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Project Title -Steganography in Action

[Student Name ]

06/12/2024 Annual Review 1


 Steganography - Hiding Data in Images

06/12/2024 Annual Review 2

Project Description
Steganography is the art and science of concealing information within digital
media such as images, audio files, or videos, without visibly altering the original
content. In this digital age, with the rise of data privacy concerns and the need
for secure communication channels, steganography plays a crucial role in
ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information.

Objective: The objective of this project is to develop an efficient

steganographic system that can embed secret data within digital images while
maintaining the integrity and imperceptibility of the original image.

06/12/2024 Annual Review 3


 Any user who want to send the

data securely like website end user,
mobile end user , customer ,
developer etc…

06/12/2024 Annual Review 4

Technology Used
 Cryptography

 Encryption

 Decryption

 Python

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[Add screen shots of your code ]

[Add separate screen shots of your output in

separate slide ]

Your project demo Link - ( Keep

your all files related to project onto
github or googledrive and paste the
link of it here )

Demo Link
06/12/2024 Annual Review 6
Thank you

. .

06/12/2024 Annual Review 7

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