevent harm and
Worlds” Smart” fix it if it occurs”

Islamic Shariah is based on easing A Muslim must consider his UAE draws several legislations to
things for mankind and achieving options before making a choice. If prevent harm to residents and
happiness for people in this world his decision involves causing harm, citizens
and in the hereafter he must consider his options well

Follow the instructions below and double check your
assignment has detailed description of the assigned


Each one of you will work with the assigned Hadith (PPT),
It should have the following segments in your own creative way
- General command of the Hadith (The assigned Hadith)
- Connect it with “There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm”
- Give real life examples (Application of Hadith min 10 examples)
(WAGOLL- “She used a bad word but I will not reciprocate”
“If she does it as a routine targeting, I will take help of legal authorities”
The above is a simple example, come with real scenarios (Scenes/stories), How these
stories change when the instructions of Hadith are followed)
- Conclude showing the effect of applying the Hadith on the society
If someone kills so much as a The strong are not the best
The Muslim is the one from sparrow or anything larger wrestlers. Verily, the strong are
whose tongue and hand the without a just cause, then Allah only those who control
Muslims are safe. the Exalted will ask him about it themselves when they are
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 10 on the Day of Resurrection. angry.
Source: Sunan al-Nasā’ī 4445 Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5763

No one who has the weight of a

Verily, the most complete of Guard yourself from the Hellfire
seed of arrogance in his heart
believers in faith are those with even with half of a date in
will enter Paradise. Arrogance
the best character and who are charity. If he cannot find it, then
means rejecting the truth and
most kind to their families. with a kind word.
looking down on people.
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2612 Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6195
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 91

The parable of the believers in My assignment should
their affection, mercy, and be creative
compassion for each other is
that of a body. When any limb
aches, the whole body reacts
with sleeplessness and fever.
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5665

I should check if it I am ready to

meets the criteria present it to
the class in the
next session
I have 5 Mins
To present

Recheck –
How can I make it
Give some profound
Let’s check your understanding
Do this now – Pg 138 & 139

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