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Resources and Commodities Project

Choose one of the following resources/commodities and complete a

presentation. This is not an oral presentation, you will be submitting either, a
slideshow, movie, pamphlet, etc. You can choose the method you use as long
as you complete the questions below.

o r H u m an Blood
Animal Iron
Beef (Ca Ivory
Biofuels Lithium
r-sof t or hardwood
Coal Lumbe
Coffee Oil
e r pr ec ious gems
Coltan O th
ys, sapphire
s, ru b
Copper s (emerald
un t erf e it Product etc)
fs) Phosphoru
Diamond Water
de the F o ll o wing:
Incl u

1. What is your resource/commodity?

2. Where can it be found? Where is the majority of it located globally?
3. What type of resources is it? Natural or Man made renewable or non renewable
4. What is it used for or what is its purpose?
5. Is there a large supply of it?
6. Has there been any damage or long term issues due to harvesting/mining/extracting this item?
7. Has there ever been conflict over it? Or could there be conflict over it? Explain.
8. Are there laws in place in Canada or Globally that protect the resource or the country it is located in?
9. Include at least 5 images
10. Find 3 forms of media about your resource/commodity.
a. Provide a link to the source
b. Summarize it
c. How does it relate to Global Geography

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