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Diadynamic currents are a type of low-frequency pulsed sinusoidal currents that are
composed of two components: direct current and alternating current.
The direct current component is called the basis, while the alternating current component is
called the dose.
These currents are used in electrotherapy and have been found to have combined effects of
both types of currents, especially induction of hyperemia and analgesia.
They were first introduced by Pierre Bernard nearly 70 years ago.
Diadynamic currents are half or full wave rectified sinusoidal currents with a duration of 10 ms.
They are also known as Bernard’s currents based on a sine wave with a frequency of 50Hz
It is a variation of sinusoidal currents. Sinusoidal currents are alternating low-frequency
currents, having a frequency of 50 Hz and pulse duration of 10 msec, providing 100 stimuli/sec.
There are six different types of currents, each used for different purposes.
I. MF (Monophase): Half-wave rectified alternating current, with a frequency of 50 Hz. The primary
effect of this type of current is muscle stimulation
II. DF (Diphase): Full-wave rectified alternating current, with a frequency of 50 Hz. This primarily affects
the autonomic nervous system by lowering the increased sympathetic tone.
III. SP (short-period): It involves a sudden alternation of MF and DF currents. The patient senses the
abrupt change between the tensing MF and relaxing DF currents.
IV. LP (long-period): It includes a 10-sec phase of MF, followed by a 5-sec phase of DF, in which peak
intensity is varied with a frequency to rise and then fall.
V. RS (Syncopal Rhythm): It comprises a 1-sec phase of MF, followed by a 1-sec rest phase. This type of
current is used for the electrical stimulus of the muscles
VI. MM (Modulated monophase): Bernard does not list it as a logical extension of his currents. In the
MM the RS is gradually reduced in a stepwise fashion. Like the RS, the MM is suited for the treatment
of muscular atrophies, but the faradic excitability of the particular muscles must be maintained
The main effect is pain relief through:
 Pain masking (increase of the stimulation threshold): By DF current, stimulation of the sensory
nerves may not always cause excitation but it can be altered.
 Vasodilatation and hyperemia: Due to release of histamine in the tissues. The same can occur
in deeper structures by reflex activity.
 Muscle fibres stimulation: Didynamic current stimulates the muscle fibres, causing muscle
contraction. CP and LP currents stimulate increased blood flow to the muscle and reduce
 Stimulation of vibration sense: This leads to central masking of pain sensation.
Didynamic stimulation causes relief of pain and edema in the following conditions:
- Soft tissue injury (sprains, strain, contusion and epicondylitis).
- Joint disorders (post-immobilization and arthritis).
- Circulatory disorders (Raynaud's disease and migraine).
- Peripheral nerve disorders (neuralgia and sciatic neuritis).
* Open skin: The current tends to concentrate at this point; Vaseline can insulate small broken
* Bony areas: It may produce burn.
* Loss of sensation: It can produce burn.
* Skin lesions: Eczema fungi can be irritated and made worse.
* Infections: It may cause the spreading of infection.
* Thrombosis.
* Cardiac pacemakers.
* Superficial metal.
* Intensity: It should be increased gradually until a definite vibration or prickling sensation
* Duration: Not more than 12 minutes; each type for 3 minutes.
* Frequency: Daily or every other day for 12 sessions.
DF: It is used for the initial treatment and before application of other currents. The patient feels a
prickling sensation, which subsides after a short time.
MF: The patient feels a strong vibration for a longer time than the sensation of DF. It is used for the
treatment of pain without muscle spasms.
CP: In DF phase, there are fine tremors in the MF phase (strong and constant vibration). There are
rhythmic contractions, being used for the treatment of traumatic pain.
LP: It has a long-lasting analgesic effect. It is used with a combination of CP in the treatment of
RS: It can be used for faradic stimulation of the muscle and as a test for motor nerve excitability.
Diadynamic currents are a type of electrotherapy used in physical therapy to treat pain and muscle
spasms. The two electrodes are placed along the course of the peripheral nerve where the nerve is
superficial. The treatment usually lasts 10-20 days.
• Pain spot application: The two electrodes are applied as a bipolar technique with the anode applied
over the pain spot and the cathode adjacent to it.
• Nerve Trunk application: The two electrodes are placed along the course of the peripheral nerve
where the nerve is superficial.
• Para-vertebral application: The electrodes may be applied on both sides of the spine at the level of the
nerve root supplying the painful area.
• Vasotropic application: The electrodes are applied along the vascular paths affected in the circulatory
• Trans-regional application: to treat a joint, electrodes are positioned on opposite sides of the joint.

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