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Made by : Vandana MFM/11/2098


Perception may be defined as the process of selecting, organizing and interpreting or attaching meaning to events happening in environment. Perception is the mental process used to select, organize and evaluate stimuli from the external environment to mold it into a meaningful experience. Perception is both physical and psychological. It is the processes by which the inputs are received from the environment (stimuli) are selected, analyzed, organized and interpreted and recorded (the recordings can be kept for future use).

Factors influencing Perception




PERCEPTION Physical and Psychological Process Inputs are received from the environment (selected, analyzed, organized, interpreted and recorded)
The recordings are kept for future use. More Broader and Complex

SENSATION Physical Process Data is received through sensory organs like hearing, seeing, touching etc.
The recordings are used immediately. Less Broader and Complex

Factors That Influence Perception

Factors in the situation Time Work setting Social setting Factors in the perceiver Attitudes Motives Interests Experience Expectations Factors in the target Novelty Motion Sounds Size Background Proximity

The perceptual process

Perceptual Process

Stimuli In the form of people, objects, events, information, conversation Receiving Through sensory organs. Recording Through perception (psychological process) Selection of Stimuli External Factors size, contrast, movement etc. (chips packets, big bazaar ads) Internal factors (interest , exp) Organization of Stimuli figure ground, grouping, simplification & closure.

Interpretations & Action

People become judgmental as well and tend to interpret things as good or bad, beautiful or ugly etc.
Actions are the output aspect of perception process. They are in terms of Covert (change in attitudes, feelings etc) & Overt (visible behavior).

Externals Attention Factors

Intensity Size Contrast Repetition Motion Novelty& familiarity

Internal Set Factors

Learning & perception Perceptual set in the workplace Motivation & perception Personality & perception

Perceptual selection
Consumers are often in a state of sensory overload, exposed to too much information and are unable or unwilling to process all of the information at their disposal.
Perceptual selectivity occurs when people attend to only a small portion of the stimuli that they are exposed to.

Perceptual Organization

Whenever people are over loaded with information, they try to simplify it to make it more meaningful and understandable. Simplification helps to make things more understandable because the perceiver has been able to reduce the complexity by eliminating some of the things which are less important.
When faced with incomplete information, people fill up the Gaps themselves to make the information meaningful. This may be done on the basis of past experience, past data or hunches.

Perceptual Organization

Continuity e.g. modifying a new innovation and releasing into the market. Proximity e.g. a family or a formal work team Similarity e.g. all blue-collared workers Perceptual Constancy recognition of a fruit, printed photograph etc. Perceptual Context e.g. gesture of patting the back (home & orgl context) Perceptual Defense - The people have discomfort to receive stimuli which are unpleasant to them hence they adopt defensive posture like denial, modification & distortion, recognition but refusal to change

Perceptual grouping

Closure Continuity Proximity Similarity

Perceptual constancy : It gives a person a sense of stability in a changing worlds. This perception permits the individual to have some constancy in a tremendously variable and highly complex world. Perceptual context : The highest most sophisticated form of perceptual organization context

Perceptual defense

Denial Modification and distortion Change in perception Recognition but refusal to change

Social Perception

Halo Effect - Drawing a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic Stereotyping - Judging someone on the basis of ones perception of the group to which that person belongs. Attributions - Tendency to find a logic for each and every action or behavior by interpreting them as caused by certain factors. First Impression - People evaluate others on the basis of first impression. Impression Management Self Presentation

Impression Management

The process of impression management Impression motivation Impression constructions

Employee impression management strategies

Demotion preventive strategies : Accounts Apologies Dissociation Promotion enhancing strategies Entitlements Enhancements Obstacle disclosures Association

Various impression management tactics

One should be on the look out for high probability impression management Attempt to minimize personal situational and organization features One should look for ulterior motives and avoid being overly influenced

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