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Reading and

Presented by: Ms. Jenesel A. Medio, LPT
• Four Properties of a
Well-written Text

 Organization
 Coherence and
 Language Use
 Mechanics

• Critical Reading and

Its Techniques
Let’s Answer:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
A. 15-18-7-1-14-9-26-1-20-
B. 3-15-8-5-18-5-14-
C. 3-15-8-5-19-9-15-
D. 12-1-14-7-21-1-7-5


E. 13-5-3-8-1-14-9-3-19
A. Organization
B. Coherence
C. Cohesion
D. Language Use

E. Mechanics
Lesson Objectives:
1. Identify the properties of a well-
2. Evaluate written text based on the
identified properties; and
3. Write a well-written text.
A written material or piece of
Well-written Text
A well-structured discourse that
is clearly linked with correct
grammar and lexis.
4 Properties of a Well-written Text

Organizatio Coherence Language

n and Use Mechanic
Also known as arrangement
Structural framework for a writing
Techniques to Achieve Organization

Text Signal Physical

Structure Words Format
A. Text Structure

The framework of a text’s

beginning, middle and end.
3 Major Parts of a Text
Beginning/Introduction Middle/Body End/Conclusion

The lead or This is where The

the hook you elaborate restatement of
your ideas and the thesis and
major points
The great body parts of a snow leopard help it survive in the
mountains. For example, a snow leopard’s paws are like
sandpaper and that helps them not slipping on the deadly rocks
of the mountains. Amazingly, the ears help it hear an animal’s
footsteps from miles away from where the snow leopard is
located. Did you know that a snow leopard's tail helps keep it
from falling? The long tail helps it to balance. Finally, the fur
on a snow leopard's body helps it stay warm in this frigid
habitat. So, all those body parts of a snow leopard help it
survive in the mountains.

Source: Assanosi, A. (2016). Paragraph Organization

B. Signal Words

Textual cues that readers use to

follow a text
Chuck Palahniuk’s novel Fight Club greatly influenced
me as a fictional writer. First, his use of the unreliable
narrator fascinated me, and I have written similar
characters in my works. Second, the theme of
patriarchal oppression can also be found in the stories I
write. Third, the novel’s stunning twist is something
that I have been trying to recreate. Thus, I am
extremely grateful to have encountered Palahniuk’s
genius early in my writing career.
C. Physical Format

How the text physically appears

Marxist ideology has three main theories.
Historical materialism purports that all the
features of society can be historically traced
back to economic activity. Social class in
capitalist societies is what produces unjust
structures of power that exist today.
Socialism would be the next rational step for
the development of human society.
•Forgetting to capitalize the first word

•Listing things out of order

•Mixing partial sentences with single words

Coherence And Cohesion
Coherence – refers to the overall
sense of unity in a text
Cohesion – connection of ideas in a
sentence level
How to achieve coherence

and cohesion in a text?

A. Arrangement of Details
1. Chronological Order
2. Spatial Order
3. Logical Order
1. Chronological
The details are arranged in the
order in which they happen
One day Nasreddin went to town to buy new clothes. First he tried on a pair of
trousers. He didn't like the trousers, so he gave them back to the shopkeeper. Then he
tried a robe which had the same price as the trousers. Nasreddin was pleased with the
robe, and he left the shop. Before he climbed on his donkey to ride home, the
shopkeeper and the shop-assistant ran out.

"You didn't pay for the robe!" said the shopkeeper.

"But I gave you the trousers in exchange for the robe, didn't I?" replied Nasreddin.

"Yes, but you didn't pay for the trousers, either!" said the shopkeeper.

