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Week 2

Types of Prompts

Introduction to Prompt Engineering

Week 2: Types of Prompts

• Open-ended prompts are prompts that allow for a wide range of possible responses. These prompts are
often used to generate creative text formats, such as poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters,

• Closed-ended prompts are prompts that have a specific answer. These prompts are often used to test
knowledge or understanding.

• Instructional prompts are prompts that give instructions on how to complete a task. These prompts are
often used to train AI models on specific tasks.

• Generative prompts are prompts that generate text, images, or other creative content. These prompts are
often used to create new content or to explore different possibilities.

• Discriminative prompts are prompts that distinguish between different categories of data. These prompts
are often used to train AI models to classify data.
Week 2: Types of Prompts

• Controlled prompts are prompts that restrict the range of possible responses. These prompts are often
used to prevent AI models from generating harmful or offensive content.

• Creative prompts are prompts that encourage AI models to be creative. These prompts are often used to
generate new ideas or to explore different possibilities.

• Adversarial prompts are prompts that are designed to trick AI models into generating incorrect or
misleading responses. These prompts are often used to test the robustness of AI models.

• Illustrative prompts are prompts that are used to illustrate a particular concept or idea. These prompts are
often used to teach AI models about the world.

• Interactive prompts are prompts that allow for user interaction. These prompts are often used to create
games or other interactive experiences.
Week 2: Types of Prompts

• Multimodal prompts are prompts that combine multiple modalities, such as text, images, and audio.
These prompts are often used to create more comprehensive and informative responses.

• Sequential prompts are prompts that are presented one after the other. These prompts are often used to
generate stories or other long-form content.

• Timed prompts are prompts that have a time limit. These prompts are often used to test the speed and
efficiency of AI models.

• Personalized prompts are prompts that are tailored to the individual user. These prompts are often used
to create more engaging and relevant experiences.

• Contextual prompts are prompts that take into account the context of the conversation. These prompts
are often used to generate more accurate and relevant responses.
Week 2: Types of Prompts

• Meta-prompts are prompts that are about prompts themselves. These prompts are often used to explore
the nature of prompts and their role in AI.

• Experimental prompts are prompts that are new or untested. These prompts are often used to push the
boundaries of what is possible with AI.

• Synthetic prompts are prompts that are generated by AI models. These prompts are often used to train
other AI models or to explore the capabilities of AI models.

• Adversarial examples are inputs that are designed to fool AI models into making mistakes. These
examples are often used to test the robustness of AI models.
Introduction to
Prompt Introduction to Prompt Engineering


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