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dr. Primalia Rosyidah H

Factors that can
influence the
composition and
function of the human
gut microbiota

Quigley, E. Gut microbiome as a clinical tool in gastrointestinal disease management: are we there yet?. Nat Rev
Gastroenterol Hepatol 14, 315–320 (2017).
Gut Microbiota in Health-

Quigley, E. Gut microbiome as a clinical tool in gastrointestinal disease management: are we there yet?. Nat Rev
Gastroenterol Hepatol 14, 315–320 (2017).
GUT Microbiota in Health- innate immunity
Probiotik berinteraksi dengan sel
epitel usus, melalui sitokin dan

Sel epitel usus mengaktiifkan

system imun mukosa (IgA) pada
usus, bronchus dan kelenjar
mammae, aktivasi Treg (IL-10)
Prebiotik meningkatkan produksi
musin usus, modulasi microbiota
usus dengan menjaga
keseimbangan dan menekan

Probiotik meregulasi interaksi

epitel usus dan makrofag,
melalui sel dendritik tanpa
memicu reaksi inflamasi

Maldonado Galdeano C, Cazorla SI, Lemme Dumit JM, Vélez E, Perdigón G. Beneficial Effects of Probiotic Consumption on the Immune System. Ann Nutr Metab.
2019;74(2):115-124. doi: 10.1159/000496426. Epub 2019 Jan 23. PMID: 30673668.
regulation of host
metabolism via gut
hormone release

Martin AM, Sun EW, Rogers GB, Keating DJ. The Influence of the Gut Microbiome on Host Metabolism Through the Regul
of Gut Hormone Release. Front Physiol. 2019 Apr 16;10:428. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00428. PMID: 31057420; PM
Microbial signaling to enteroendocrine cells.
Resident microbiota within the intestinal
lumen signal to enteroendocrine (EE) cells via
multiple pathways. Firstly, microbiota convert
indigestible carbohydrates to short chain fatty
acids (SCFA), which in turn signal to EE cells
via free fatty acid receptors 2 or 3 (FFAR2/3)
or by activation of nuclear histone deacetylases
(HDAC). Secondly, microbiota convert primary
(1°) bile acids to secondary (2°) bile acids, such
as deoxycholate, which then signal to EE cells
via the membrane G protein-coupled bile acid
receptor, TGR5, or nuclear FXR. Finally,
structural components of microbiota, such as
flagella, and the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide
(LPS), signal to toll-like receptors (TLRs).

Martin AM, Sun EW, Rogers GB, Keating DJ. The Influence of the Gut Microbiome on Host Metabolism Through the Regul
of Gut Hormone Release. Front Physiol. 2019 Apr 16;10:428. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00428. PMID: 31057420; PM
Gut Microbiota
– Brain – Liver –
Lung Axis

Ding JH, Jin Z, Yang XX, Lou J, Shan WX, Hu YX, Du Q, Liao QS, Xie R, Xu JY. Role of gut microbiota via the gut-liver-brain axis in digestive diseases. World J Gastroenterol. 2020 Oct
28;26(40):6141-6162. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v26.i40.6141. PMID: 33177790; PMCID: PMC7596643.

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