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COVID-19 Policy Project Progress:

Indonesia Study
Published papers with country-specific input
• Sutomo, S., Sagala, S., Sutomo, B., Liem, W. and Hamid, H., 2021. Strengthening the Strategic
and Operational Response for Reducing COVID-19 Transmission in Indonesia. Kesmas:
National Public Health Journal, [online] 16(Special Issue 1), pp.3-10. Available at:
• Djalante, R., Lassa, J., Setiamarga, D., Sudjatma, A., Indrawan, M., Haryanto, B., Mahfud, C.,
Sinapoy, M., Djalante, S., Rafliana, I., Gunawan, L., Surtiari, G. and Warsilah, H., 2020. Review
and analysis of current responses to COVID-19 in Indonesia: Period of January to March 2020.
Progress in Disaster Science, [online] 6, p.100091. Available at:
COVID-19 Database from Indonesia
• → the best open data resource so far
• → stringency index
→ for Jakarta (Indonesia’s Capital City only, province level)
• → Indonesia sociodemographic data, closed access but free. Need to
apply with research proposal.
Indonesia complete COVID-19 Open Data
for Tracking
and Tracing
in Indonesia
How PeduliLindungi Works
1.Provide information, such as, regarding the zoning of the spread of
COVID-19, the location of the Puskesmas (Health Center), Hospital
and/or pharmacy.
2.With the location being on active condition, PeduliLindungi will
periodically trace and track the User’s location to provide
information regarding crowds and zoning to the User.
Processing and Analysis of Personal Data
1.The stored Personal Data will be processed for needs that are listed below:
1. Display statistics of COVID-19 cases in locations nearby the User.
2. Store and display User’s travel history in the Check In History feature as part of the Contact Tracing
program made by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
3. Using photos that are available in the User’s device gallery and those that are selected by the User when
changing the profile picture through Profile feature.
4. Displays the vaccine certificate that the user has downloaded through PeduliLindungii.
5. Uploading a Health Statement for the purpose of filling out the Electronic- Health Alert Card (e-HAC)
based on the regulation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
6. Determining who has had a history of contact with another Users who are suspected or even confirmed
positive for COVID-19
7. As general information that will be displayed in the dashboard for the Government of the Republic of
Indonesia in making decisions.
8. Viewing stats, contact history and travel history of PeduliLindungii’s Users.
9. Other needs that will be notified later, preceded by a request for access permission to PeduliLindungii
Provisions for Users that are Diagnosed Positive for COVID-19

• PeduliLindungi will ask for User’s consent to access the Contact

Tracing data within the last 14 (fourteen) days stored on
the PeduliLindungi server. Personal Data of other Users who made
contact with Users within the last 14 (fourteen) days will be used as
the initial data source for the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
in order to do tracing.
Social Distancing in Indonesia
To prevent the spread of COVID‐19, the government implemented two
sets of restrictions:
• Large scale social restrictions (PSBB) and
• Enforcement of limitations on community activities (PPKM).
Indonesia stringency index
• Can not found local reliable datasets
Government Actions on COVID-19 in Developing Countries by
Indonesia testing rate and positive rate
Indonesia testing and tracing rate
The daily testing and laboratories capacity
Daily updated testing (province level)
Daily updated tracing (province level)
Studies comparing policies
among countries
Key Points
Key Points
GHS Index
• WHO: The Global Health Security (GHS) Index is an assessment and
benchmarking of health security and related capabilities across 195
countries. The GHS Index, which is developed in partnership by the
Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Johns Hopkins Center for
Health Security at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, working
with Economist Impact, was first launched in October 2019.
• HOW: The GHS Index is designed to inform leaders of the
foundational elements that are necessary to prepare their countries for
future outbreaks and where they should prioritize planning and invest
durable funding.
QR Code check-
in in public area
1st July

