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Control of Work

Awareness Training
Presentation Objectives

On completion of this awareness presentation, you

should be able to:
• Describe the importance of the Control of Work
• Understand the difference between Complex and
Standard Work
• Know the steps required for effectively controlling
Complex and Standard Work
• Identify the key roles and responsibilities for the
Control of Work process

What is Control of Work?

Control of Work is each of us playing our part to

ensure that the work we do is planned, risk
assessed, approved, briefed and, then executed
(and monitored) to optimize performance and
prevent incidents
When we control our work effectively, we eliminate
incidents and increase performance and
When we don’t control work, we open ourselves to
the possibility of harm

Classification of Work

Complex Work Standard Work

• Approved at Control of Work Planning • Low risk work
meeting • Approved outside of Control of Work Planning
• Examples: meeting
– Normally on assignment
– Work requiring a Permit to Work
• Examples:
– Work requiring a Full Energy Isolation
– Scrubbing decks / housekeeping
– Work governed by a Controlled Procedure
– Emptying containers
– Complex lifts
– Painting handrails
– Work which requires establishment of a – Simple lifts with cranes
temporary Black Zone
– Deck management
– Installation, commissioning or removal of
– Changing tong dies
Customer and Service Provider equipment
– Moving tools in/out of Heavy Tool Store
Part 1: Control of Complex Work
Plan the Work

The Person in Charge of the Work must plan the

work using Permit Vision

Person in
Charge of
the Work

Separate Permit Vision training is available in ILS

The training is broken down into job positions and
their individual requirements and responsibilities

Questions you may have

Who is the Person in

Charge of the Work? Does all Complex Work
The person assigned by need a Permit?
the Area Authority to No – not always.
lead the planning, risk Complex Work also
assessment and includes work that needs
execution of the work What if I already have a a Full Isolation, uses a
Procedure for that task? Controlled Procedure,
Ensure you review it and other criteria
and use it to plan the
work effectively.
Reference the
Procedure in Permit

Risk Assess the Work

The Person in Charge of the Work must risk assess the

work in Permit Vision

Person in
Charge of
the Work

Questions you may have

Can I use an already risk What happens if the work is

assessed Procedure? unplanned?
Yes, but it needs to be The Area Authority must
reviewed and then determine if the work needs
referenced in Permit Vision to start immediately or can
wait until the next Control of
Work planning cycle
Can a Lone Worker
perform Complex Can we use a Service
Work? Provider’s procedure
It is not expected that during the risk
Lone Workers will assessment?
perform Complex Work Yes. It must be reviewed
and referenced in Permit

Approval for Complex Work

All Complex Work must be discussed and

approved at the Control of Work Planning
The Area Authority will review the proposed
work with the OIM and other attendees at the Area
The OIM will authorize the work
When the work is ready to commence the Area
Authority will ensure all conditions have been
met and issue the work in Permit Vision

Questions you may have

Who prepares all the information about Who attends the Control of Work
the Complex Work in Permit Vision? Planning meeting?
The Person in Charge of the Work will The OIM, Area Authorities, Rig HSE
prepare the information about the work Advisor, Service
and submit it to the Area Authority for Provider supervisors, and other
review personnel as determined by the
Customer representatives are
Who gives the final approval for encouraged to attend and
the Complex Work to proceed? participate.
The OIM authorizes work at the
Control of Work planning
meeting. The Area Authority
gives the final approval to start

Brief the Work

The Person in Charge of the

Work conducts a briefing with
all personnel that are going to
be directly involved in the work

Person in
Charge of
the Work

What Needs to be Discussed at the Briefing?

As a minimum the following must be discussed and verified during the Briefing:
Complete an on-site / on-day risk assessment using the Hazard Identification Prompt Card
The work was authorized by the Control of Work process, and you have received approval
to start the work
Confirm the specific roles and responsibilities of the team members
Refer to the Principles of Job By Design
Confirm the work plan to the next Hold Point or end of the task
Consider lessons learned from the last Hold Point (if applicable)

Hazard Identification Prompt Card

Hazard Identification Prompt Card: Steps 1 and 2

Step 1 – Identify the on-site / on-day hazards Step 2 – Review work site conditions

Hazard Identification Prompt Card: Steps 3 and 4

Step 3 – Confirm compliance with the Life Step 4 – Apply the Hierarchy of Control
Saving Rules

Bypass Safety Controls Confined Space

Energy Isolation Hot work Line of Fire

Safe Mechanical Lifting Work Authorization Working at Height

Hazard Identification Prompt Card: Steps 5 and 6

Step 5 – Apply the Principles of Job by Design Step 6 – Document your assessment

Hazard Identification Prompt Card: Step 7

Step 7 – Confirm each step is complete

Questions you may have

Does everyone involved in the work

need to complete a Prompt Card?
No, only one Card needs to be
completed for the planned work

Does everyone need a

Prompt Card? What happens if we can't comply
No – but all team with any of the Life Saving Rules.
members must be Stop. Take a Time Out. Discuss
involved in the on-site / the issue with the Person in
on-day risk assessment Charge of the Work or Area

Questions you may have

What is a Hold Point? Can we use the Job By Design

It is an agreed point in the Board and the Prompt Card together
work where we stop, and at the Briefing?
ensure the work is proceeding Yes – this is a great example of
as planned, or to review the combining our tools to better discuss
next planned steps of the the hazard and controls
Who runs the Briefing. How long
should it be?
The Person in Charge of the Work is
responsible for leading the Briefing,
but everyone should participate.
The Briefing should reflect the
complexity of the task – typically 5 to
10 minutes