"But I didn't buy the trousers," replied Nasreddin. "I am not so stupid as to pay for
something which I never bought".
2. Spatial Order

The details are arranged according

to geographical location
Attached to my bedroom wall is a small wooden rack dangling with red
and turquoise necklaces that shimmer as you enter. Just to the right of
the rack is my window, framed by billowy white curtains. The peace of
such an image is a stark contrast to my desk, which sits to the right of
the window, layered in textbooks, crumpled papers, coffee cups, and an
overflowing ashtray. Turning my head to the right, I see a set of two
bare windows that frame the trees outside the glass like a 3D painting.
Below the windows is an oak chest from which blankets and scarves are
protruding. Against the wall opposite the billowy curtains is an antique
dresser, on top of which sits a jewelry box and a few picture frames. A
tall mirror attached to the dresser takes up most of the wall, which is the
color of lavender.
3. Logical Order

The details are arranged

depending on the information’s
level of importance
The most important reason for recycling is to
reduce waste and preserve our environment.
Furthermore, recycling helps conserve natural
resources such as trees, water, and minerals.
Recycling also creates jobs and stimulates the
economy. Finally, recycling is easy and
convenient, and everyone can contribute to a
cleaner, healthier planet.
B. Signal Devices
1. Transitions
2. Repetition
3. Synonym
4. Pronoun
1. Transitions

Words that connect one idea to

2. Repetition

A word, a phrase or a full sentence

repeated to highlight its

a. The president said, “Work, work

and work,” are the keys to success.

b. If you think you can make it, you

can make it.
3. Synonyms

words similar in meaning

Hot – Scorching
Poor – Destitute
Quiet – Silent
Tired – Exhausted
Ugly – Hideous
Evil – Wicked
Weak – Feeble
4. Pronouns

words that connect to the the

original word the pronoun replace
"My favourite colour is blue. I'm
calm and relaxed. In the summer I
lie on the grass and look up."

Coherent but not cohesive

"My favourite colour is blue. Blue sports cars
go very fast. Driving in this way is dangerous
and can cause many car crashes. I had a car
accident once and broke my leg. I was very
sad because I had to miss a holiday in Europe
because of the injury."

Cohesive but not coherent

"My favourite colour is blue. I
like it because it is calming and it relaxes me. I
often go outside in the summer and lie on the
grass and look into the clear sky when I
am stressed. For this reason, I'd have to say
my favourite colour is blue."

Cohesive and coherent

Language Use
 Refers to the appropriateness of
word or vocabulary usage
Characteristics of Effective Language

01 02 03

Concrete Concise Familiar

and Specific
Characteristics of Effective Language

01 02

e Appropriately
1. Concrete and Specific

❌ The student enjoyed the class.

✅ Rhea enjoyed Mr. Ricaplaza’s 8:00
a.m. Science class.
2. Concise
❌ Leah believed but could not verify
that James had feelings of affection for
✅Leah assumed that James adored her.
3. Familiar
❌ After our perusal of pertinent data,
the conclusion is that a lucrative market
exists for the subject property.
✅The data we studied show that your
property is profitable and in high
4. Constructive
❌ The problem is…
✅The challenge is…
❌ What you do not understand is…
✅Let me explain in a different way.
❌ It is not my problem.
✅How can I help?
5. Appropriately formal
Very Formal Formal Informal

Exceedingly large segments A large number of A lot of people are

of the population are consumers are unhappy with their
expressing their discontent complaining about doctors who only seem to
with medical practitioners medical doctors who are care about how much
who appear to be more
engrossed in amassing
apparently more money they make and
financial assets than in interested in making not giving their patients
providing efficacious care to money than in providing good care.
people with health effective health care.
 Conventions that have to be
considered in writing.
Conventions in Writing

01 02 03

Spelling Capitalizatio Punctuation

1. Spelling
American Spelling British Spelling
airplane aeroplane
anesthesia anaesthesia
learned learnt
traveled travelled
aging ageing
2. Capitalization
Proper Nouns Arthur, Davao City
Proper Adjectives Chinese, Filipino
Days of the Week Monday, Tuesday
Months of the Year January, March
Specific Course Title Reading and Writing,
Physical Science
Historical Periods, Events Great Depression, the
3. Punctuation

Directions. Write a 200-word

three-paragraph essay about
the “Most Important Lesson
you’ve Learned in Life”. Make
sure to incorporate the four
properties of a well-written
Resource page

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