Public Relation (Final)

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By:- Paresh Patil, Nikhil Bhandari, Mukul Mehta, Manish Chaudhary, Prince Poswal & Prince Raj
● “A strategic management function that adds value to an organization by helping it
to manage its reputation.” -The Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

● Public Relations (PR) refers to the strategic communication process that organizations
use to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with various stakeholders,
including the public, media, customers, employees, investors, and the community at large.

● In marketing management, Public Relations (PR) plays a crucial role in shaping brand
perception, managing communication strategies, and maintaining a positive brand image.

Building Relationships Storytelling

Creating and maintaining relationships with Crafting narratives to share important messages
stakeholders through effective communication. and information with the public.
Tata Group:
Tata Group, has consistently employed
PR strategies to maintain a positive
image and communicate its initiatives
effectively. One standout aspect of Tata's
PR efforts is its commitment to corporate
social responsibility (CSR). The Tata
Trusts, have undertaken numerous
philanthropic initiatives across India,
focusing on education, healthcare,
rural development, and more. These
initiatives not only benefit society but
also enhance the group's reputation and
Media Relations:
01 Managing relationships with journalists,
bloggers, and media outlets to secure
positive coverage and manage the
organization's public image through
earned media.
Purpose: Influence public perception
through media channels.

Example :
Netflix's Media Engagements - Netflix
strategically collaborates with media
outlets, journalists, and influencers to
promote new content releases. They
provide early access to shows and engage
in media interviews, generating buzz and
positive coverage.
Government Relations (Public Affairs): Example :
02 Uber's Public Policy Engagement -
Managing interactions with government
bodies, policymakers, and legislative Uber engages in public policy
institutions to influence public policy and discussions and regulatory matters in
regulatory decisions. various countries to advocate for
Purpose: Advocate for the organization's ridesharing regulations that favour their
interests in government policies. business model.

Investor Relations: Example :

Facilitating communication between a Disney's Shareholder Meetings -
company and its investors or shareholders to Disney's annual shareholder meetings and
ensure transparency and disseminate financial comprehensive financial reports serve to
information. engage investors, offering insights into the
Purpose: Maintain a positive relationship company's performance and future plans.
with investors and attract potential
Community Relations: Example :
04 Nike's Brand Campaigns - Nike's
Engaging with local communities,
supporting social causes, and campaigns often focus on empowerment,
participating in community initiatives athleticism, and breaking barriers. Their
to build positive relationships. ads featuring athletes from diverse
Purpose: Enhance the organization's backgrounds align with their brand values
standing and goodwill within of determination and achievement.

Corporate Communications: Example :

Focusing on internal and external LEGO's Community Engagement
communications to convey a consistent LEGO engages with fans and
corporate message and maintain the communities through events, online
organization's reputation. forums, and partnerships, nurturing
Purpose: Align internal and external a strong community around its
messaging to reflect the company's values brand.
and goals.
Supporting Product Launches: Creating Awareness:
Before and during product It helps in creating awareness
launches, PR generates buzz, and understanding about a
creates anticipation, and brand, product, service, or
provides information to the individual, ensuring that the
public and media, maximizing public has a clear understanding
the impact of the launch. of what's being represented.

Influencing Opinion: Driving Engagement:

It aims to influence public Engaging with the
opinion in favour of the Corporate Social Responsibility audience is crucial. PR
organization or individual (CSR): Communicating the helps in initiating and
by communicating company's CSR initiatives and maintaining two-way
messages effectively. commitments to social causes, communication, and
demonstrating a sense of organizing interactive
responsibility and contributing events.
positively to society.
Financial Communication: Crisis Communication:
To ensure transparent and Handling negative publicity or
effective communication with crises effectively to protect the
the financial community, brand's reputation and minimize
including shareholders, analysts, the impact on consumer
and investors, to convey the perceptions.
company's financial
performance and strategies.
Supporting Sales Objectives: Market Expansion and
PR activities can complement Penetration: Using PR
sales efforts by creating a Managing Reputation: to support market
favourable environment, PR works to protect, enhance, and entry strategies,
influencing customer decisions, maintain a positive reputation for the penetrate new
and generating leads or entity it represents. This involves markets, and increase
inquiries. crisis management, addressing the company's
negative publicity, and promoting visibility and
positive stories. acceptance in diverse

Event Management :​ Example:

Organizing and executing events to promote Elon Musk's active engagement on
the brand, products, or causes, fostering platforms like Twitter serves as a unique
relationships and generating publicity.​ form of media relations. His direct
Activities: Planning and executing events communication with the public and media
such as product launches, sponsorships, and often shapes the narrative around Tesla and
industry conferences.​ its products.