First case
confirmed 2nd

PeduliLindungi Mass Rapid Antigen

Testing by Public Reducing the
App released
Health Center price of RT-PCR
6th April Using TCM TBC/ And SWAB Test to
GeneExpert TBC New All Record max ±19 USD
as COVID-19 (NAR) Antigen 2nd December
diagnostic tools (Indonesian Rapid
20th October Antigen Integrated
Expanding by Data Input System)
using veterinary 8th February
laboratory for
COVID-19 testing
28th April
Date Reason (Why) Precondition Input
Pedulilindungi as tracing 6th
April 2020 Surveillance tools that No application at Integrated surveillance
and tracking app can reach individual level all system and
multifunctional COVID-19
Using TCM TBC/ 27th April 2020 Accelerated the testing GeneExpert just for New, cheaper and faster
GeneExpert TBC to diagnosed testing tool
expand COVID-19 Tuberculosis
diagnostic tools
Rapid Antigen kit 8th February Accelerated the testing Basic diagnostic New and fast diagnostic
distribution to all public 2021 for epidemiological system in public system, even in remote
health center purpose (tracing) health center area
New All Record (NAR) - 8th February Effective and efficient big Manual data record Confirmed case even in
Rapid Antigen Integrated 2021 data system for rapid remote public health
Data Input System by antigen input center can be input
Indonesia Ministry of directly to the national
Health system
Reduced the price of RT- 2nd December The price before very No regulation New regulation for PCR
PCR up to maximum ±19 2021 costly up to in average about PCR Test Test
USD more than 63 USD
Bluetooth tracing: Sijejak. 11th March 2022 All people can have a Manual notice by Faster, cheaper, mass
chance to be notified patient/health tracing
when they get contacted worker
Possible Assessment (Update)
• When did the first public test become eligible for the people?
• 2 weeks after the first case 17th March 2020 (First official testing protocol by
Indonesian MoH)
• When the testing for the public health worker available?
• 22nd September 2020 IDI (Indonesian Doctor Association), PPNI (Indonesian
Nurse Association), PPDGI (Indonesian Dentist Association) as the
representative of the health workers by the MoH, declare RT-PCR will be free
for the health workers
• When was the first tracing method introduced? What was it?
• 2nd March 2020 manually by interview and writing
• How fast the country apply self testing? -
• When the vaccination approvement? 3rd December 2020 by MoH
• Application participation? 32.8 million people or 12% (Sep 2021)
Van Empel G, Mulyanto J, Wiratama BS. Undertesting of COVID‐19 in Indonesia: what has gone wrong? J Glob Health. 2020;10(2):020306. Published online 2020 Jul 28. doi:10.7189/jogh.10.020306
New Features in
PeduliLindungi App: Sijejak
• Bluetooth tracing
• Collected the contact of the user
• Save the data for 14 days
• The system is connected to the laboratory
result and QR code
• If the user is positive with COVID-19, the
system will ask for approval from the user to
upload the result by Bluetooth
• After being uploaded, the one who was in
close contact with the positive user will be
notified to do a test and quarantine
What is the difference between the
TraceTogether and SiJejak Bluetooth tracing
TraceTogether PeduliLindungi: SiJejak
The data stored for 25 days The data stored for 14 days
When TraceTogether devices (e.g. phones with Only the contacts of the user
TraceTogether App installed, TraceTogether Tokens)
are nearby other devices participating in the
TraceTogether Programme, they exchange anonymised
proximity information using Bluetooth.
Increasing the capacity of
testing and tracing to be
30th January
Reducing the
price of RT-PCR
SWAB Test to
max ±19 USD
2nd December
Increasing the capacity of
testing and tracing to be
30th January

Reducing the
price of RT-PCR
SWAB Test to
max ±19 USD
2nd December
Couldn’t find for Indonesia
• Quarantine capacity
• Timely quarantined proportion (TQP)
Comparison of COVID-19
Testing and Tracing Policy:
South Korea and Indonesia
Comparative Study
Learning How to Handle
COVID-19 Indonesia-South
• Collaboration:
• Korean Government (Ministry of Economy and Finance and
Korean Development Institute (KDI))
• Indonesia Government (Ministry of National Development
Planning, Ministry of Health, COVID-19 task force)
• Methodology: Literature study and Focus Group
• The key points:
1. Context of Controlling COVID-19 in Indonesia and South
2. Preparedness in the COVID-19 Pandemic
3. Policies and Regulations for Control of COVID-19
4. Coordination of COVID-19 Control
5. Analysis of Information and Communication Technology
Utilization in COVID-19 Control
6. Health System in Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic
Summary of the comparative study

