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Requirement Analysis in Requirement Engineering

● Definition of Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis is the systematic process of identifying, interpreting, and documenting

the needs, expectations, and constraints of stakeholders regarding a particular system, product,
or project. It involves gathering, understanding, and refining requirements to ensure that they are
clear, complete, and feasible.
● Importance in Requirement Engineering

Understanding Stakeholder Needs

Defining Project Scope

Reducing Risks and Uncertainties

What is Requirement Analysis?
● The process of gathering and interpreting requirements from stakeholders.
● Understanding the needs, constraints, and goals of the project.
● Translating high-level requirements into detailed specifications.
Various techniques of
Requirement Analysis
Structured Analysis (SA):

● SA focuses on decomposing a system into smaller, manageable

components and defining their interactions.
● It employs techniques like Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) and
Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) to model system
processes and data flow.
● SA emphasizes a top-down approach, starting with the overall
system view and gradually refining it into smaller modules.
Data-Oriented Analysis (DOA):

● DOA centers around understanding and modeling the data

requirements of a system.
● It involves identifying data entities, attributes, and relationships
between them.
● Techniques such as Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) and
normalization are used to organize and represent data structures
Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA):

● OOA models a system as a collection of interacting objects,

each encapsulating data and behavior.
● It emphasizes identifying objects, their attributes, methods,
and relationships.
● Class diagrams, object diagrams, and sequence diagrams are
commonly used to visualize object interactions.
Prototype-Oriented Analysis (POA):

● POA involves building prototypes or mockups of the system to gather

feedback from stakeholders and validate requirements.
● It allows stakeholders to visualize the proposed solution early in the
development process and provide input for refinement.
● Prototyping fosters iterative development and collaboration between
developers and stakeholders.
Objectives of Requirement Analysis
● To identify and understand stakeholders' needs.
● To define the scope and boundaries of the project.
● To prioritize requirements based on their importance.
● To identify potential risks and challenges.
● To establish a common understanding among stakeholders.
Stakeholder Identification
● Who are the stakeholders involved in the project?
● Identifying their roles, responsibilities, and expectations.
● Understanding their needs and preferences.
Gathering Requirements

Techniques for gathering requirements:

● Interviews
● Surveys
● Workshops
● Observations
● Document Analysis
Requirements Documentation

● Documenting requirements in a clear and structured

● Using tools like Use Case Diagrams, User Stories, and
Requirement Specifications.
● Ensuring traceability between requirements and
Analyzing Requirements

● Reviewing requirements for consistency,

completeness, and feasibility.
● Resolving conflicts and contradictions.
● Prioritizing requirements based on their importance
and impact on the project.
Requirements Validation

● Validating requirements with stakeholders to ensure

they meet their needs.
● Using techniques like prototyping and simulation.
● Confirming that requirements are achievable within
Managing Changes

● Establishing a process for handling changes to

● Documenting changes and assessing their impact
on the project.
● Ensuring that changes are communicated to all
Tools for Requirement Analysis

● Requirement Management Software

● Collaboration Tools
● Prototyping Tools
● Simulation Software
Best Practices
● envolve stakeholders throughout the requirement analysis
● Document requirements in a clear and concise manner.
● Use multiple techniques for gathering requirements.
● Prioritize requirements based on their importance and impact.
● Validate requirements with stakeholders before moving
● Requirement Analysis is a critical phase in Requirement
● It ensures that the project meets stakeholders' needs and
● By following best practices and using appropriate tools,
requirement analysis can lead to successful project outcomes.

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