Gallego LECTURE 24

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EDUC 220R_11347
10:00-1:00 PM SATURDAY
• At the end of the session, the students will be able
1. Enumerate and discuss the Principles of strategic
• Is a management approach that focuses on setting
and executing long-term strategies to achieve
organizational goals and objectives. It involves
aligning the organization's vision, mission, and values
with its strategic direction and guiding principles.
• Is based on long-term planning. It involves
establishing and maintaining systems, allocating
resources, and communicating vision. Principals need to
maintain the focus clearly on the central vision for their
• Are responsible for envisioning the future of the
organization, identifying opportunities and threats in
the external environment, assessing internal
capabilities and resources, and formulating strategies
to position the organization for sustainable success.
• In handling a school involves addressing the unique mission,
goals, stakeholders, challenges, and opportunities within the
educational context. By applying strategic management principles
tailored to the needs of the school community, leaders can
effectively navigate complexities, drive improvement, and achieve
sustainable success in fostering student learning and development.
Principles of Strategic
**1. VISION :**
• Strategic leadership begins with a clear and
compelling vision for the organization's future. A
strong vision provides direction and focus for the
organization, and helps to align all stakeholders
around a common goal.
**II. FOCUS:**
• Leaders must prioritize and focus on the most critical
issues and opportunities that are essential to achieving
the organization's vision. By focusing on key
objectives, strategic leaders can ensure that the
organization's resources are directed towards activities
that will have the greatest impact on achieving its goals.
• Leaders must align the organization's resources, goals, and
objectives to support the vision and mission of the
organization. This involves ensuring that all stakeholders
understand and are committed to the organization's vision,
and that all activities and initiatives are aligned with its
strategic priorities.
• Leaders must be able to adapt to changes in the business
environment and be responsive to market trends, emerging
technologies, and changing customer needs. This requires
the ability to quickly identify and respond to new
opportunities, as well as to anticipate and mitigate
potential threats.
• Strategic leaders must foster a culture of innovation and
creativity within the organization. This involves encouraging
experimentation, taking calculated risks, and supporting new
ideas. By promoting innovation, strategic leaders can help the
organization to stay ahead of the competition and develop new
products and services that meet evolving customer needs.

• Strategic leaders must encourage a culture of continuous

learning and development within the organization. This
involves providing opportunities for training and
development, promoting knowledge-sharing and
mentoring, and encouraging individuals to take ownership
of their own learning and development.
• Strategic leaders must empower and enable team members to
take ownership and responsibility for their work, to think
critically, and to make decisions that contribute to the overall
success of the organization. This involves creating a culture of
accountability, trust, and open communication, and providing
team members with the necessary resources and support to
achieve their goals.
• Leaders must hold themselves and others accountable for
achieving the organization's goals and objectives. This
involves setting clear performance targets, measuring and
evaluating performance regularly, and taking action to
address performance gaps and ensure continuous
• Strategic leaders must foster a collaborative environment
where team members work together to achieve common
goals, leveraging diverse perspectives and skills. This
involves creating opportunities for cross-functional
collaboration, promoting open communication and sharing
of ideas, and recognizing and rewarding teamwork.
• Strategic leaders must act with integrity, honesty, and transparency,
ensuring that ethical principles guide all decision-making and actions
within the organization. This involves setting high standards for ethical
behavior, communicating these standards clearly to all stakeholders, and
taking action to address any ethical violations that occur. By acting
ethically, strategic leaders can build trust and credibility with stakeholders,
and create a culture of accountability and responsibility within the
• What is strategic leadership?
• Why is strategic leadership important in strategic
• If you are given change to become a leader in a certain
institution what are your principles as a leader?

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