South Korea Indonesia

More experience In outbreak such as MERS, better In natural disaster. Not much
test, trace, treat. experience in test, trace, treat.
Governance policy command Centralization Decentralization and unequal regional
leadership capacity barrier in
controlling the pandemic
Involvement the third party for Already collaborate with many third Still not optimum
testing, tracing, dan treatment party
Emergency Disaster Manual Guide that can used by every It depends on the institution or
institution in any outbreak or any province, mostly still not having any
Preparedness to handle the with the spread of MERS Co-V cases the use of ICT and big data for the
pandemic in 2015 which then became a handling of the pandemic/health has
turning point for strengthening the just begun to be developed, therefore
epidemiological investigation the epidemiology investigation is still
system, ICT and big data. being done manually in the initial of
the COVID-19 in 2020.
Real-time tracking Already implemented the system Just started, developing
A Joint External Evaluation
(JEE) is a voluntary,
collaborative, multisectoral
process to assess country
capacities to prevent, detect
and rapidly respond to public
health risks whether occurring
naturally or due to deliberate
or accidental events.

1=No capacity;
2=Limited capacity;
3=Developed capacity;
4=Demonstrated capacity;
5=Sustainable capacity.
Ref: JEE of IHR Core Capacities of
the Republic of Indonesia Report
(WHO, 2017).
COVID-19 Diagnostic Test in
Indicator Indonesia
Screening Test Diagnostic test
Rapid Diagnostic Test Rapid Diagnostic Test Reverse Transcriptase- Molecular Rapid Test/
(RDT) Antigen (RDT) Antibody Polymerase Chain Reaction GeneXpert

Specimen Nasopharynx swab Blood Nasopharynx, feces, sputum Nasopharynx, feces,

swab sputum swab
Molecule that Virus protein (antigen) Antibody (IgG, IgM) Virus RNA gene Virus nuclei acid
being assess
Time 15-30 minutes 15-20 minutes 3-4 hours 30-45 minutes
Sensitivity 30-80% 88.66% 99% 95%
Specificity 99% 90.63% 99% 95%
Price Relatively affordable Relatively affordable Relatively expensive Relatively expensive
Advantage Fast and easy Commonly use, fast, The most commonly use for The diagnostic tools
and easy COVID-19 test already distribute all
over Indonesia

Disadvantage False positive and false negative is high. Always RT-PCR depend on ability in Cartridge still limited
need RT-PCR confirmation detect viruses, therefore it
will undetected patient who
has recovered from disease.
followed by more,
bringing the total to
44 diagnostic laboratories
on 19 March

16 March the government 4 more laboratories

expanded the testing were designated
program by designating 12 on 26 March
new diagnostic laboratories

Initial case, the laboratory

was monopolized only in
the Ministry of Health’s
NIHRD laboratory
Factors that affect the capacity problems in initial
COVID-19 period in Indonesia based on the study:
• Lack of reagents and equipment, and limited human resources
• The availability and adequacy of materials, workforce and equipment,
and the speed and purity of RNA extraction.
• Funding, including overtime payments and other support for
diagnostic staff
Research Question
• What testing and tracing policies differences between South Korea
and Indonesia proved effective during the COVID-19 period?
• How do Indonesia and South Korea utilize the COVID-19 contact
tracing application in supporting the efficient surveillance system?
Couldn’t find:
• The GeneXpert/Rapid Molecular Test positive rate
• Quarantine capacity and Timely quarantined proportion (TQP)
• What measurement to compare the contact-tracing application?

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