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How might educators tailor the

application of constructivism and

social learning to suit the unique
needs and characteristics of their
Prior Knowledge and Learning Styles:

Pre-assessment: Before diving into new content, educators can

utilize pre-assessments to understand students' prior knowledge and
preferred learning styles.

Differentiated instruction: Based on the pre-assessment findings,

educators can tailor their teaching approaches to cater to diverse
learning styles.
Collaboration and Social Interaction:

Forming diverse learning groups: Grouping students with different strengths and
weaknesses allows individuals to learn from each other's perspectives and approaches.

Collaborative projects: Assigning projects that require students to work together

encourages them to share knowledge, clarify concepts through discussion, and learn from
each other's strengths.

Peer tutoring: Pairing up students with different skill levels allows advanced students to
solidify their knowledge by explaining concepts to peers, while struggling students receive
personalized attention and support from their classmates.
Choice and Ownership:

Student-centered activities: Instead of solely teacher-led lectures,

educators can implement activities that allow students to take
ownership of their learning.

Choice within activities: Even within a specific activity, educators

can offer students choice in how they approach the task.
Feedback and Reflection:

Formative assessment: Educators can utilize frequent, low-stakes

assessments like formative quizzes or short writing prompts to
identify areas of understanding and confusion.

Self-reflection: Encourage students to reflect on their learning

journey through journaling, discussions, or exit tickets.
Reciprocal Teaching

Where a teacher and 2 to 4 students form a collaborative group and take turns
leading dialogues on a topic. Within the dialogues, group members apply four
cognitive strategies:

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