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Lecture No(11) 1

Scope Of Variables
In Functions
The scope of variable determines over what
part(s) of the program a variable is actually
available for use(active).

The variables can be categorized ,depending

on the place of their declaration as:
 internal(local) : declared within a particular
external(global) : declared outside of any function.

‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Scope Rules
File scope
 Identifier defined outside function, known in
all functions
 Used for global variables

 Function scope
 Can only be referenced inside a function
body 4

‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Scope Rules
Block scope
 declared inside a block
 Block scope begins at declaration, ends at
right brace

Used for variables, function parameters

(local variables of function)

‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Local variable
void fn(void(;

void main()
} int num=5;
fn() ;
printf("\nThe value of num in main=%d",num(;
void fn(void)
} int num=20;
printf("\nThe value of num in fn=%d",num(;
{ 6

‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

External variables
Variables that are alive and active
throughout the entire program .

Also known as global.

Can be accessed by any function in the


Declared outside the function 7

‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Global variable(External)
void change(void);
int num;
void main()
printf("\n num in main=%d",num;(
printf("\n back in main=%d",num);
void change(void(
printf("\n in change,num=%d\n,num); 8
#include <stdio.h>
int fun1( void ); /* function prototype */
int fun2( void ); /* function prototype */
int fun3( void ); /* function prototype */
int x; /* global variable */
int main()
x = 10;
printf("x = %d\n", x );
printf("x = %d\n", fun1());
printf("x = %d\n", fun2());
printf("x = %d\n", fun3()); 9
‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬ 9
fun1( )
{ x = x+10;
return x;
fun2( )
{ int x =1;
return x; Output:
} 10
fun3( ) 20
{ x = x+10;
return (x);
} 30
‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬
External variables
void main()
int y;
void func1()

main can’t access the variable y.

To solve this problem
• Declare the variable with the storage class extern 11
Lifetime Of Variables
In Functions
Longevity refers to the period during the
which a variable retains a given value during
execution of a program(alive).

Variables in C depend on the storage class

a variable may assume.


‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Lifetime Of Variables
In Functions
A variable in C can have any one of the
four storage classes.
Automatic variables
External variables
Static variables
Register variables


‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Automatic Variables
Declared inside a function in which they
are to be utilized.
Created when the function is called.
Destroyed when the function is exited.
Local(private)to the function in which they
are declared.
A variable declared inside the function
without storage class specification is by
default an atomic. 14

‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Automatic Variables
To declare automatic variables explicitly
• use the keyword auto

The value of automatic variables can’t be

changed accidentally by what happens in
other functions in the program
• Use same variable name in different functions
in the same program.

‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Write a multifunction to illustrate how automatic
variables work
void function1()
{ int m=10;
void function2()
{ int m=100;
function1(); 16
void main()
{ int m=1000;



‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

External variables
void func1();

void main()
{extern int y; /*external declaration*/
printf("\n %d",y);
printf("\n %d",y);
int y;
void func1()
{y=y+1;printf("\n %d",y);
‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬
Multifiles Programs

Multiple source files can share a variable

provided it is declared as an external variable.

Variables that are shared by two or more files

are global variables
• We must declare them in one file

• Explicitly define them with extern in other files.


‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Multifiles Programs
File1.c File2.c
main() int m;
{ function2()
extern int m; {
int i; int i;
……… ………
} }
function1() function3()
{ int j; { int count;
……… ………
} } 20

‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Static variables
The value of static variables persists until the
end of the program.

A variable declared static using static keyword

static int x;

A static variable may be internal or external,

depending on the place of declaration

‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Static variables
void stat() A static variable is initialized
{ static int x=0;
only once,when the program
printf(“x=%d\n”,x); is compiled.
main() What the output if we omit
{ the word static?!!!!
int i;
Because in each call it initialized to zero

‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

Register variables
Tell Hint to place variable in high-speed

Good for often-used items (loop counters)

register int counter = 1;


‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬


Recursive functions
Functions that call themselves
• Can only solve a base case
• Divide a problem up into
 What it can do
 What it cannot do
 What it cannot do resembles
original problem 24

‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬


The function launches a new copy of itself

(recursion step) to solve what it cannot do

Eventually base case gets solved

 Gets plugged in, works its way up and
solves whole problem


‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

 Example: factorials
• 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1
• Notice that
 5! = 5 * 4!
 4! = 4 * 3! ...
• Can compute factorials recursively
• Solve base case (1! = 0! = 1) then plug in
 2! = 2 * 1! = 2 * 1 = 2; 26
 3! = 3 * 2! = 3 * 2 = 6;
‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬
The Factorial
fact( 4 )

4 * fact( 3 )

3 fact( 2 )

* fact( 1 )

return 1
#include <stdio.h>
long fact( long );

int main()
long result, number;
printf( "Enter an integer: " );
scanf( "%ld", &number );
result = fact( number );
printf( “factorial %ld = %ld\n", number,
result );
return 0;
‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬
/* Recursive definition of function fibonacci */
long fact( long n )
long f;
if (n == 1 )
return 1;
f = n * fact(n -1 );


‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

The Fibonacci Series
 Fibonacci series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8...
• Each number is the sum of the previous two
• Can be solved recursively:
fib( n ) = fib( n - 1 ) + fib( n – 2 )
f( 3 )

return f( 2 ) + f( 1 )

return f( 1 ) + f( 0 ) return 1

return 1 return 0
#include <stdio.h>
long fibonacci( long );

int main()
long result, number;
printf( "Enter an integer: " );
scanf( "%ld", &number );
result = fibonacci( number );
printf( "Fibonacci( %ld ) = %ld\n", number,
result );
return 0;
‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬
/* Recursive definition of function Fibonacci */
long fibonacci( long n )

if ( n == 0 || n == 1 )
return n;
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n -
2 );


‫ان االسلوب الذي نفكر به يحدد مسارنا في المستقبل‬

‫الحياة ألم يخفيه أمل‪,‬وأمل يحققه عمل‬
‫وعمل ينهيه أجل‪,‬ثم يجزى كل امرئ بما فعل‬
‫“ وعذري إن قصرت أننى إجتهدت ‘ وإ ن أخطأت‬
‫فلٌخ ير قصدت “‬

‫استودعكم اهلل‬
‫‪‬اسال اهلل ان يجمعنى بكم مرة ثانية إن لم يكن فى الدنيا‬
‫يجمعنا عند حوض النبى صل اهلل عليه وسلم فى الجنة‬
‫اللهم امين‬

‫اسالكم الدعاء لى بالثبات والتوفيق‬

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