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• Characteristics
• Principal satellites
• Magnetosphere
• In culture

• Jupiter is the fifth planet and the biggest of the Solar
System. It´s a gas giant more than 2 and a half times
bigger than the other planets of the Solar System.
• It also has a brown storm called the Great Red Spot. It´s a
giant collection of clouds that can push you at a velocity
of 400 miles per hour.
• Jupiter has the immense amount
of 79 natural satellites, 60 of
these have less than 10 km in
diameter. The most famous are
the ones that were discovered by
Galileo: Io, Europa, Ganymede
and Callisto.
• Its magnetic field reaches between 3
and 7 million kilometres towards the
Sun. While, in the opposite direction,
the magnetic field covers 750 million
kilometres until it reaches the Sun.
In culture
• Jupiter is known by this name for the
Romans, but for the Greeks it´s Zeus.
Its size and being the first planet to
form of the Solar System makes this
planet to be similar to the
characteristics of the kings of the
ancient gods.
The end :)

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