(Possible Answer) She Is Checking A Price On The Internet.: Speaking

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1. SPEAKING Describe the picrture.

What do you thinks the woman is doing

(Possible answer) She is checking a

price on the internet.
2. Read the text. Then answer the questions.

That’ll be $5, please.

A health food shop in Adelaide, Australia, has decided to charge customers $5 for ‘just looking'.
The problem is that customers keep coming into the shop and leaving without buying anything.
‘They pretend to be interested in a product and ask for advice,’ says Kate Reeves, the shop
owner, 'but they usually don't buy anything.’
This new phenomenon is called ‘showrooming’. People visit a shop, examine a product, and then
buy it online, where it is cheaper. Kate says she spends hours every day talking about products
with customers. ‘l can’t stand working and not getting paid,' she says. ‘I refuse to work for free!’
Everyone avoids paying more than they have to, but customers fail to realise that Kates’ prices
are mostly the same as in larger stores and on websites. They prefer to shop elsewhere as they
expect to find the product at a lower price. ‘lf customers choose to buy something, I return the $5
fee,' says Kate.
Many shops face the same problem and some may end up introducing a similar charge. The
danger is that it risks putting customers off. But Kate in Adelaide says it has made no difference
to her business.
Charge (v) tính phí
Customer (n) khách hàng
Pretend (v) giả vờ
Product (n) sản phẩm
Advice (n, v) lời khuyên
Owner (n) chủ
Phenomenon (n) hiện tượng
Examine (v) kiểm tra
Can’t stand + V-ing không chịu nổi
Avoid + V-ing (v) tránh né
Refuse (v) từ chối
Similar to (a) tương tự
Danger (n) nguy hiểm
Face (with) (n, v) mặt, đối mặt với
1. What is 'showrooming”? Have you or someone you knowever
'Showcase' is when people visit a store, review a product, and then purchase
2.Do you prefer to buy things in shops or online? Why?
I like to buy things at the brick – and - mortar store because there are more
choices than in the store.
3. Should you expect to pay more for goods in a shop than on a website? Why? /
Why not?
Yes I should, because while buying i was consulted about the goods.
4. What would you do if you had to pay to look around a shop?
I will pay according to the store's request.
2. Read the text. Then write down verbs followed by to infinitive
or gerund
That’ll be $5, please.
A health food shop in Adelaide, Australia, has decided to charge customers $5 for ‘just looking'. The
problem is that customers keep coming into the shop and leaving without buying anything. ‘They
pretend to be interested in a product and ask for advice,’ says Kate Reeves, the shop owner, 'but
they usually don't buy anything.’
This new phenomenon is called ‘showrooming’. People visit a shop, examine a product, and then
buy it online, where it is cheaper. Kate says she spends hours every day talking about products with
customers. ‘l can’t stand working and not getting paid,' she says. ‘I refuse to work for free!’
Everyone avoids paying more than they have to, but customers fail to realise that Kates’ prices are
mostly the same as in larger stores and on websites. They prefer to shop elsewhere as they expect
to find the product at a lower price. ‘lf customers choose to buy something, I return the $5 fee,' says
Many shops face the same problem and some may end up introducing a similar charge. The
danger is that it risks putting customers off. But Kate in Adelaide says it has made no difference to
her business.
infinitive decide, pretend, refuse, fail,
prefer, expect, choose

-ing form keep, spend (time), can't stand,

avoid, end up, risk

3. Read this Learn this! box. Then find all the

verbs in Exercise 2 followed by the infinitive or -ing
form of another verb. Make two lists in your
4 DICTIONARY WORK Read the Dictionary Strategy.
Then study the dictionary entries below and answer the

1 Which verb 1.
a) takes an infinitive, a) refuse
b) takes an -ing form, and b) avoid
c) can take either? c) hate
2 Which entries show the verb pattern a) at 2
the start of the entry, and a) Hate
b) in an example b) avoid, refuse
5. Look up these words in a dictionary and add them to the lists you made in exercise 3.

Admit agree enjoy mind offer promise

infinitive agree, offer, promise

-ing form admit, enjoy, mind

6. Complete the sentences. Use to infinitive or gerund (of the verbs in brackets.

1. Jason promised to phone (phone) me.

2. Tom admitted stealing (steal) a CD from the shop.
3. Joe enjoys shopping (shop) in town but refuses to shop (shop) online.
4. I decided to order (order) groceries online as I don't like
(queue) in supermarkets.
5. Dad suggested eating out (eat out) this evening.
6. Mum offered to give (give) me a lift to the shops.
7. You can expect to pay (pay) less online than in a shop.
8. Do you fancy going (go) to the cinema this evening?
7. Complete the sentences with an infinitive or -ing form and true information
about yourself.
1 I usually avoid going to parties

2 I really can't stand people smoking around me.

3 I don't mind eatting here

4 I spend a lot of time watching TV

5 I sometimes pretend to be sick just to not go to school.

6 I really want to change my entire life.

7 I never agree to teach anyone.

8 I often decide to tell the truth.
Verb + infinitive Verb + _ing form

agree, offer, promise, decide, admit, enjoy, mind, keep, spend

pretend, refuse, fail, prefer, (time), can't stand, avoid, end
expect, choose, want up, risk, fancy, like
8. SPEAKING Tell your partner your sentences. Are any of your answers the
Childhood: thời trẻ
Finish (v): kết thúc
Degree (n): bằng cấp
Grow – grew – grown: phát triển,
lớn lên
Store (v, n): lưu trữ, cửa hàng
Contract (n): hợp đồng
Without: mà không
Income (n): thu nhập
Fund (n, v): quỹ, tài trợ
Risk (n,v): liều, rủi ro
Investor (n): nhà đầu tư
Entrepreneur (n): nhà thầu,
công ty lớn
Follow (v): theo sau
Profit (n) lợi nhuận
Multi-millionaire (n) nhiều triệu phú
Interest (v, n) quan tâm, thích thú
Certainly (adv) chắc chắn
Drive away (v) lái xe đi
Enormous (a) khổng lồ
Hill (n) đồi
Otherwise (conj) nếu không thì
Burger bar (n) quán ăn bánh mì hamburger
Till (prep, conj): mãi cho tới khi
I’m certainly not into money: Chắc chắn tôi không vì tiền.
Would you like live in a big house if you were a
multi-millionaire? Yes, I would.

Why? Because it is really


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