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By Nishtha saini
The process of conversion of complex
food substance to simple absorbable
form is called digestion
Parts of the body that supports
the digestive system

• Mouth , salivary glands, esophagus,

stomach, small intestine,
large intestine, liver ,pancreas,
gallbladder, colon, anus chemical
digestion and mechanical digestion.
Digestion process is starting from the
Mouth help to break down the food
which help in digest of the body
The mouth produce saliva which hel
To break down the chemical in the
food and easy to swallow
Produce saliva Which keep
the mouth moist
Help breakdown
Lubricate the passage of
Food down From the
esophagus to stomach.
O eso p h ag u s
It is located in the upper left portion
of the abdomen cavity and has 4
major parts cardiac portion into
which the esophagus open a fundic
region body and pyloric portion
which open to the first part of the
small intestine.
• Absorb about 90% of
nutrient from the body
• Small intestine located in
the body where the
majority of nutrient
from ingestion food are
Large intestine
Performing a vital task for
observing water and vitamins and
converted digested food into waste
Liver player role in digestive system to
produce Bile

Fats made up the bile turn the large

columns of fat into smaller pieces that
have more surface area and their four
easier for the body to digest
• It is a compound both exocrine and endocrine
glands it is elongated organs situated between the
limbs of the c shape duodenum the exocrine part of
the pancreas secretes alkaline pancreatic juice
contain various enzyme while the endocrine part
secrete hormone insulin pancreas has two duct
within it the first is duct of Santorini which is
accessory or non functional opening directly into the
duodenum other duct of wirsung which is functions
and combined with bile duct to form common
hepatopancreatic duct
Gall bladder
• gallbladder is a small,
pear-shaped organ that
stores and releases bile.
Bile is the fluid of liver
produces that helps
digest fats in the food .
• The colon is also known as the
large bowel or large intestine. It
is an organ that is part of the
digestive system (also called the
digestive tract) in the human
body. The digestive system is
the group of organs that allow
to eat and to use the food we
eat to fuel our bodies.
The anus is the end of the
gastrointestinal tract. of body feels
the urge to have a bowel movement
when nerves in the muscles of the
Anus rectum and the anus signal that the
rectum is full. The muscles of the
internal anal sphincter relax and the
poop moves from the rectum into
the anal canal.
• Chemical digestion occurs
when the body uses enzymes
to break down certain
molecules, such as
carbohydrates. This process
allows the bloodstream to
absorb smaller molecules to
transport around the body.
• Mechanical digestion
begins in the mouth
when a person chews
their food. It then
continues in the
stomach with
churning and mixing
actions that break the
Difference between
chemical or mechanical

• Both mechanical and chemical

digestion are important for the
body to extract nutrients from
food. Mechanical digestion
increases the surface area of food,
making it easier for enzymes to
break down. Chemical digestion
breaks down food into smaller
molecules that can be absorbed by
the body.
How the digestive system affect
the body system

• The digestive system breaks down food

into simple nutrients such as
carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These
can then be absorbed into the blood, so
The body can use them for energy,
growth and repair. Anything that isn’t
used is waste, and leaves the body as
Effect of outside environment
factor on the digestive system

• Homeostasis of gastrointestinal
microorganisms is threatened by
many external factors, the most
important of them include heat stress,
psychological stress, environment
(e.g. maintenance systems) and diet.
. • Thank you 😊😊

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