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S/4 HANA Segmentation Introduction

Jan, 2022

Kody Zhang

1 2 3 4
Why Segmentation
What ‘s Segmentation What’s the Business Scenarios How’s Segmentation
• Big Picture implemented
• Business Challenges • Definition • Segmentation Use case 1 • Implementation Overview
• Segmentation Use case 2
• Business Requirements • Functionality Scope • Technical Details / Steps
• Segmentation Use case 3
• System Demo
• Logical or Physical
• Limitations Data in Reports
• Pricing Data in Reports
• Pricing Data in Documents • Pricing Data in Documents
• Pricing Mater Data • Pricing Mater Data
• Other Pricing functionality: Group • Other Pricing functionality: Group
• O

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Why Segmentation
Business Challenges for the production mode
In the traditional build-to-order
mode, the system can set whether
Vendor Raw M1
the demand for a certain node of
the product is driven by sales
orders (blue) or forecast driven
Vendor. Aw M2 Raw M3 Comp2 Comp1 Pack FG Customer. (grey). In today's context of
SO1 SO1 SO1 increasingly diversified customer
SO1 needs and increasingly complex
Vendor Raw M3 Vendor Raw M4
supply chain delivery networks, this
Order Requirement production model is facing
based increasing challenges. Product
Forecast brands and manufacturers need
Forecast-Driven Forecast
Production/Purc more flexible response strategies to
hasing strike a balance between
maintaining scale and cost
供应商 原材料 1 advantages and meeting individual
Vendor. Raw M2 Comp3 Comp2 Comp1 PACK FG Customer

Vendor Raw M3 Vendor Raw M4

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1. Make-To-Order 太细, Make-To-Stock 又太粗,能否 Make-To-Customer?

2. 库存管理层面库存地点级别的管理太粗,批次管理又太细,且无法延申到其他业务流程环节?
3. ODM/OEM 制造商同时服务多个大客户,按客户分别做需求预测,同时共用原材料又保持共享?
4. 预测按客户做,但库存 ( 包括成品 ) 却希望完全共享
5. 不同渠道允许的产品包装形式不同,质量等级不同?
6. IC 行业,不同客户接受的芯片版本范围不同( default and valid segment value )
7. 不同区域的产品对于包装 / 额定电压要求不同?
8. 某特定客户的产品需要额外进行表面处理?
9. 库存会不会针对部分客户的需求需要优先满足( Stock Protection )?
10. 库存在某些维度的细分需求是逻辑层面的还是物理层面的?

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What’s Segmentation
Segmentation Definition

SAP Demand and Supply Segmentation is a solution that was originally developed for the fashion industry, allowing
companies to segregate demands, stock and supply elements in individual segments. With segmentation, companies
can fulfill unique requirements of different markets, creating rules to segment the stock using different characteristics,
without increasing the total number of materials, BOMs and routings in the system.

In a B2B world, usually a product is assigned a new identification (new part#/material#) if there is a change to the
form/fit/function. But if the change is minor (no change in form/fit/function), the customer assigns a revision level and
may specify that product revisions are not interchangeable. One solution to solve this business requirement is
Segmentation within S4/HANA that works throughout the supply chain. Segmentation can be used to assign revision
levels and track these revisions (Inventory, Demand, Supply at these revision levels) throughout the logistics processes
from Sales/ Procurement/ Manufacturing and Inventory.

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Segmentation works throughout the whole supply chain

Forecast can be created

Link to Split evaluation at segmentation level
Costing 7 Re Seg Stock Seg 1 Forecast

Segmentation data
specified in item level
Component Selection by
2 Sales
Sales order
order Segmentation based
Segment (Bill of Material) Production
Production order
order6 pricing
Routing Selection by
Segment (Routing)

Stock segmentation Goods
Goods receipt
receipt 5
MRP run base the
specified in
document item
4 Requirement/Stock
Purchasing Order
Order segmentation mapping
Segmentation data
specified in item level
Segmentation based