Execute and Monitor the Work

The work should be carried out according to

the agreed plan.
The work should be monitored to confirm:
• Work plan is being followed
Person in Person
Charge of Performing • Implemented controls, including Job By
the Work the Work Design Plan (if applicable), are suitable and
• No new hazards are introduced
• Work site conditions remain the same
If any deviations are observed a Time Out
must be called

Questions you may have

Do we need to have a copy of the Who monitors the

procedure at the work site? ongoing work?
If there is a procedure associated All persons
with the work it should be available involved in the
at the work site either on paper or work
digitally. Any supporting material
should be available also
What if we must
suspend the work for
What do we do if we any reason?
see the planned steps Inform the Area
have changed? Authority and update
Stop. Take a Time the work status in
Out. Reassess the Permit Vision
work as needed

Debrief the Work

On completion of the
work the Person in
Person in Charge of the Work will
Charge of leads a Debrief with all
the Work personnel that were
directly involved in the

Questions you may have

What should we discuss during

the Debrief?
Lessons learned for the next time
or if changes are needed in the
work plan, procedure, Job by
Design Plan, etc.

What happens if one of the team

How do we document any cannot attend the Debrief?
changes or improvement Whenever possible, everyone
opportunities we find? should attend the Debrief. The
The Person in Charge of the Person in Charge of the Work
Work should inform the Area should use best judgment if
Authority who will make the someone cannot attend
necessary changes

Part 2: Control of Standard Work

Time Out Observations / Verification


Planning Risk Assessment Briefing Execution Debrief

Work Schedule Assign Life-Saving Rules Records

Hazard Forms / Templates Lessons Learned

Prompt Card
Plan the Work

The Person Performing the Work must plan the work as

• Identify the work steps, hold points and planned
outcome with application of the Principles of Job by
Person Design
the Work
• Determine when the work will be completed and how
long is required
• Consider where the work will be completed (including
work in adjacent areas)
• Identify what resources are required (e.g. personnel,
tools, equipment)

Questions you may have

What if we already have a

Who will be involved in the procedure for that task?
planning of Standard work? Ensure you review it, and
All personnel who will be use it to plan the work
directly involved in the work effectively

How do I use the Principles of Job

by Design in the planning stage?
If they apply, review the Principles
and include them in the work plan

Risk Assess the Work

The Person Performing the Work must

Hazard Identification Prompt Card to
complete an on-site / on-day risk
They should focus on these areas:
Performing • Identify any hazards associated with the
the Work
planned work
• Apply the Hierarchy of Control to identify
control measures to prevent or mitigate the
• Confirm compliance with the Life Saving

Questions you may have

How does the Person Performing the

Work use the Hazard Identification
Prompt Card to risk assess the work?
Follow the steps on the Card to conduct
an on-site / on-day risk assessment.
Use the space provided to document
the identified hazards and controls

Can Lone Workers

perform Standard Work? Who will be involved in the risk
Yes – if they meet the assessment for Standard Work?
requirements for who All personnel who will be directly
can be a Lone Worker involved in the work should
participate in the on-site / on-day
risk assessment

Approval for Standard Work

Standard Work is typically approved on assignment

The Person in Charge of the Work will authorize the start
of work only when they have confirmed the following:

Person in
Charge of
the Work

Brief the Work

The Person in Charge of the

Work leads a Briefing with all
personnel that are going to
be directly involved in the
Person in Person
Charge of Performing
the Work the Work

What needs to be discussed at the Briefing?

As a minimum the following points must be discussed and verified during the briefing:
• Complete an on-site on-day risk assessment using the Hazard ID Prompt Card
• Confirm specific roles and responsibilities of the team members
• Refer to applicable on-site / on-day Job By Design Plans
• Confirm the work plan to the next hold point
• Consider lessons learned from the last hold point (if applicable)

Questions you may have

How can a Lone Worker have a Are Service Providers

Briefing? expected to join our
Prior to starting work, Lone Workers Briefings?
must hold a briefing with their Supervisor Yes, all personnel directly
or a person with similar knowledge, skill involved in the work should
and experience of the work attend the Briefing

Can we have multiple Briefings

during the work? I see there is no place to sign the
Yes, this is good practice. The card.
Briefing should be short and Do we have to?
focused? If a hold point is There is no requirement to sign the
agreed, then only discuss the card. There is a requirement to check
works steps to the hold point off each point in Step 7 and confirm
that it is safe to start the work

Execute and Monitor the Work

The work should be carried out according to

the agreed plan.
The work should be monitored to confirm:
• Work plan is being followed
Person in Person
• Implemented controls, including on-site /
Charge of Performing
the Work on-day Job By Design Plan (if applicable), the Work
are suitable and effective
• No new hazards are introduced
• Work site conditions remain the same
If any deviations are observed a Time Out
must be called

Debriefing the Work

After the completion of the work the

Person in Charge of the Work will only
hold a Debrief if any of the following
Person in Person
Charge of • The plan or procedure changed Performing
the Work • Lessons were learned about the work the Work

If nothing changed there is no

requirement to hold a Debrief

Questions you may have

So reading this, if there are no changes

to the plan / procedure and no lessons
learned, we don’t need a Debrief?
That is correct. No changes, no
lessons learned, then no Debrief

Do we need a Debrief if there Who has the final say if we are to

were changes to the plan or have a Debrief or not?
procedure? The Person in Charge of the Work,
Yes, if there were any changes but everyone should have a say.
to the plan / procedure or For Lone Workers they should inform
lessons learned a Debrief must their Supervisor if something didn’t
take place go as planned

Way Forward

• Discuss the new Control of Work process with your crews

• Confirm personnel understand the requirements
• If you have any questions not answered in this presentation, ask your Rig HSE
Advisor or contact the Global HSE team
• Get to know the process before it becomes mandatory January 18, 2022
• Start using the Hazard Identification Prompt Card now
• Give feedback on the process


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