Social Networks Social Relations

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A social network service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social

relations among people A social network service consists of a representation : -each user (often a profile), -his/her social links, and a variety of additional services Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Social networking sites allow users to share: ideas, activities, events, interests within their individual networks.

The main types of social networking services are: -contain category places (such as former school year or classmates), means to connect with friend a recommendation system linked to trust. Popular methods now combine many of these, with Facebook and Twitter widely used worldwide; MySpace Although some of the largest social networks were founded on the world connections, many networks focus on categories from books and music to non-profit business as ways to provide both services and shared interests.

Efforts to support social networks via computer-communication were made in many early online services, including -Usenet, -ARPANET, -LISTSERV, a -nd bulletin board services (BBS). Many prototypical features of social networking sites like: America Online, Prodigy, and CompuServe.

Early social networking on the World Wide Web began in the form of generalized online communities such as (1994), Geocities (1995) and (1995). Many of these early communities focused on: bringing people together to interact through chat rooms, encouraged users to share personal information and ideas by providing easy-to-use publishing tools and free or inexpensive webspace In the late 1990s, user profiles became a central feature of social networking sites, allowing users to make lists of "friends" and search other users with similar interests.

New social networking methods were developed by the end of the 1990s more advanced features for users to find and manage friends This newer generation of social networking sites began to flourish with the Friendster in 2002, and became part of the Internet mainstream Friendster was followed by MySpace and LinkedIn a year later, and finally, Bebo Today, it is estimated that there are now over 200 active sites using a wide variety of social networking models.

The objectives of this report are to: Explore more on social networks among students. Identify the perspective of students about social network in Kedah Matriculation College. Identify whether social network influences students study time.

Provide better ways to keep in touch with our classmates, friends and family. get to know and meet people who share your interests from almost all sides of world. Online business. Good opportunities to find a job. Can meet new people. Overcome your timidity. Promote your site or business for

Performing illegal activities. Online harassment and stalking. Someone pretending to be somebody else . Turn to addiction. Wasting time.


133,623,529 users

MYSPACE 50,615,444

TWITTER 23,573,178

50 respondents 41 of them have facebook accounts 5 of them have Twitter accounts 2 of them have Myspace and Tagged accounts. It is found that more females (78%) than males (22%) have social network accounts we found that facebook have the highest members among Kedah Matriculation College students.


of the respondents (80%) have been using social network for the past one year (20%) of them have done so for a more than 3 year There were almost equal distributions of respondents in the three types of courses listed: Students of Life Science (34%), Students of Physical Science (34%), and Students of Accounting (32%).

Majority of the respondents uses social networks once a week Only some of the respondents uses the social networks 3 times a week and the rest uses it for once a month It is noted that most of the respondents use social network at random times (66%) 2% of the respondents use the social network in the morning and in the afternoon while the rest (30%) uses it in the evening.


of the respondents can access their social network account via their mobile phones and this might cause them to use mobile phone during the lecture When asked whether they use the social network to interact with new friends, 46% of them said no, 30% said yes and the rest agreed that sometime they use social network to interact and meet new friends


of the respondents do not believe in cyber love because the person can give fake information and it is dangerous to indulge in cyber love Most of the students are aware of the implications of cyber love.

56% of the respondents think that social network does not interfere their daily life especially their studies 44% of them think that social network interfere their daily life 52% of the respondents think that social network does not give any effect on their study time (48%) thinks that social network does affect their study times The main reason why social network give good impact to them were because social network helps them in finding their old friends


-2 weeks in Kedah Matriculation College Interviewed a few students Questionnaire-50 respondents -16 questions (Part A,B&C)

98% have social network account. 82% said their favorite social network is Facebook. 64% can access via mobile phone 46% interact with new friends they do not know before. 66% do not believe in cyber love 68%-social network does not interrupt their mind. 56%-social network do not interfere their life. 52%-social network do no affect their study time


every student owns at least a social network account. To interact with new friends Does not interrupt their mind to study Release tension Social network is just a site of modern technology.


their time wisely Reduce the duration of time Avoid accessing via mobile phone during classes.

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