Crisis Management: Example :

It means handling and mitigating the impact of Airbnb navigated the challenges posed by
crises or negative events that could harm the the pandemic by implementing flexible
organization's reputation. cancellation policies, offering support to
Activities: Developing crisis communication hosts and guests, and communicating
plans, providing timely and transparent proactively about safety measures, which
information, and managing the organization's helped manage the crisis effectively.
response during emergencies.

Stakeholder Relations: Example: Tesla's Engaged Community -

Building and nurturing relationships with Tesla has a passionate community of
various stakeholders, including customers, supporters, including customers,
investors, employees, government bodies, and shareholders, and advocates who actively
industry influencers. engage with the brand, providing feedback
Activities: Engaging stakeholders through and promoting the company.
tailored communications, addressing their
concerns, and maintaining a positive rapport.
Example: Starbucks-
Social Media Management: They encourage customers to share their
Leveraging digital platforms to engage with Starbucks experiences using hashtags like
the audience, manage the brand's online #Starbucks or #StarbucksRewards. They
presence, and respond to feedback. engage in conversations, share user-
Activities: Creating content, engaging with generated content, and respond to customer
followers, addressing inquiries, and feedback, building a sense of community
monitoring online conversations. around their brand.
Internal Communications: PR​
• Purpose: Facilitating effective
communication within the organization to
align employees with the company's
goals, values, and objectives.
• Activities: Internal newsletters, intranet
communications, organizing town hall
meetings, and facilitating feedback

Example 1: IBM
They have "Think Academy," an online
learning platform, and internal social
networking tools for collaboration and
information sharing.
Successful Public Relation
Magnum's "Pleasure Patrol":
In 2013, Magnum, a premium ice cream brand,
launched the "Pleasure Patrol" campaign in India.
The campaign aimed to position Magnum as a
luxurious and indulgent treat. They organized
events and promotions in major cities, creating an
aura of exclusivity and luxury around the brand.

What made it successful?

Celebrity Endorsements: They collaborated
with Bollywood celebrities and influencers,
leveraging their star power to associate the brand
with luxury and indulgence.
Social Media Engagement: The campaign
utilized social media to engage consumers,
encouraging them to share their Magnum
experiences online, amplifying the brand's reach
and visibility.
Successful Public Relation
Dettol's "Banega Swachh India": What made it successful?
Dettol, a leading hygiene brand, launched the Partnerships and Collaborations:
"Banega Swachh India" campaign in Dettol collaborated with media
collaboration with NDTV in 2014. The campaign outlets, NGOs, and government
aimed to raise awareness about sanitation and bodies to amplify the campaign's
hygiene practices across India, emphasizing the reach and impact.
need for cleanliness to prevent diseases. Educational Initiatives: The
campaign included educational
programs and initiatives to educate
people, especially in rural areas,
about the importance of hygiene and
Celebrity Endorsement: It roped in
influential personalities to lend their
support and credibility to the cause,
engaging a wider audience.
Unsuccessful Public Relation
1. Pepsi's Protest Ad:
In 2017, Pepsi faced criticism for an ad featuring What Happened:
Kendall Jenner that attempted to portray unity by Backlash: The ad was widely
handing a Pepsi can to a police officer during a panned for its insensitive portrayal
protest, but it backfired them. of social movements, with
accusations of using activism for
commercial gain.

Apology: Pepsi quickly withdrew

the ad and issued an apology,
acknowledging the mistake and
expressing regret for missing the
mark in addressing sensitive
Unsuccessful Public Relation
2. Amazon's Working Conditions Criticism:
Amazon has faced ongoing criticism regarding
the working conditions in its warehouses and
treatment of employees, including reports of
work environments, insufficient breaks, and
issues related to employee safety.

What Happened:
Media Exposes: Several media outlets
published investigations and reports highlighting
alleged harsh working conditions, which led to
debates on labour practices.
Responses and Reforms: Amazon responded
by defending its practices but also introduced
changes such as raising minimum wages and
improving safety measures in response to the

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