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Educational Psychology and Guidance (6501)

Introduction to Psychology

List of Contents
Derived from Greek words “Psycho” (soul) and “Logos” (science)
Study of Soul------Mind-------Body-------Behaviour
The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
‘Science of behavior and experience’ Skinner
‘Scientific investigation of behavior’ Munn

‘Observe able behavior and experience’ Garrison & others

The Subfields of Psychology
 Clinical psychology
 Cognitive psychology
 Counseling psychology
 Developmental psychology
 Environmental psychology
 Educational psychology
Where do Psychologists work?
 Institutions of higher learning (universities and colleges)
 Self-employed
 AT hospitals, clinics, mental health centers, Counseling
centers, government human-services organizations,
businesses, schools, and even prisons.
 Research
Educational Psychology
Concerned with teaching and learning processes
Concerned topics: Learning theories, teaching
Methods, Motivation, Personality, Intelligence, Cognitive,
Emotional, and Moral development etc.
A Positive science *Applied Science
Behavioral Science *Social Science
Educational Science *Experimental Psychology
Counselling Psychology
Key Concepts of Educational Psychology

 Understanding the meaning of teaching.

 Knowledge of subject (Learners).

 Understanding the Learning process.

 Understanding institutional Strategy

Principles of Educational Psychology
 Growth mindset
 Prior Knowledge
 Practice
 Feedback
 Self-regulation
 Creativity
 Teachers’ Expectations
 Well-being
 Formative and Summative Assessment
Teaching Methods in Educational Psychology

 Teacher Centered

 Audio and Video Aids

 Learning Environment

 Guidance and Counseling

 Mental Health

 Students Characteristics
 Students Characteristics

 Teachers

 Teaching Strategies

 Subject Matters
Development of Human Behavior

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