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Segmentation Type

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What’s the Business Scenarios
Big picture for Business Scenarios

Requirement Segment Stock Segment Production/Procurement
Char1 Char2 Char3 ABA Char4 Char5 Char6
Req1 A B A Req1 Sup1 Sup1 A B A

Req2 ABB
A A B Sup2 A B B
Sup 2 Sup 4
Req3 A A C Req2 Req4 Sup3 A A B
Req4 A A B Sup 3 Sup4 A B B

… … …
Reqn A A C Req3 Reqn Sup n A A C
Sup n

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Business Use Case 1

销售订单与预测的冲销按客户进行 在产品的不同层次决定按客户区分备货的层次
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 销售预测 销售订单
产品 预测 200 300 200 300 200
工厂 A 订单 300 250 300 300 200 成品

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
产品 预测 100 300 100 300 200 半成品 1
工厂 B 订单 200 250 300 200 100
半成品 2 级别库
半成品 2 存细分客户
* 客户作为细分的维度区分需求(预测 / 订单)

原材料 原材料级别库存共享

* 客户作为细分的维度区分需求及供应

某 ODM 厂商,同时服务于多个品牌客户,通过客户提供的预测提前备货,最终产品按客户交付计划交货。
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Business Use Case 2

某牌号型钢共有三家供应商 S1/S2/S3
供货, A 客户只接受 S1 供应商送货,

FG V1 V2 V3 V4

Chip V1 V2 V3 V4

供应商 客户 Die V1 V2 V3 V4

S1 A
Wafer V1 V2 V3 V4
Q195T 型钢 S2
其他 版本 客户
V4 A

* 供应商作为细分的维度区分供应 V3
设计版本 B
V1 C

不同客户 / 区域 / 渠道对相同产品要求细节不同,如指定供应商,包装形式,质量等级或者指定工厂 / 产
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Business Use Case 3

LED 芯片生产出来的芯片波长 / 亮度 / 电压等参数分布在一定范围内,对于指定客户,只有符合条件的


波长 亮度 电压 芯片等级 客户 价格等级

450 – 488 205 – 215 3.0 – 3.3 A X 正品

440 – 449 200 – 204 3.4 – 3.5 B Y 次正品

其他 C Z 不合格

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Segmentation Type(Logical or Physical)

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How’s Segmentation implemented
Standard Condition Tables & Structures
Sales Order
Segmentation Segmentation Segmentation
Characteristic Application MRP
Structure Strategy Assignment
Planned Order
Dimensions Dimensions Material Assignment Production Order
Definition Combination
Segment Definition PO
Planned Independent Requirements Consumption
ATP: Define Pool Segment and Check Level Material Document
Invoice & Billing
Requirement to Stock Conversion
ARun/MRP: Requirement/Stock Allocation
Dependent Requirements/Stock Transfer



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Technical Details

Steps Transactions Content Remarks

1 CT04 Characteristics SGT-SAP-C & Relevance

2 SGTS(SGT_SETUP) Segmentation Structure Assign Characteristics to Segmentation Structure

3 SGTC(SGT_SETUP) Segmentation Strategy 1. Segment Definition

2. Planned Independent Requirements Consumption
3. ATP: Define Pool Segment and Check Level
4. Requirement to Stock Conversion
5. ARun/MRP: Requirement/Stock Allocation
6. Dependent Requirements/Stock Transfer

4 SGT_DEFAULT(SGT_ Default Segment data per documents PO/SO/PR/WO/PIR…

5 MM01(SGT_SETUP) Material Assignment

6 Purchasing Pricing Segmentation Base Pricing

7 Sales Pricing Segmentation Base Pricing

8 CS02 BOM Component Selection by Segment (Bill of Material)

9 CA02 Routing Routing Selection by Segment (Routing)

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Functionality Limitations

 对于某一个供应细分段,优先分配给某需求细分段
 动态细分段定义
 根据细分段决定生产版本 / 供应商
 MD01N -- with segmentation

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