Jameel 6501 Day 5 Mental Health

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Educational Psychology and Guidance

(6501)-Day 5

• Mental Health
• Guidance in Schools

Muhammad Jameel
Concept of Mental health
• "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her
own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to
his or her community“ (WHO)

Criteria of Mentally Health Person

• Adaptability and resilient mind
• Socially adaptable
• Emotionally satisfied
• Desire are in harmony with socially approved goal
• Insight into his own conduct
• Enthusiastic and reasonable
• Good habits
• Philosophy of life
Symptoms of Maladjustment

• Physical symptoms

• Behaviour Deviations

• Emotional Symptoms

• Detection of Maladjustment
Causes of Maladjustment

•Long Sickness and Injury
•Broken home
•Personal Inadequacies
•Parental Attitude
•Emotional Shock
Maladjustments in Schools

• Inadequate Training of Teachers
• Inadequate Curriculum
• Lack of Recreational Facilities
• Classroom Climate
• Relationship between Teacher-
• Examination System
Mental Health in Schools and Home
(For Parents)
Mental Health in Schools
• School Environment
• Democratic Environment
• Provision of Curriculum Activities
• Teachers’ Role
• Freedom of Expression
• Variety of Interests
• Reading for Mental Health
• Classes in Human Relations
• Provision of Moral Education
• Art and Craft
• Guidance
Causes of Techers’ Maladjustment
• Lack of Professional aptitude and Spirit
• Occupational Hazards
• Frequent Criticism
• Restrictions
• Extra Work
• Lack of Social prestige
• Poor Salaries
• High Moral Expectations
• Load of Work
• Lack of recreational facilities
• Relationship among teachers/adminstrators
• Feeling of Cast, Creed and Religion
• Insecurity of Service
Guidance in Schools

Functions of Guidance

Principles of Guidance

Kinds of Guidance

• Individual Assessment

• Individual Counselling

• Group Counselling

• Career Assistance

• Consultation

• Research

• Placement, Follow-up and Referral

How mental Health of the students can be
maintained by the Teacher?

How will you provide guidance and counselling for

your class students?

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